Originally Posted by JWhitt88
Giving leeway doesn't sound like a positive sign right up front. I don't have to give leeway with any American girls. She's immediately in catch up mode, right?
No b/c I'm actually interested in people from different cultures so if anything she's already started ahead of the average American I'd date and the not being able to text well thing brings her back to the pack slightly.
Originally Posted by scrolls
also, clearly youre group of friends is way different than most normal groups of friends, but if a guy in my group started dating a non-american or even a very unique american i would be much more intrigued and would go out of my way to get to know her
I'd say this is pretty standard. If my friend started dating a Spanish girl I'd be going out of my way to make her feel more comfortable in the group and learn more about her background.
Also, JWhitt asked a couple posts above if it makes him boring that he'd rather discuss pop culture instead of her life in Spain, and I'd say yes, it makes you very boring that you'd rather discuss Jersey Shore for the 15th time or how Jeremy Lin did last game than her life in Spain.
Last edited by MegaFossil; 03-20-2012 at 11:23 PM.