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EDF April MMA thread EDF April MMA thread

04-02-2008 , 07:33 PM
anyone watching fight night??

i missed the first fight, but nate doesnt look that good tonight
04-02-2008 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by stakman1011
QFamazingly awesome. Sorry Anderson Silva, I don't like your chances.
i have no idea who it was against, but I was watching some RJJ stuff on you tube and there was a fight where he hit his opponent repeatedly in the shoulder on purpose to the point where the guy had to quit the fight bc he couldnt lift his arm up.

Pretty demeaning/awesome thing to do to someone to prove dominance imo
04-02-2008 , 08:11 PM
ugh I missed the first hour didn't I
04-02-2008 , 08:13 PM
Boetsch needs to drop to MW.
04-02-2008 , 08:14 PM
Anyone wanna tell me which fights have already taken place?
04-02-2008 , 08:22 PM
Actually I guess they're replaying the event after TUF, so I'll just end up watching UFC action for like 5 hours haha
04-02-2008 , 08:53 PM
damn, i can't wait to see some more of anthony johnson. fast, strong. would like to have seem a longer fight with him though.
04-02-2008 , 08:55 PM
Yea Johnson looked impressive.

Also, wtf is up with Steve Mazzagatti? Hes made some questionable decisions lately : 1)Deducting a point in the Lesnar fight 2)Stopping tonights Alexander fight (though imo it was justified) 3) Then just now in the Thiago/Karo fight... I think calling that fight was premature.
04-02-2008 , 08:57 PM
I don't think the karo fight was all that premature. Karo was screwed
04-02-2008 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by HoosierAlum
Yea Johnson looked impressive.

Also, wtf is up with Steve Mazzagatti? Hes made some questionable decisions lately : 1)Deducting a point in the Lesnar fight 2)Stopping tonights Alexander fight (though imo it was justified) 3) Then just now in the Thiago/Karo fight... I think calling that fight was premature.

huh alexander was stiffing up, and karo got cracked hard and went fetal position which is a big warning sign
04-02-2008 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by HoosierAlum
Yea Johnson looked impressive.

Also, wtf is up with Steve Mazzagatti? Hes made some questionable decisions lately : 1)Deducting a point in the Lesnar fight 2)Stopping tonights Alexander fight (though imo it was justified) 3) Then just now in the Thiago/Karo fight... I think calling that fight was premature.
gotta disagree with the thiago fight. i think karo took 3 solid punches to the head before he tried to protect himself after getting kneed. i'm sure it's very bang bang and when it appears the guy is not gonna protect himself the ref has to stop it immediately.

i will add 4) what's up with shaving the mustache?
04-02-2008 , 09:58 PM
Yea I think the Alexander stoppage was correct. I suppose the Karo fight was as well even though he seemed very upset....

But yea the mustache shaving was definitely uncalled for.

On another note, I thought it was an entertaining card overall and that Johnson punch was just absurd.
04-02-2008 , 10:18 PM
Is there usually a separate TUF thread or just throw comments in here?
04-02-2008 , 10:34 PM
we can just set it at : Rampage is god and he should be in everything ever.
04-02-2008 , 11:38 PM
the way karo fell i can't see how mazzagati can let it go on. he fell vertically straight onto crumpled legs and his arms were hanging. holla.
04-02-2008 , 11:46 PM
also nate diaz is such a pimp for cheering before cranking that triangle
04-03-2008 , 12:21 AM
I'm fine with both stoppages tonight. Houston's was a very easy decision, and Karo's is a little more debatable, but you can't curl up in the fetal position and take clean shots to the head.

Anthony Johnson looked sick, and that final blow/Speer just crumpled up in the corner was sick.

Diaz's showboating was awesome.

Really disappointed in the Boetsch/Hamill fight. Both guys didn't look acclimated to the altitude and both probably have subpar gas tanks anyway, so round 2 was real lumbering.

Ep. 1 of TUF was fun. Rampage already seems like he's running on all cylinders. Forrest is continuing his run of looking like a dick, imo. I'm getting pretty tired of his act.
04-03-2008 , 01:33 AM
both stoppages looked 100% standard to me. if you're using the losing fighter complaining afterwards as criteria then 95% of mma stoppages are incorrect.
04-03-2008 , 01:54 AM
So, i agree with most of what's been posted. Stoppages were fine (karo maybe a tad early but fine). Diaz was a pimp. etc etc.

Cale Yarborough is from Athens, as is Dave Mewborn. You saw them both tonight if you watched TUF. I was in downtown athens drinking with both of them.

Cale had a very nice fight, got put on the bottom but stood it back up and punished the guy. Gets a place in the house.

Didn't get to see dave's fight, except for the highlights they showed. Looks like it went Td-Mount-Head/Arm Triangle from side control. I was pretty bummed Dave had to get choked out in front of friends. But the bar went wild when Cale won. Free beers for Cale all night.
04-03-2008 , 02:16 AM
I thought the guy who beat Rampage's boy had a lot of balls needling him after the fight. Especially since he knew they were close.

Rampage: "Where's Dave?"
Guy whose name escapes me: "I don't know, in the emergency room, lol."

To Rampage's credit he was a good sport, but I wouldn't say **** like that after taking out a guy's longtime friend right in front of him.
04-03-2008 , 03:35 AM
considering all the hype this card wound up being kind of meh.
04-03-2008 , 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by lapoker17
considering all the hype this card wound up being kind of meh.
You've got to be joking.
04-03-2008 , 04:12 AM

I thought it was a pretty good card. Brief thoughts (mainly, I agree w/ most of what everyone has written already):

Alexander v Irvin - dude sure looked out, and if it wasn't stopped, Irvin was gonna crack him a couple more times and Alexander wouldn't get to claim he wasn't out. Obvious stoppage imo.

Pellegrino v Diaz - wow, I did not think Diaz was gonna make it through the first round the way he was getting beaten up. I thought it might get stopped. Sick, sick celebration by Diaz after locking in the triangle. Love it. The Diaz brothers rule.

Boetsch v Hamill - somewhat disappointing, but still a decent slugfest. I hope when Boetsch gets full notice to train that he comes in in really good shape, I think that would be fun to watch.

Karo v Alves - questionable stoppage, maybe, but I don't think it was bad. Maybe give Karo a couple more seconds to really defend, but I think the fight was gonna be over. I wonder how good Karo would be if he came in in really good shape.

Maynard v Edgar - not that exciting, but some decent back and forth. Some nice slams by Gray.

Florian v Lauzon - pretty exciting stuff. I like watching Florian fight.

Johnson v Speer - Damn. Johnson just kept distance perfectly and was surgical in picking Speer apart then going in for the kill. Wow.

I like both Rampage and Forrest as TUF coaches, I think it should be an entertaining season. The fight-in is a fun twist. Sort of weak that one of Byrnes / Sadollah had to go. I think both of them deserved to be in more than either of Clarke/Yarbrough.
04-03-2008 , 04:13 AM
Having just gotten home and as I'm watching what I DVRed, thoughts on some fights:

H. Alexander - wtf?

Pelligrino vs Diaz - OMG! Wow!! Pelligrino was just muscling him around like Diaz was his prom date, completely 100% confident that he owns this fight, and I was even thinking "man, he's getting extremely confident... he's right, he's owning the dude, but can get him in trouble," but half-way into round 2 i was like "nah, he's got this, no way" and then Diaz sinks in the triangle out of totally NOWHERE. Holy ****!!!

lol really funny watching Joe Rogan interviewing the DEA guys as a huge self-proclaimed pothead.

Parysian vs Alvez - another really great fight, boths guys' standup looked really good and as strong as Karo is, he simply couldn't outmuscle Alvez, you saw him try over and over and fail. Yet another controversial and probably wrong decision by Mazzagatti. When are they going to realize that he's a totally worthless ref and get rid of him already?

Frankie Edgar vs Maynard - I stopped caring who wins the fight once I realized that Frankie Edgar, while already extremely good, is also still immature in his development as a fighter. It's like he's got the speed and the technique but there's just some little last piece missing. I think in 4-5 years he's going to be far better and really dominant in the LW division.

Wow, Kenny Florian is the man. That's what I was talking about, his fighting has a mature quality to it that Frankie's doesn't. Being very closely matched physically he seemed to have the experience necessary to pull out it off. However, I think both Sherk and BJ Penn would obliterate Lauzon so his fight being this competitive, umm... it's sorta not good for his sake.

Awesome card overall and the prelim card had some really good fights on it as well so I'm gonna go to their site and check them out, can report back if anyone's interested in which one's are worth paying $2 for.

04-03-2008 , 04:17 AM
I thought the Karo stoppage was debatable. I didn't see him take any clean shots to the head after getting dropped with the knee. Bad stoppage imo. The Alexander stoppage was totally standard.

Also, Rampage had one of the best cracks on Dana White yet when he pointed to the boring azz wrestler and said there's your next TUF champ. So friggin funny.
