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What a disappointment... What a disappointment...

08-19-2010 , 04:12 AM
I do not understand why more gamers are not outraged/talking about the format in which SCII has been released.

Blizzard is known for creating games... not in the sense of a platformer, a puzzle game, etc etc, but as that of Chess, or Poker. The competitive depth in real time strategy games of this nature gives rise to a serious field of competitive play.

And yet, Blizzard releases SCII w/ no visible ladder/ranking system. Players are put into isolated leagues with no tangible bearing on the competitive field as a whole. Blizzard removes Clan chatrooms, mutilates the custom game formats, instead implementing "Facebook"! features.

Blizzard collects invisible data about the ranking/status of the competitors of their game, but refuses to release it to the players themselves. What emerges is a user-friendly, mass-produced training-wheels version of what could be a much more compelling game.

Ever since the consumer success of WoW... Blizzard has shifted its priorities from making truly amazing games to making absurd amounts of money.
What a disappointment... Quote
08-19-2010 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by ItTheAnd
What emerges is a user-friendly, mass-produced training-wheels version of what could be a much more compelling game.
Heaven forbid that a game be user friendly.

Ever since the consumer success of WoW... Blizzard has shifted its priorities from making truly amazing games to making absurd amounts of money.
A companies primary purpose is and always has been to make money. Unless you're some hippy company.
What a disappointment... Quote
08-19-2010 , 06:31 AM
That's what she said.
What a disappointment... Quote
08-19-2010 , 06:49 AM
it all started when activision and blizzard merged...
What a disappointment... Quote
08-19-2010 , 06:59 AM
08-19-2010 , 08:42 AM
I thought this was gonna be about the game and I was ready to disagree.

But you,re right about what youre saying here.

Good thing is they'll implement chat rooms soon due to popular demands.

I would be shocked if the ladder system stayed the same after the expansion
What a disappointment... Quote
08-19-2010 , 09:51 AM
Well i think ladder system is quite fine, they do need to add another league. I really dont care if im 1201 or 1299 in europe overall.
What a disappointment... Quote
08-19-2010 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by ItTheAnd
Blizzard is known for creating games... not in the sense of a platformer, a puzzle game, etc etc, but as that of Chess, or Poker. The competitive depth in real time strategy games of this nature gives rise to a serious field of competitive play.
They also made Diablo and D2, games where you click on things and they instantly explode into loot (the real precursor to WoW). The community made SC1 what it is, not Blizzard.

And yet, Blizzard releases SCII w/ no visible ladder/ranking system. Players are put into isolated leagues with no tangible bearing on the competitive field as a whole. Blizzard removes Clan chatrooms, mutilates the custom game formats, instead implementing "Facebook"! features.
They released a top 200 list within a few weeks to presumably gauge interest. They constantly listen to the community: it's how their games have crept to the top. They're going to release chatrooms, and they know that War3 spawned DOTA. The games is just released; DOTA and the like didn't happen overnight. From all accounts, the editor is amazing in scope.

Blizzard collects invisible data about the ranking/status of the competitors of their game, but refuses to release it to the players themselves.
Welcome to web 2.0. What do you think every website in existence is already doing? Why single blizzard out for hoarding data?

Before you say "because they have my NAME!", they don't care you're named Joey Joe-Joe-Joe. They care that X% of the population has certain hardware requirements they have to support, etc.

They also don't care about satisfying the egotistical needs of the top ~100 players, who make up the most minuscule portion of their population.

What emerges is a user-friendly, mass-produced training-wheels version of what could be a much more compelling game.
This one always gets me. SC1 was hard simply because getting the game to do what you want was extraordinarily complicated. It was good for its' time, but today that interface is a disaster.

Regarding skill level differences, I'm a 900+ diamond zerg. The difference between a 600 D and a 900 D right now is staggering. The difference between a 900 D and a 1100+ D is ridiculous, and between that 1100+ and the elite is just mind-boggling.

Ever since the consumer success of WoW... Blizzard has shifted its priorities from making truly amazing games to making absurd amounts of money.
REALLY? Are you this dumb?

D2, War2, War3, War3FT, SCBW, and SC2 were in the works long before WoW. Why do you think they keep making sequels? Why do you think they keep making expansion packs for those games? It ain't to explore new and different territory each time.

WoW was actually the first time in years where they broke away from the money-making-sequel mode! Everyone forgets that EQ was the dominant force at the time with 300K active subscribers, and WoW was no sure thing in a field of EQ/AC/SWG/CoH/etc.

In short, I have no idea where you're getting any of your crazy ideas.
What a disappointment... Quote
08-19-2010 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by ItTheAnd
I do not understand why more gamers are not outraged/talking about the format in which SCII has been released.

Blizzard is known for creating games... not in the sense of a platformer, a puzzle game, etc etc, but as that of Chess, or Poker. The competitive depth in real time strategy games of this nature gives rise to a serious field of competitive play.

And yet, Blizzard releases SCII w/ no visible ladder/ranking system. Players are put into isolated leagues with no tangible bearing on the competitive field as a whole. Blizzard removes Clan chatrooms, mutilates the custom game formats, instead implementing "Facebook"! features.

Blizzard collects invisible data about the ranking/status of the competitors of their game, but refuses to release it to the players themselves. What emerges is a user-friendly, mass-produced training-wheels version of what could be a much more compelling game.

Ever since the consumer success of WoW... Blizzard has shifted its priorities from making truly amazing games to making absurd amounts of money.
We do need to remember this game was just released. SC1 wasn't a fined tuned product till a couple of years after it came out. Yes it was silly for Blizzard not to implement chat rooms right off the bat but they plan on implementing them soon. I've heard that LAN will be implemented but only for big time events. Personally this doesn't effect me. I haven't been to a LAN party in a long, long time and I have 2 computers which I can play SC2 from my home and they both can connect at the same time.

The ranking system is fine albeit with some issues.

The issues I have currently are the random teams being teammed up with picked teams. I think that should be changed and I think there are enough teams now.

Cross-region play. Not sure why it shouldn't be free but silly not to have it or being forced to buy more than 1 version of the game.

I still think the game is pretty great and not sure when i'll quit playing it. Single player on Brutal was good and tough and took me forever to beat (in comparison to other RTS). Multiplayer is interesting. I also love watching the pros play. The game is currently at it's very infant stages. If in 2 years, the game still has a ton of issues than I would complain but less than a month after it's release I can't really complain about much. It's the best game I've played since Team Fortress 2 came out 5 years ago by far. And my favorite RTS since SC1. I'll give it some time to mature and update. Blizzard I think is going to implement a ton of the complaints that players are having in the coming months.

Blizzard made a really high quality product that could use a little work but that's true with just about every game they have ever released. They have a sick starting point which they can quickly modify to be an epically sick game. The changes you are asking for wouldn't take very long to implement at all. i have a feeling they will add another PRO league soon on top of the diamond league.

Last edited by capone0; 08-19-2010 at 10:27 AM.
What a disappointment... Quote
08-19-2010 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Fistdantilus
They also made Diablo and D2, games where you click on things and they instantly explode into loot (the real precursor to WoW). The community made SC1 what it is, not Blizzard.

They released a top 200 list within a few weeks to presumably gauge interest. They constantly listen to the community: it's how their games have crept to the top. They're going to release chatrooms, and they know that War3 spawned DOTA. The games is just released; DOTA and the like didn't happen overnight. From all accounts, the editor is amazing in scope.

Welcome to web 2.0. What do you think every website in existence is already doing? Why single blizzard out for hoarding data?

Before you say "because they have my NAME!", they don't care you're named Joey Joe-Joe-Joe. They care that X% of the population has certain hardware requirements they have to support, etc.

They also don't care about satisfying the egotistical needs of the top ~100 players, who make up the most minuscule portion of their population.

This one always gets me. SC1 was hard simply because getting the game to do what you want was extraordinarily complicated. It was good for its' time, but today that interface is a disaster.

Regarding skill level differences, I'm a 900+ diamond zerg. The difference between a 600 D and a 900 D right now is staggering. The difference between a 900 D and a 1100+ D is ridiculous, and between that 1100+ and the elite is just mind-boggling.

REALLY? Are you this dumb?

D2, War2, War3, War3FT, SCBW, and SC2 were in the works long before WoW. Why do you think they keep making sequels? Why do you think they keep making expansion packs for those games? It ain't to explore new and different territory each time.

WoW was actually the first time in years where they broke away from the money-making-sequel mode! Everyone forgets that EQ was the dominant force at the time with 300K active subscribers, and WoW was no sure thing in a field of EQ/AC/SWG/CoH/etc.

In short, I have no idea where you're getting any of your crazy ideas.

What a disappointment... Quote
08-19-2010 , 02:22 PM
QQ thread is full of QQ
What a disappointment... Quote
