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Dating/Relationship General Advice Thread - Volume 10 --Spring 2012 Edition Dating/Relationship General Advice Thread - Volume 10 --Spring 2012 Edition

12-11-2012 , 01:55 PM
I thought trolls usually staid in BBV and BBV4L
12-11-2012 , 04:15 PM
It's because it cannot be emphasized enough that your perspective on dating is not good.
12-11-2012 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by chinagambler
I thought trolls usually staid in BBV and BBV4L
Your presence here disproves your theory.

On the off chance (<1% imo) that you're being genuine, you need help for your mental condition(s) immediately.
12-11-2012 , 05:36 PM

Your both acting pretty immature. She's talking about guys hitting on her, which I dunno whatever. If the way she was talking about it bothered me I would definitely confront her on it not ignore her calls and text messages. Also having this fight via text message cell phone wars is hella junior high to me when you live with the girl.

Stop with the "stop doing this or I leave" crap too. Don't do ultimatums they are frigging dumb. Compromise to some kind of a reasonable solution.

Her response to your text "see you at the end of the week" would have pissed me off more than the boyband bull**** she does while drunk.
12-11-2012 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by garcia1001
chinagambler is actually pretty close to the average quality of dating men in Hong Kong. It is extremely, hilariously low quality people here. Obv that's good for me because just by being vaguely normal and presentable I can direct approach basically any girl and if she doesn't have a boyfriend it's easy to date her and find out more about her.
Originally Posted by skunkworks
garcia, you broke character. Glad we have a mutual appreciation of Mark Manson. If you had to play armchair psychologist/sociologist, what is it about HK culture that creates guys like chinagambler? I've noticed a lot more of this with Chinese guys than with Korean/Japanese guys, and I'm wondering if it's from weak fathers and overbearing mothers.
I found that many women from Asia are also superduper immature kinda like chinaG, especially when it comes to situations like this. Like acting 10 years younger than their age. Chalk it up to cultural differences in upbringing. It's really weird

Originally Posted by Rapini
Kudos for sticking with it, chinagambler. I think the real issue is that you haven't really done anything to show you truly care. Sure, infiltrating her phone and acting generally creepy is cute, but where's the LOVE? Where's the PASSION? You need to sit outside her house with gifts every now and then to surprise her, mail her locks of your hair so she doesn't forget you, and write her some poems about how you'd rather kill her than live without her. Step up to the big leagues and she'll be all yours.
12-11-2012 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by skunkworks
garcia, you broke character. Glad we have a mutual appreciation of Mark Manson. If you had to play armchair psychologist/sociologist, what is it about HK culture that creates guys like chinagambler? I've noticed a lot more of this with Chinese guys than with Korean/Japanese guys, and I'm wondering if it's from weak fathers and overbearing mothers.
skunkworks, I broke character. Mark Manson is the most amazing thing yes, it's like I recommend to my friends that they read Magic Bullets first to get a concept and a framework, and then read Mark Models to basically be a man and get girls easily, while just keeping that framework stuff in the back of their minds.

HK culture I think it's because it is really wimpy. It's really touch-free and it seems like people are brought up to "respect" the opposite sex and stuff. Even perfectly innocent conversations, other people will think you are trying to hit on someone.

Another reason is that television has terrible sitcoms and dramas that teach bad wrong things about relationships and dating. They are extremely low quality productions and show bitchy women being put on pedestals. That's probably the reason why the girls are bad at this and have unreasonable expectations.

I don't know how that relates to Chinese guys in the US.
12-11-2012 , 10:52 PM
One thing I've noticed is that conventional wisdom is that "girls hate pickup". But in Hong Kong, it is just extremely rare for any guy to try to pickup a girl at all. So even extremely hot women, say they are shopping in a mall somewhere, and you can just go up to them and direct approach and they will be so happy and smile and feel like someone made their day. That probably is not the case in the US?
12-12-2012 , 12:02 AM
lol at all the wrong assumptions ItT. Neither of us actually grew up here, only the ex. Also lol at learning about relationships through sitcoms, that's very American. Maybe I should watch how I met your mother and take notes... FYI I think most expats here are ignorant d-bags and whenever they get approached by white dudes in a bar most girls I know automatically assume that they're looking for a one night stand (they're usually right). I guess it's all a matter of perspective.
12-12-2012 , 12:33 AM
lol at being love sick and lol at holding onto hope that you will date this girl some day in the future by waiting for her to break up with this guy.
12-12-2012 , 01:33 AM
Another reason is that people here think the only way to get women is to be wealthy. So they neglect other areas.
12-12-2012 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by garcia1001
Another reason is that people here think the only way to get women is to be wealthy. So they neglect other areas.
That's what I thought too but this one actually told me she doesn't give a **** and that she's actually repulsed by shallow guys. She's not from HK so she has a different mindset; a lot of local girls are total gold diggers.

Anyway, I know so far everyone recommends me to let it go but I still want to give it a shot before really giving up. So I started ignoring her texts and now she's texting me asking how I am, if everything's ok, if I'm sad, and then she was like please say something I worry about you etc. For how long should I play the "ignore her" card and what's my move if she comes find me?
12-12-2012 , 02:17 AM

Good luck.

Personally I think the most likely reason she is concerned is she knows you are an emotional infant, and is worried you will harm yourself in your depression.

But who knows, maybe you are meant for each other, and all I can hope is that one or both of you is sterile.
12-12-2012 , 02:57 AM
lol citanul

Hey garcia (and anyone else familiar with OOT), does chinagambler remind you at all of billybeartku?
12-12-2012 , 03:04 AM
Hey skunkworks,

I get the same vibe of desperation/insecurity/weirdly misplaced aggression, yeah.
12-12-2012 , 04:45 AM
hahah who knew garcia1001 was a pick-up artist. or am i thinking about another garcia? similar avatar though i think. but different join date. did you lose your old account?

i just watched "love systems - beyond words". kinda don't even want to share it because it's so good and i don't want my competition to get better :P. i don't know if you guys know him, but cajun is in it and he gives a great seminar on sexual presence and the general mood you should be hitting when you're talking to a girl. it's not gimmicky and it's been giving me really good results. anyway, just a recommendation.
12-12-2012 , 04:46 AM
also, chinagambler has better grammar than billybear. i get the same awkward vibe tho
12-12-2012 , 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by chinagambler
Anyway, I know so far everyone recommends me to let it go but I still want to give it a shot before really giving up. So I started ignoring her texts and now she's texting me asking how I am, if everything's ok, if I'm sad, and then she was like please say something I worry about you etc. For how long should I play the "ignore her" card and what's my move if she comes find me?
all this is not healthy. grow up and stop playing games. go find another girl that you are more compatible with. find someone that will make you happy.

pain and suffering =/ passion.
12-12-2012 , 05:13 AM
Appreciate all the good advice, Talked to her about the issues and she surprisingly didnt play dumb / naive although "she doesnt know why she does it"

I am content for now, I recognise i handled this like a Kid , I think because talking to her maturely last time resulted in her playing dumb and frustrating the **** out of me.

Last edited by S.K; 12-12-2012 at 05:19 AM.
12-12-2012 , 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by 0desmu1
hahah who knew garcia1001 was a pick-up artist. or am i thinking about another garcia? similar avatar though i think. but different join date. did you lose your old account?
My previous account was "garcia1000", but I lost the password after the forum glitch. This is my new account. I am not a pickup artist! I just read two books which I thought were really useful, so I recommend them to people.

I like Mr Mark Models' approach because it seems more authentic and real. And it recommends skills that have positive spillover effects into other areas of life, whereas most other pickup techniques are rather narrow and specific.
12-12-2012 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by chinagambler
That's what I thought too but this one actually told me she doesn't give a **** and that she's actually repulsed by shallow guys. She's not from HK so she has a different mindset; a lot of local girls are total gold diggers.

Anyway, I know so far everyone recommends me to let it go but I still want to give it a shot before really giving up. So I started ignoring her texts and now she's texting me asking how I am, if everything's ok, if I'm sad, and then she was like please say something I worry about you etc. For how long should I play the "ignore her" card and what's my move if she comes find me?
Forget about her is best option obv. But since you refuse, I would ignore her until she finds you in person, then tell her you can't bear to see her with another guy so if she doesn't want to be with you she should stop bothering you. High risk/reward but t better than waiting in the friend zone forever
12-13-2012 , 12:49 AM

Weren't you engaged and arguing with your betrothed about whether to have shark fin soup at your wedding reception at some point? Or was that someone else?
12-13-2012 , 01:55 AM
Yes that was me, I am single now.
12-13-2012 , 12:24 PM

12-13-2012 , 09:32 PM
El Diablo,

Things happen in life! We just do our best to adapt, and improve.
12-17-2012 , 02:32 PM
Did the JWhitt thread get deleted??
