Originally Posted by Thug Bubbles
I like you, Dodger, but man do I disagree with almost all of this. Luke doesn't stay connected to the internet 24/7 (literally) and write immediate post-fight articles because he doesn't like MMA. He also didn't give a shout-out to Conor's Curu Curu guard sweep against Diaz because he's ignorant.
I don't care to simply watch any two dudes fight. I put more value in elite competition. Luke and I are MMA fans just like you, homie.
Luke is basically a beer snob. When you get deep enough into something, you find your interest zeroing in while having less and less patience for anything outside that.
Ignorant may have been the wrong word choice but he's condescending to fans of the sport he covers. I mean sure, if you want to rap on Kimbo vs Shamrock obviously feel free. But he basically calls most undercard fighters 'just two donks'
The other stuff he does because it's his job. That's the point. I've listened to him speak for hundreds of hours. I said 'at times' because I'll stop listening for a stretch but then I'll pick it back up, just depends on my activity level and need for pods mainly. Same with MMA Beat. I'll rarely listen to Ariel as a counter-example, that's just interviews ftmp. Luke does indeed love grappling.
I'm not sure he's into the violence per se. Like I said, I identify more with Breen. I listen and read Thomas because I do like to hear alternative views, that's why I said he has takes (strong opinions).
I'm not like Eddie Bravo where I want them to
just bleed but there's a satisfaction in watching a man go out.