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EDF MMA Thread (for both handsome people and scrubs like Phresh) EDF MMA Thread (for both handsome people and scrubs like Phresh)

07-04-2014 , 01:43 AM
chael was so close to beating silva and retiring into legend status

07-04-2014 , 02:14 AM
Yea Chael going off about Lance Armstrong being a bad person because of the cheating, and giving himself cancer.... says a lot about Chaels character. He turned out to be doing all drugs Armstrong was using, if not more.
07-04-2014 , 02:15 AM
Can you imagine what the MMA landscape would look like right now if he won? Holy crap!!!!
07-04-2014 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by Thug Bubbles
lmao @ the raw eggs and push-ups. I totally forgot about that one. What a gem.

Random thoughts:

* Worst season of TUF ever, right? No fun drama, no stupid drama, terrible, terrible fights, no coaching rivalry or anything like that, etc. Man, I literally can't remember like anything from any episode.

* What's our consensus on the trilogy? I remember thinking BJ should've won the first fight, got beat the second. Agree?

* Isn't it awesome to think about Kimbo and the fact he went into the UFC and even won a fight? That's insane to me. Kimbo is awesome. Also if I was Rogan and Kimbo was pushed into the fence, I'd shout, "watch out for that metal thing!"

* Chael dissing cheaters and Lance while juicing himself is bad, but so was Bonnar flexing his muscles and taking pics and **** while juiced to the gills himself. All these dudes are cheaters.

* It looks more and more like Nick Vs. Anderson could happen. Anderson is up to it, both coming off losses, neither will be a champ again, so a fun/super fight is up for both of them. Plus Nick wants a big payday to come back and this fight would do it. I HOPE SO!
07-04-2014 , 02:45 AM
lol glad this thread shares my feelings and likes Chael and hopes he comes back to at least commentating.
07-04-2014 , 02:53 AM
I dunno. Edgar is -500ish right now. I think that sounds about right. I mean Frankie completely dominated him last time 50-45, and Frankies been training full time getting better while BJ has been looking worse and worse.

He does seem to be in great shape. Waking up at like 150 a week before the fight. So who knows. If a really well conditioned and aggressive/hungry BJ shows up he is close to even or maybe a favorite.

Always hard to know which BJ will show up.
07-04-2014 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
lol glad this thread shares my feelings and likes Chael and hopes he comes back to at least commentating.
Ahem... but I do sincerely hope he comes back to fight because nothing but nothing matches some legendary trash talk over-hype followed by a submission, slank and/or failed drug test.
07-04-2014 , 05:08 AM
Now I understand why Stann retired. He said it was because of PED use. Got demolished by sonnen and knocked out by silva who were both juiced out of their minds. Always enjoyed watching him fight.

Wondering if random drug testing for every event is coming soon. I think Dana said that it costs 50 grand per test if you want to use VADA. It cant possibly be that high can it?

Im on the fence on Sonnen. Always enjoyed him talk/troll but then again he was very likely cheating his whole career in the UFC while at the same time talking trash about cheaters. When he gets caught he always tries to come up with an excuse. Don't understand why he just cant say yeah I screwed up and cheated. I didnt think he would get fired as an analyst though which he was excellent at. I say hes back in 6 months
07-04-2014 , 11:26 AM
The Fox thing definitely makes sense to me, in fact, I'm kind of surprised he'll be back.

I don't really follow other sports, can someone help me out? I swear I'm not trolling.

How is getting popped for PEDs in the UFC any different than MLB? I didn't follow that stuff closely at all but dudes were definitely ON TRIAL for PED use in MLB, right? Now people talk about A-Rod like he sold secrets to Iran for $20.

If that $50,000 number is accurate, jesus christ. Just allow PEDs and give all that extra money to the players. goddamn
07-04-2014 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers

I didn't follow that stuff closely at all but dudes were definitely ON TRIAL for PED use in MLB, right?
some of them were accused of lying under oath to congress .
07-04-2014 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Jzo19
some of them were accused of lying under oath to congress .
Congress spent like eight days investigating misdemeanors and that was the bottom of it.

And the only guys who walked away with credibility were Jose Canseco and Victor Conte.

Last edited by shane88888; 07-04-2014 at 12:34 PM.
07-04-2014 , 12:38 PM
i think he was more or less asking why the fk it was a congressional matter in the first place

and dont say "he walked away with credibility" like jose canseco did something noble
07-04-2014 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Jzo19
some of them were accused of lying under oath to congress .
What were they under oath for?
07-04-2014 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
and dont say "he walked away with credibility" like jose canseco did something noble
I'm sorry that you're butthurt that Jose outed your favorite player but credible and honorable have nothing to do with each other.
07-04-2014 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
What were they under oath for?
Congress conducted an investigation , it was mostly political , at the time some HS kids had died from steriod use and it became a hot button topic . Congress wanted to know what was going , it was also kind of threat to MLB to start require testing or congress would eventually get involved .
07-04-2014 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
What were they under oath for?
That's how Congressional testimony works. They have ridiculous subpoena powers that are used broadly and prosecutorial powers that are used selectively (like charging Roger Clemens instead of, say, anyone who's ever held office and still has a single friend in Washington).

You get caught for the cover-up, not the crime (or, in this case, no real crime).
07-04-2014 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by shane88888
I'm sorry that you're butthurt that Jose outed your favorite player but credible and honorable have nothing to do with each other.
this is funny because i don't watch baseball, have no idea who he actually snitched on, and literally could not care less about the sport

jose canseco is a complete joke, if you want to be sloppy with your words and say things that can potentially put him up on a moral pedestal then that's on you, but don't be butthurt when i point out your laziness.

now let's all reminisce on his failed attempt at MMA-

07-04-2014 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
jose canseco is a complete joke, if you want to be sloppy with your words and say things that can potentially lol put him up on a moral pedestal then that's on you, but don't be butthurt when i point out your laziness.
You're bad at reading.
07-04-2014 , 07:34 PM

I want to beleiveeeeee
07-04-2014 , 07:38 PM
Video game graphics are crazy these days!!
07-04-2014 , 07:45 PM
Guy who posted the pic claims its real and from the opening promo for the ppv. Doesnt even look real to me... but he had a few angles.
07-04-2014 , 07:47 PM
07-04-2014 , 08:02 PM
I thought it was real as well but wanted to make a bad joke. I WIN!!!!!
07-04-2014 , 08:22 PM
lol I actually thought it was a wax figure at first, **** doesnt even look real.
07-04-2014 , 08:43 PM
