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Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12

12-02-2013 , 03:11 AM
Finally picked up a Wii U after the deluxe system was price dropped to $250 with New SMB included. Seems like a better deal than the PS4 or XBO until they get some games.
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-02-2013 , 03:19 AM
Yeah I use the pro controller whenever I can as well. I actually think the pro controller is one of the best ever made, it's just so comfortable. I don't think the gamepad is completely useless, it's pretty awesome in Zelda for example. It just hasn't been used in a way that excites me apart from inventory and maps. I don't think it's bad but it really does nothing that can't be done with a vita/smart glass.

I think the Wii U has no games argument isn't really valid any more. There's a pretty decent line up but obviously it doesn't cater to everyone. You're not going to see shooter fans get excited for Pikmin or Wonderful 101 for example. As a Nintendo fan I'm pretty satisfied with what's on offer and what's coming. In terms of exclusives I've picked up Mario/Luigi U, WW HD, Mario 3D, Pikmin, Wonderful 101, ZombiU and Nintendo Land. Apart from ZombiU and Nintendo Land, I've really enjoyed all of those games. ZombiU is terrible and Nintendo Land is mini games. I've picked up a few 3rd party games and they've been hit and miss with their gamepad implementation. Rayman is pretty fun with the gamepad. I'm happy with a PC/Wii U set up at the moment, I'll get a PS4 or XB when they have exclusives worth getting. Right now those consoles have nothing worth dropping the cash on if you already own a PC.

And yeah Mario 3D world is the nuts. It's no Galaxy 2 but it's still very very good. My only gripe is no triple jump. That kind of pissed me off actually.
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-02-2013 , 03:23 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Anyone know why the Wii was so massively successful followed by the Wii U failboating so hard? (or are people actually buying it? My reaction is similar to Quad's so I wouldn't even know)
The Wii and the Wii U both made big gambles. The Wii's big selling point was you could play video games by moving around your remote and standing in front of your television, and it turned out to be something people were excited about. The Wii U's big selling point is we have this mini television that you have to use as a controller while you play games in your living room with a big television.

IMO it was an unnecessary risk, what would have done much better is releasing the "Wii HD" with the Gamepad, but also offering a cheap bundle that just includes that traditional Wiimote. They could've made tons of money selling their new set of games in HD, while having a very cool controller for kids who don't get to hoard the television. Instead of their confusing basic/premium release selling at a large loss because they included the controller, they could have released a money making 249$ bundle without the gamepad and a 399$ bundle with the gamepad.

From what I've read the gamepad is essential to a lot of stuff on the Wii U today, I think their best bet would still be to find a way to make it optional.
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-02-2013 , 06:34 PM
Wii U just needs more great games.

Pikmin 3, Mario...what else is there for the system that's exclusive to it and worth buying?

Nintendo needs to start buying developers to develop exclusives cause they sure as **** aren't doing it themselves anymore. They need a N64 Rare quality developer which is obviously aiming towards the absolute ceiling but I used to expect nothing less so f it.
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-03-2013 , 12:04 AM
Retro Studios.
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-03-2013 , 09:36 PM
Yeah they are pretty good for a game every two years.

Need more though.
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-03-2013 , 09:59 PM
Wow so they're making a new Donkey Kong Country and I was unaware?

Donkey Kong Country Returns might be my favorite video game ever. Platforming perfection.
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-03-2013 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by schu_22
Wow so they're making a new Donkey Kong Country and I was unaware?

Donkey Kong Country Returns might be my favorite video game ever. Platforming perfection.
Yep. Comes out in February I believe? Dkcr was one of my fav wii games.
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-03-2013 , 10:38 PM
So I don't think this needs to be spelled out, but if neither of you have played Rayman Origins or Rayman Legends, you need to ASAP.
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-03-2013 , 10:43 PM
I have Rayman Origins. It's also fantastic.
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-03-2013 , 10:55 PM
rayman origins is the only rayman game i've ever played. i had no idea what was going on at all.
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-03-2013 , 11:37 PM
the gamepad is great for watching netflix
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-04-2013 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
So I don't think this needs to be spelled out, but if neither of you have played Rayman Origins or Rayman Legends, you need to ASAP.
Have not. Became disinterested after all of the delays. Played a demo though. Was enjoyable.
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-05-2013 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by grando1.0
the gamepad is great for watching netflix
Also great if you have a wife/gf/kids who want to do other stuff while you game, or watch a different show at the same time on the other screen.

I have a PS3 and Wii U, so I can throw Amazon Video or Netflix on the big screen or the gamepad, and use the other screen for whatever I want.
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-07-2013 , 04:45 PM
sounds like there's expectation of zelda wii u being revealed at vgx tonight, which is some kind of video game awards that will be streaming in about 2 hours
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-07-2013 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by blastoff
sounds like there's expectation of zelda wii u being revealed at vgx tonight, which is some kind of video game awards that will be streaming in about 2 hours
I've read it will be footage of an already-announced-game. Speculation is Zelda wii u, indeed. Would def love that as it would create a much needed buzz around the wii u right now. Maybe Nintendo feels pushed? Which they should at this point.
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-07-2013 , 07:41 PM
reggie just came out on vgx and showed some donkey kong tropical freeze gameplay (game now slated for 2/21) then he left. i love seeing classic nintendo franchises in hd, but if that's really all they have for this show after hyping up some big reveal, then **** those *******s.
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-07-2013 , 08:10 PM
Dude, it's Nintendo. What game are they gonna give you that they haven't already made 30 times before?
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-07-2013 , 08:42 PM
the game has been known about for a long time, it was even supposed to be out by now. then they hype a big reveal, and it's "hey cranky kong is playable in that game we just delayed, but you probably already heard about it because that already leaked last week".

just say "we're going to show new donkey kong gameplay" instead of "BIG TOP SECRET NEWS, TUNE IN TO FIND OUT THIS INCREDIBLE ANNOUNCEMENT"
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-08-2013 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Dude, it's Nintendo. What game are they gonna give you that they haven't already made 30 times before?
Don't **** all over my beloved Nintendo, please? If you must, go fart up a storm over in the corner and I'll pretend I don't smell it
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-08-2013 , 03:47 AM
I'm as big of a Nintendo fanboy as you'll find on 2p2 but I'm also a realist... the wii u is far behind (I only have a few games since launch) and if it wasn't for the 3ds I'd be GREATLY concerned. Been with them since I was born (1984).
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-08-2013 , 04:07 AM
Nintendo have over $5 billion sitting in the bank. I wouldn't be too worried.
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-08-2013 , 05:47 AM
Hahahaha omggggg

Nintendo's Appearance On The VGX Was... Awkward

video is must-watch, this is so insanely cringeworthy
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-08-2013 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by blastoff
the game has been known about for a long time, it was even supposed to be out by now. then they hype a big reveal, and it's "hey cranky kong is playable in that game we just delayed, but you probably already heard about it because that already leaked last week".

just say "we're going to show new donkey kong gameplay" instead of "BIG TOP SECRET NEWS, TUNE IN TO FIND OUT THIS INCREDIBLE ANNOUNCEMENT"
Lololol Cranky Konged
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
12-08-2013 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by nit3.runn3r
I'm as big of a Nintendo fanboy as you'll find on 2p2 but I'm also a realist... the wii u is far behind (I only have a few games since launch) and if it wasn't for the 3ds I'd be GREATLY concerned.
Look I'm a fanboy and I also know they're ****ting the bed this generation, I'd just not like to think about it so I can buy my Wii U in a year and a half, get the 5 games that are actually good (NSMBU, 3D World, Wind Waker, New-Zelda, Pikmin, oh and DKC Tropical Freeze) and then cry myself to sleep while my friends play Battlefield
Wii U Thread: Released in US on 11/18/12 Quote
