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Dating/Relationship General Advice Thread - Volume 9 --Spring 2010 Edition Dating/Relationship General Advice Thread - Volume 9 --Spring 2010 Edition

07-02-2011 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by optionsguy
Just a general question, say you ask a girl out on like a mon or tue for the following sat and you make plans. What sort of contact, if at all, do you make the days leading up? We'll say it's a girl you haven't been out with yet, this would be a first date.
I dislike spacing out the 'date setup' ----> 'actual date' so far like that on the 1st date. She will generally cool off / feel less attachment, second guess herself, and overall flake more IMO. Hell, I would prob even forget what she looked like after 5 days if not for facebook. Be sure to be actively hitting on girls and setting up other dates in the meantime.

As played, I assume you've already facebooked her. Prob send her a playful message 36-48 hours later and go on from there. It would be better to under-contact her then to be up in her grill too much.

Originally Posted by iNeedScissors61
I was at a storage place for work a few weeks ago and this tall blonde girl who is probably an 8 - 8 1/2 initiated conversation with me and we kinda flirted for few minutes by the storage elevator. When I came back from my unit she was in the main lobby talking to the front office guy. I had to leave, but had seen her get out of her car, so I stuck my name (black shirt) and number in her window. Just curious to see if she would call. She looked ~30. I'm 26. Didn't even know her name.

Two weeks go by and she leaves me a voice mail last Friday. "Hey this is Jessie, we met at the storage place a few weeks ago. I've been real busy with weddings/baby showers sorry took so long to call. Hey we're going to this brew tour at 5 you should come meet us there". I was out of town that weekend, and will be busy all this coming weekend, so we're gonna meet up at that brew tour next Friday.

I was really surprised she called since I pretty much only left the note for my own amusement, even though she is pretty hot and would bang her in a second. I'm sure it was obvious to her that the only thing that was going through my mind when I left the note was "I want to F this girl. I'll leave her my number and see what happens". Is this girl just looking to get F'd? Is it not normal that she called?
go out with her, she wants you. She initiated and asked you on a date. Girls usually don't do that.

Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
Sometimes I go to clubs where the music being played is a major draw (as opposed to cheap drinks or a fancy decor). At these places, where the music is very loud and most people are focused on dancing, it is an awful environment to hook up with a girl. 100% Wrong. Learn to dance and use body language / smiles / facial expression more effectively Yet, still you'll inevitably see about 5-10 new couples, depending on the size of the venue.

I don't actually know anyone that has ever hooked up at one of these places, just seen strangers going at it. I'm very curious how it happens, when conversation is made nearly impossible. go behind girl, grind with her, if you're both feeling the chemistry then escalate Not really cause I wanna try the strategy of myself - it's probably just easiest to avoid these places if I'm out to pick up - but it would just solve a mystery for me.
Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
So I've had a couple of really great dates with this woman I met a few weeks ago and think we've really hit it off. Both dates were in the 4-7 hour range and we kissed at the end of both (but didn't makeout).stop kissing at the end of dates. Kiss in the beginning, early middle, middle, late middle, and end of the date. Exaggerated for emphasis. Set the whole tone of the night Two problems, though:

1) She is very slow to respond to texts/emails/calls. I joked about it on her second date, and she said she'll go all day without checking her phone sometimes, and basically goes from work to the gym then to sleep a few nights a week (fwiw her phone rang 3x on our second date and she never checked it oddly enough). Hopefully it's not the case that she's married or something hence why her response time is slow due to trying not to get caught or something. maybe there's not enough rapport / trust / chemistry yet. Or maybe she's married lol

2) I had made reservations at one of her favorite restaurants for tomorrow night which she was initially excited about, but texted me earlier tonight that she had to go on a business trip last-minute for the rest of the week (she works at a research company, so hopefully it's legit), and I'm going to be in Vegas the week after that. hmm, ya prob onto the next one
07-02-2011 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by Feeding Frenzy
Well it is a thin brag but she isn't smoking hot but sounds like an animal.

It's the fact she lives like an hour away which is my concern. So we wake up, thanks for the sex, seeya later find your way to the train station? I can't be assed driving some bird round who I've met once just. She won't have a clue where she is so I can't just shove her out the door, or can I?
>Thin brag on car
07-02-2011 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by Feeding Frenzy
Well it is a thin brag but she isn't smoking hot but sounds like an animal.

It's the fact she lives like an hour away which is my concern. So we wake up, thanks for the sex, seeya later find your way to the train station? I can't be assed driving some bird round who I've met once just. She won't have a clue where she is so I can't just shove her out the door, or can I?

You are still a man if you want to cuddle afterwards. You don't have to seek our approval.

On the slim chance you are serious...since she came all that way just to satisfy you, the correct play is to offer her a bed. One that not yours...perhaps your parent's? That would be a nice touch. Tell her you have to work tomorrow and you can't sleep with another person in the bed. Then bang her again in the morning when you wake up and take her to the train station, or if you are really baller, order a stretch limo to to take her to the train station. This will confuse her. Not only will you increase the total amount of hilarity and confusion in the universe, you will have a willing **** buddy no matter how badly you treat her afterward.
07-03-2011 , 01:27 PM
Here's an idea. Maybe she thinks sex is fun, thinks your hot, wants to **** you, and could give two ****s about the train/leaving. :P

If she wants to stay afterwards, let her stay. If she wants you to drive her home, explain that it is out of your way blablabla you'd rather do it tomorrow, or whatever. Just explain if you hit a conflict.
07-03-2011 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Feeding Frenzy
Ok so what's the procedure for dates where it's purely sex?

I was on POF and this little redhead pops up on chat, starts talking all sorts to me.. she lives about an hour away.. after about 15 mins it becomes more and more sex talk, she's tellin me about how she loves giving head etc.. we exchange numbers and she says texts me saying 'Is it bad that I wanna meet you for sex? '

So obv I said, of course not.. then we texted about what we were gonna do to each other etc.

What's the best plan though, I live with my parents but they are away every weekend Friday-Sun. So I'm alone in a biggish house all weekend. Do I tell her to come meet me here? What do i do in the morning when I just want her to leave? Is this way too complicated and should we just get a hotel?
lol. have fun trying to F this one up. Whatever you do, just remember she has feelings.
07-04-2011 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by Cosines11
lol. have fun trying to F this one up. Whatever you do, just remember she has no soul.
FYP, she is a ginger remember.
07-04-2011 , 10:58 AM
What's the correct play with a girl you talk to online and live in the same town, but never hang out? I met this girl 6 years ago, but only hung out once due to gfs being in the picutre, jealousy thing, etc. Eventually I hope to actually meet up with her. Do you:

a) handshake
b) hug
c) kiss cheek
d) kiss top of hand
e) none of the above?

Feel like all of them are odd, but hate doing nothing. Think a) is just weird and only for people you've never met, c) is way too personal, d) is too movie-esque and more for a different i guess b)? FWIW, she knows she's on my "bucket list" basically, but have a gf currently.

Secondly, what would you do if you always wanted to date the girl, but always seem to be in a relationship? It's one of those things like you like the girl you're dating, but can't really dive deeper in it yet due to uncertainability in career path, as well as always wanting to date this other girl. I don't know if she would for sure ever date me, but hate to just break it off with one to try and get with this other, when the relationship is good now with the gf.
07-04-2011 , 12:11 PM
I have no idea what you'd do if you were from Kansas, but in Europeland it's fine to kiss on the cheek (my problem is that I never know which country/region do 1, 2, 3 or 4 kisses). Do Americans find this to be so personal?

You really can't do d) by the way, unless it's the 17th century and you're a courtier.
07-04-2011 , 12:12 PM
A hug would be normal and should not at all feel weird.
07-04-2011 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
I have no idea what you'd do if you were from Kansas, but in Europeland it's fine to kiss on the cheek (my problem is that I never know which country/region do 1, 2, 3 or 4 kisses). Do Americans find this to be so personal?

You really can't do d) by the way, unless it's the 17th century and you're a courtier.
I see older people do it, but don't know how old you have to be to have it considered "normal" lol..
07-04-2011 , 08:00 PM
I would be infinitely more likely to kiss a stranger's cheek than hug them. Though an old female friend would likely get both.
07-05-2011 , 01:26 AM
High 5 her
07-05-2011 , 03:02 PM
Hey guys,
I have posted in this thread before and gotten some very good advice and a situation came up this weekend and I need some help to help me figure out if i have a play and what the correct play is.

Was at a friends cabin for 2 days this sunday/monday and 1 of his cousins was a girl a few years younger then myself. 25, she is 22. Anyways, I did not get a chance to talk to her very much as there was a large group of people up there and she mainly hung out with her brothers and friends, while I hung out with my friends and stuff. Anyways, when our groups would be together she would also seem to engage me, and when we would see each other she was always looking at me etc, basically I think she is interested.

She told me she goes to school by me and the restaurant she works at. Below are the best 3 plays I have come up with. BTW my friend doesn't hang out with his cousin much so hanging around him trying to hang out with her isn't really an option.

play 1. go to restaurant and run into her. Obv don't tell her I came just for her, tell her that I wish we would of gotten to know each other more over the weekend and see if we can hangout.

play 2. Friend her on FB. Once she accepts and doesn't message me, message her same thing as above. Obv if she messages me, I'm in. Yes this play has worked before as I friended a girl I just meet and she messaged back with number

play 3. wait for her to fb friend me and I message her. Obv don't really care for this play.

play 4. No friend just message. This play worked for a buddy of mine. idk how I feel about it.

I'm leaning towards #2. And so what would you message girl when she accepts, something like.

It was nice meeting you this weekend, its too bad we didn't have more of a chance to hangout. Lets go out sometime for drinks.

Also i realize that this can basically only result in 2 ways, 1 a date or 2 comes off as extremely creepy.
07-05-2011 , 04:12 PM
friend her on fb, then ask for her number and go from there. i definitely would not go to her restaurant as it might seem creepy even if you weren't "there just for her" and it might be difficult to interact if she's working.
07-05-2011 , 05:02 PM
Eughhhh fml, my ex is n POF...

What a horrible feeling seeing her, aren't I supposed to be over her by now? (4 months almost after 4 years).

Everytime I search now I see her face ffs.
07-05-2011 , 05:12 PM
07-05-2011 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Phatony
I would be infinitely more likely to kiss a stranger's cheek than hug them. Though an old female friend would likely get both.
07-05-2011 , 06:39 PM
what is POF?
07-05-2011 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by Feeding Frenzy
Eughhhh fml, my ex is n POF...

What a horrible feeling seeing her, aren't I supposed to be over her by now? (4 months almost after 4 years).

Everytime I search now I see her face ffs.
If she's on Plenty of Fish, it means she's doing very badly at meeting men. Women who have self respect or real life dating opportunities don't use it. If you want to get back with her, this is good thing IMO.
07-06-2011 , 07:58 AM
Well strangely it did make me feel good, and bad at the same time. Good that she obviously isn't with anyone else, bad that I have to see her picture all the time.

I do agree it's like 95% skanks from what I've seen, but has like 5 people in my area that are <23 so it's impossible to get a date there.

I don't want to get he back, our relationship was OK but only way I would is if she made some serious changes which I doubt she ever would. Plus it's dumb to think I would be with my 1st serious gf forever.
07-06-2011 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by datingadvice
Hey guys,
I have posted in this thread before and gotten some very good advice and a situation came up this weekend and I need some help to help me figure out if i have a play and what the correct play is.

Was at a friends cabin for 2 days this sunday/monday and 1 of his cousins was a girl a few years younger then myself. 25, she is 22. Anyways, I did not get a chance to talk to her very much as there was a large group of people up there and she mainly hung out with her brothers and friends, while I hung out with my friends and stuff. Anyways, when our groups would be together she would also seem to engage me, and when we would see each other she was always looking at me etc, basically I think she is interested.

She told me she goes to school by me and the restaurant she works at. Below are the best 3 plays I have come up with. BTW my friend doesn't hang out with his cousin much so hanging around him trying to hang out with her isn't really an option.

play 1. go to restaurant and run into her. Obv don't tell her I came just for her, tell her that I wish we would of gotten to know each other more over the weekend and see if we can hangout.

play 2. Friend her on FB. Once she accepts and doesn't message me, message her same thing as above. Obv if she messages me, I'm in. Yes this play has worked before as I friended a girl I just meet and she messaged back with number

play 3. wait for her to fb friend me and I message her. Obv don't really care for this play.

play 4. No friend just message. This play worked for a buddy of mine. idk how I feel about it.

I'm leaning towards #2. And so what would you message girl when she accepts, something like.

It was nice meeting you this weekend, its too bad we didn't have more of a chance to hangout. Lets go out sometime for drinks.

Also i realize that this can basically only result in 2 ways, 1 a date or 2 comes off as extremely creepy.
I might just message her. Creepin her at the restraunt is too weird. Take whatever route is quickest from talk to her->ask her out. Anything else is lame.

Also all this planning is lame. If you see her regularly ask her out then. Care less would you. Many fish in the sea.
07-06-2011 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by Feeding Frenzy
Eughhhh fml, my ex is n POF...

What a horrible feeling seeing her, aren't I supposed to be over her by now? (4 months almost after 4 years).

Everytime I search now I see her face ffs.
Four years is a long time and I would say it owuld be weird if you were over her already.
07-06-2011 , 01:35 PM
What's the usual time frame?

I hate human emotions.
07-06-2011 , 01:55 PM
it varies, but after me and my gf of 3 years broke up because she wanted to move to Italy, it took me probably 8 months to really get totally over it.

banging other girls will def help speed up the time too.
07-06-2011 , 02:40 PM
Ok so i wish I'd never gona on POF now. I decided to message my ex, just being friendly cos it was her bday recently and I knew she'd be seeing me on there etc.

I just said hi and happy day etc and asked how she was. I said i hope she doesn't meet any weirdos off her and meets someone nice.

She replies with something like 'Oh thanks I got pushed into comin on here! I actually did meet someone a month after we split, we dated for 3 months then he dumped me because his business was failing'

So that set me off, worst feeling in the world.. I just said why would you ever tell me that? I didn't ask who she had been ****ing since we split just how she was.

Now I'm just saying how I think it's BS how we split so fast etc and she's acting like she has a stone heart and doesn't even care...
