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Let's Discuss Podcasts Let's Discuss Podcasts

04-29-2008 , 04:06 PM
Second This American Life and PTI.

The Onion Radio News: Short and Hilarious

NBC Nightly News: Video news podcast I sometime watch on my commute to work.

60 second Science and 60 Second Psych: Quick and interesting snippets from developments in the world of science and psychology.

Max-out radio: Good podcast on nutrition and fitness, with some cool interviews.
04-29-2008 , 04:42 PM
Sports - I've been listen to Bill Simmons a lot during the NFL season and around the draft & combine etc. Fun podcast with a lot of good discussions and guests, even if it is highly Boston-centric.
05-05-2008 , 07:59 PM

Radio Lab is one of the best produced radio shows I've heard from NPR. Very interesting science topics discussed in original ways. Worth a listen.
05-09-2008 , 01:51 PM
Nobody Likes Onions heads and tails better than keith and the girl, imho. Also they are poker players and will occasionally have poker stories.

Skeptoid in addition to Skeptics Guide to the Universe

If anyone likes mashups then I would suggest mashuptown. They update several times a week and most of the mashs are pretty decent.
02-28-2009 , 12:12 PM
CBC's "search engine" 20 min or so about internet issues and regulation, etc. Outstanding. TED podcasts are also very thought provoking. Also look forward to Dan Carlins two podcasts when they come out.
02-28-2009 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by Jay Riall
<Standard Ricky Gervais Show plug here>

Most downloaded podcast of all time. Need I say more?
I just downloaded all the episodes and don't know how I didn't sooner. These are absolutely brilliant.
02-28-2009 , 12:49 PM
This American Life and Radio Lab are outstanding, easily my favorite podcasts. Some other ones I like:

You Look Nice Today - 3 dudes talking about nothing without a script. Consistantly very funny. I'm excited whenever a new episode comes out.
Planet Money - After the success and popularity of the This American Life episodes explaining the subprime and banking crises, NPR created Planet Money as a spinoff podcast.
The Adam Carolla Podcast - Just started, but he's posting 5 times a week. I didn't like the Man Show or Crank Yankers but I'm enjoying his podcast - he's a pretty funny guy.
A Life Well Wasted - Videogames. One episode so far, about the rise and fall of EGM. It was posted in January. I hope they keep making them.
Skeptic's Guide - Mentioned previously
TEDTalks -
Jordan, Jesse, Go - Just two dudes in their 20s shooting the ****. Moderately funny, but kinda rambly like the skeptic's guide.
02-28-2009 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by MikeyPatriot
I just downloaded all the episodes and don't know how I didn't sooner. These are absolutely brilliant.
You have only scratched the surface. There are hundreds and hundreds of hours of XFM shows to listen to (as well as lots of random podcasts the guys did).
03-04-2009 , 12:39 PM
For something a little out there, Ken Nordine's Word Jazz is an hour a week.

It's kind of spoken word/poetry set to bizarre music. Definitely not for everyone.
here's a standard piece from him:
03-05-2009 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Jay Riall
Sports - I've been listen to Bill Simmons a lot during the NFL season and around the draft & combine etc. Fun podcast with a lot of good discussions and guests, even if it is highly Boston-centric.

Also listen to the BS report. I like his perspective on sports, and laugh at most of his pop culture references.

For soccer, I enjoy listening to World Soccer Daily. Every weekday, a little less than two hours. I usually only listen to it on Monday, or days after a big event (Champions League, etc.), cause 2 hours a day is pretty long.
03-07-2009 , 08:33 PM
b.s report is good stuff. seems like he's podcasting more than writing these days.

also really like the dan patrick show. guy gets the biggest name in sports and is funny.
03-09-2009 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Not_In_My_Name
<Standard Ricky Gervais Show plug here>

Most downloaded podcast of all time. Need I say more?

not any more...

adam carolla became the new king in one day.
03-11-2009 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by Made1
CBC's "search engine" 20 min or so about internet issues and regulation, etc. Outstanding. TED podcasts are also very thought provoking. Also look forward to Dan Carlins two podcasts when they come out.
I play a weekly home game with jesse brown, host of search engine. smart funny guy. good podcast and conversation. not very good at poker though.
03-15-2009 , 03:28 AM
for movie fans
creative screenwriting movie podcasts
03-16-2009 , 11:08 AM
Free Talk Live - Podcast version of their radio show. Wide ranging call in show with a focus on liberty. A lot of Free State Project stuff too. Two hours a day, six days a week.

Gamers With Jobs - Videogames and some boardgame info. Hour and a half per week.

Wreckless Media Radio - Immature, rude, and in bad taste; but hilariously so. Hour and a half per week.
06-08-2009 , 04:52 PM
Anyone want to add to this, update, explain, etc? I'm in Iraq so I dont have much in the way of radio/tv so podcasts are basically a lifeline for me. Thanks guys.
06-09-2009 , 12:50 PM
I really like the "Stuff You Should Know" How Stuff Works podcasts.
06-09-2009 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by The DaveR
I think this might be the best hour of entertainment I get every week.
I have listened to EVERY SINGLE ARCHIVED SHOW. Now waiting every week for a new one is killing me. (This AMerican Life obv)
06-09-2009 , 11:15 PM

-Max Keiser show
-The market ticker
-Wall street unspun with Peter Schiff
-The Economist
-Dave Ramsey show


-CBC's the current (American listeners, give this podcast a try, you won't regret it)
-The New Yorker podcasts are also very good.

I will add more to the list when I have time.

06-16-2009 , 01:12 PM
The Basketball Jones
06-16-2009 , 01:29 PM
Anyone have any good podcasts for Fantasy Football?

Also, I really like the 2+2 Podcast with Mike and Adam
07-19-2009 , 06:34 PM
All the podcasts I listen to have been mentioned.

Carolla is good if his guest is interesting, but he has had some duds. The ones from last week with Kimmel were good.

BS Report is always interesting. He some times goes crazy on the NBA which I don't follow so I skip those ones.

I listen to the PTI pod cast each day instead of watching the show now so that I can also get 20 minutes of video games in a day.

As for the Fantasy Football podcast I believe ESPN will have one starting shortly, as they currently have a daily Fantasy Baseball one.

Anyone know of a book or movie review podcast?

I will be checking out This American Life based on this thread.

07-20-2009 , 11:47 AM
NFL rants and Raves and Fantasy football Rants and Raves are my picks for football
Puck podcast for NHL
In this corner for boxing
1up Yours for gaming
Deuces Plays, Cash plays, Pokerroad radio and 2+2pokerkast

This american life is next based on this thread!
07-23-2009 , 03:14 PM
The Bugle: Audio Newspaper for a Visual World: maybe the funniest podcast I've ever heard (I'd even rank it above the excellent Onion podcasts), featuring Jon Oliver from the Daily Show (in NYC) and Andy Zaltzman (in London). If you're into British humo(u)r or Daily Show / Colbert Report, there will be times when you will literally be rolling on the floor in laughter listening to this weekly half-hour current events wrap-up. I love it so much that it is the only podcast on my IPod that I do not erase episodes of after I've listened to them.

Common Sense with Dan Carlin and Dan Carlin's Hardcore History: The former is one of the very few down-the-middle, neither too-far-right nor too-far-left political commentary broadcasts I've heard. The latter is the same Mr. Carlin giving hour-long takes on various historical events. My only complaint is that he doesn't update the shows enough for my personal liking. Also has an excellent discussion board:

Being a huge soccer fan in the US, I also highly recommend the previously-mentioned World Soccer Daily, (Steven Cohen has been a controversial figure, especially if you're a Liverpool fan, but there aren't too many people who have done more to advance the cause of the sport in this country) and as one of the _only_ US cricket fans, I can't really survive without's Switch Hit Cricket Show.

As far as news goes, I go for BBC Global News, a half-hour roundup updated every 12 hours during the week (although for some unfathomable reason they don't update on weekends (??)), and NPR's Talk of the Nation (especially the "Science Fridays" with Ira Flatow, when all of the discussions center around science-themed topics) and Fresh Air with legendary interviewer Terry Gross (although every great now and then her guests get a little too PC for me and I'll find myself hitting the "Next Track" button). Talk of the Nation downloads on ITunes are especially nice since they aren't broken up by SHOW (unlike Fresh Air), but by TOPIC, which allows you to skip the stuff you're not as interested in.

If you have any interest in Australian culture (I lived in Adelaide for 3 years, which explains the cricket addiction ), try the outstanding weekly call-in show Australia Talks, hosted by Paul Barclay from ABC Radio Australia, dealing with all manner of topics of interest Down Under, from politics to sports to societal issues to entertainment to everyday life in Australia.

I also listen to The Economist magazine's free podcasts from ITunes, which, it should be noted, are not complete audio broadcasts of the magazine (those are available for a fee from The Economist website), but highlights from the current issue.

As far as audio podcasts of TV shows go, the two I listen to are ESPN's PTI, mentioned earlier, and Real Time with Bill Maher, neither of which I think lose very much from being in an audio-only format.

One last one...for the more hardcore science fans out there who enjoy "Science Fridays" from Talk of the Nation, try out the Scientific American Podcast, which tends to spend longer amounts of time on one topic than the NPR broadcast, although I find the host's voice to be annoying at best and grating at worst. Still well worth a listen, though.

07-23-2009 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Not_In_My_Name
<Standard Ricky Gervais Show plug here>

Most downloaded podcast of all time. Need I say more?
Am I doing something wrong, when I looked this up in itunes there were like a dozen podcasts, averaging from a minute or so, to 10 minutes. Does itunes have full feature podcasts from these guys?
