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American Idol 2010 - General Discussion American Idol 2010 - General Discussion

03-12-2010 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by CxF
I'm verrry suprised alex got knocked out...really dunno what to say about that. I think he has one of the best recording voices on the show, up there with didi and maybe andrew.
This. Those 3 and crystal are really unique and very talented. Everyone else on the show is a worse version of a different singer imo.
03-12-2010 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by pete fabrizio
3) I will take Siobhan over any 2 contestants not named Crystal of your choosing in a LL for up to $50, though I'd be willing to repeat this bet multiple times for different sets of opponents.
lol. Why do people keep posting this garbage? OH THANKS FOR THE SWEET DEAL OUT OF THE KINDNESS OF YOUR HEART. You have to give odds for this bet for any sucker to take it. I mean come on how dumb do you think people are? At the very least you could have had the sincerity to make it "siobhan LL vs the non-crystal field".
03-12-2010 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Yeti
this is interesting, but it could just be a simpler way of saying '2 hours after after the west coast airing finishes'.
I believe to the extent they can, idol prevents the east coast from voting during west coast hours and vice-versa.
03-12-2010 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by Grue
lol. Why do people keep posting this garbage? OH THANKS FOR THE SWEET DEAL OUT OF THE KINDNESS OF YOUR HEART. You have to give odds for this bet for any sucker to take it. I mean come on how dumb do you think people are? At the very least you could have had the sincerity to make it "siobhan LL vs the non-crystal field".
LOL - I'll do a Paige last shorter vs. anyone in field not named Aaron, Lacey, Tim or Katie
03-12-2010 , 05:35 PM
After seeing Lilly go down I now have zero confidence in my ability to predict anything that is Idol land America. I also think that Todrick is a significantly better singer than a lot of people left right now and with his dancing background would have done pretty decent when he got to the big stage.
03-12-2010 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Grue
lol. Why do people keep posting this garbage? OH THANKS FOR THE SWEET DEAL OUT OF THE KINDNESS OF YOUR HEART. You have to give odds for this bet for any sucker to take it. I mean come on how dumb do you think people are? At the very least you could have had the sincerity to make it "siobhan LL vs the non-crystal field".
wtf are you talking about? have you even looked at the odds?

do you realise casey and lee's odds are currently very very close to siobhan's?
03-12-2010 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by pete fabrizio
So I'm looking to put some money on Siobhan, and I'll make generous offers to keep it in the 2+2 family:

2) I will still take 5-3 for Siobhan v. Crystal "to win" (intrade has this at greater than 2-1). Neither wins and it's no bet. Up to $300.
I'd be willing to go 8-5 ($160-$100) and take crystal v. siobhan. I would only wager on the caveat that if either contestant is disqualified, kicked out, or leaves the show due to quitting or illness, the bet is null and void. I have to cover myself on crystal being sick.

we can do can just quote and type booked if you want it.

we can make it a last longer if you want, or if neither wins no bet....please specify as i'm down with either
03-12-2010 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Grue
lol. Why do people keep posting this garbage? OH THANKS FOR THE SWEET DEAL OUT OF THE KINDNESS OF YOUR HEART. You have to give odds for this bet for any sucker to take it. I mean come on how dumb do you think people are? At the very least you could have had the sincerity to make it "siobhan LL vs the non-crystal field".
Like Yeti, I don't think this is a horrible bet as well. Siobahn is my fav ever but I have a feeling she doesn't quite have the following. I'll take this bet for $50. My picks are Casey and Big Mike. Book to confirm.
03-12-2010 , 06:24 PM
Alright I might have been a little harsh there I apologize. Still tired of seeing people offer clearly advantageous bets on this board it just gets old. If someone would like to do an actual fun bet/pool such as the top 12 one again I'd much rather do that.
03-12-2010 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by SL55 AMG
Like Yeti, I don't think this is a horrible bet as well. Siobahn is my fav ever but I have a feeling she doesn't quite have the following. I'll take this bet for $50. My picks are Casey and Big Mike. Book to confirm.
03-12-2010 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by pete fabrizio
i hope i lose this bet and Siobahn wins
03-12-2010 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by pete fabrizio
So I'm looking to put some money on Siobhan, and I'll make generous offers to keep it in the 2+2 family:

1) I will take 5-1 for up to $100 that Siobhan is next American Idol (InTrade has her bid/ask at 11.3/14.1)

2) I will still take 5-3 for Siobhan v. Crystal "to win" (intrade has this at greater than 2-1). Neither wins and it's no bet. Up to $300.

3) I will take Siobhan over any 2 contestants not named Crystal of your choosing in a LL for up to $50, though I'd be willing to repeat this bet multiple times for different sets of opponents.
I'll put up the $500 on 1, skip 2 and I'd take Didi and Lee for $50 on 3. PM for details.
03-12-2010 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by darko3131
I'll put up the $500 on 1, skip 2 and I'd take Didi and Lee for $50 on 3. PM for details.
booked on didi and lee and will pm.

This may seem really unfair, but since you are in the markets heavily and regularly cover long-odds bets, I'd rather not take 5-1 from you when that gives you an easy arbitrage opportunity. It's a very generous offer on my part and I'm making it to try to stir up some fun 2+2 action.
03-12-2010 , 09:31 PM
This is a bit too broadwayish but wow Siobhan can hit some serious high notes which taking the right stuff from musical theater while separating herself from it at the same time (if that makes sense) could really help her. She start about 1 minute in.. If this is too much for some of your ears then fast forward through some but try and at least listen at about 4:20 of the video till the end.
03-12-2010 , 09:48 PM
does anyone wanna put $100 on katie stevens at 25/1 with me? i have sick money on her and need to get rid of some.
03-12-2010 , 11:32 PM
the only thing i like about my 250 got riding on katie right now is if she wins i get 5k
03-13-2010 , 12:11 AM
why not turn that 5k into 7500 bugman68!
03-13-2010 , 01:19 AM
Want $50-200 on Didi Benami +1800
03-13-2010 , 01:48 AM
Gosh I hate to be a newb but can anyone point me to a reputable site accepting US wagers on A.I.? I can't find anything and I've searched the forums and scrolled through tons of posts.
03-13-2010 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by LuckyTxGuy
Gosh I hate to be a newb but can anyone point me to a reputable site accepting US wagers on A.I.? I can't find anything and I've searched the forums and scrolled through tons of posts.
i've used betjamaica for years for day fed ex payouts...never had a problem. safest your money can be for a us customer

their ai odds aren't the best, but they do have dime lines for bases and -108 to -110 on most sides if you do more than ai

here are their current ai odds...again, not the best but probably the safest book out there imo:

2101 Andrew Garcia +1000
2102 Katie Stevens +1550
2103 Crystal Bowersox +175
2104 Didi Benami +1800
2105 Siobhan Magnus +550
2106 Haeley Vaughn
2107 Janell Wheeler
2108 Lilly Scott
2109 Todrick Hall
2110 Michelle Delamor
2111 Paige Miles +5000
2112 Jermaine Sellers
2113 Katelyn Epperly
2114 Lacey Brown +4500
2115 Michael Lynche +550
2116 Aaron Kelly +4500
2117 Tyler Grady
2118 Tim Urban +4000
2119 Alexander Lambert
2120 Lee Dewyze +750
2121 Ashley Rodriguez
2122 John Park
2123 Joe Munoz
2124 Casey James +750
03-13-2010 , 05:54 AM
Regardless of her singing ability, crystal just seems so unlikeable

If its because she is ill atm then this won't affect her chances of winning.

If its not then her current odds are just a joke
03-13-2010 , 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by BDBlue
I'd be willing to go 8-5 ($160-$100) and take crystal v. siobhan. I would only wager on the caveat that if either contestant is disqualified, kicked out, or leaves the show due to quitting or illness, the bet is null and void. I have to cover myself on crystal being sick.

we can do can just quote and type booked if you want it.

we can make it a last longer if you want, or if neither wins no bet....please specify as i'm down with either
So you're saying you want to improve the terms of the deal AND get better odds? even when I'm already offering better than the markets (which do price in Crystal's sickness)? Clearly there is a small risk Crystal doesn't make it through the show, but rather than try to game out every contingency, let's just lump it into the price. In that spirit I'd be willing to take the 8-5 instead of 5-3. I only have so much generosity in me.
03-13-2010 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by BeerBottlez
This is a bit too broadwayish but wow Siobhan can hit some serious high notes which taking the right stuff from musical theater while separating herself from it at the same time (if that makes sense) could really help her. She start about 1 minute in.. If this is too much for some of your ears then fast forward through some but try and at least listen at about 4:20 of the video till the end.
If this clip is from 2006, that makes her what, 15 or 16? Those runs that Mabel has to sing are pretty tough for any soprano (that section of the song is a sort of hat tip to the Queen of the Night aria), and she does a decent job, especially for such a young girl.

That said, the production is obviously amateurish and the conductor had that song paced WAY too slow. For a professional version of the same scene, with much better pacing, (and with a pop star in the lead role) see Linda Ronstadt's version from the 1980 production in Central Park where she played opposite Kevin Kline and Rex Harrison. Ronstadt crushes this song. Listen to Siobhan's after hearing this one, ainec.

Still, Siobhan is so young there that even to hit those notes at all is an accomplishment.
03-13-2010 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by pete fabrizio
So you're saying you want to improve the terms of the deal AND get better odds? even when I'm already offering better than the markets (which do price in Crystal's sickness)? Clearly there is a small risk Crystal doesn't make it through the show, but rather than try to game out every contingency, let's just lump it into the price. In that spirit I'd be willing to take the 8-5 instead of 5-3. I only have so much generosity in me.
I get you, it was just a counteroffer....if you don't want it no worries. I have some lingering doubts about crystal making it all the way with her illness and the way she's looked so I'll take a pass. I also wouldn't mind Siobhan winning so I don't need the sweat.......
03-13-2010 , 01:40 PM
Also, lets get something going as far as another contest for the top 12....since its a 2 month contest maybe we can do $50 or something or if there isn't enough interest we can do $20 again. I'm sure Pete would escrow again and if not, I could or someone else is welcome too....

I was thinking something like a confidence pool but not something you can alter every week. something set in stone from the start like we did from 24 to 12. I'm thinking before Tuesdays episode you have to set your top 12 in order from 1 to 12 with 1 being who you think will win and 12 being who you think will go out first......after eliminations each week you get points for however many contestants you have only get points for the 11 contestants below your 12th pick....for example say you have katie 12th or something and she goes home you get 11 points, but if someone else does you only get 10.....and so one for each week....i'm just talking here, but it would look something like this:

you make your confidence pick now before tuesday

you rank your contestants 1-12 with 1 being most conifident:


i just cut and copied the wsex market order for this example.......

for week 12, you disregard your 12th pick and count how many of the 11 going through you have right......if paige goes you get 11 for that week and if she stays and someone else goes you get 10

for week 11, you disregard your 12th and 11th pick since they can't be changed and count how many of the 10 remaining you have right......

add that to your week 12 score and so on and so on.......

i think it will work and be interesting....maybe needs some tweaking.....let me know if there is any interest or better ideas, but I'd like to do one more contest if there is interest.
