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We should have a "random ****" thread in this forum imo We should have a "random ****" thread in this forum imo

02-02-2015 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by weevil
Maybe now we'll see Bloodborne on PC. Sounds good to me.
nm, Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) is publishing it, not SOE. Don't really care about any of their games
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02-03-2015 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Anybody playing Marvel Heroes 2015? Just dabbled a bit the other night, seems okay but I have nfi what I'm even doing. I hear it was designed by someone who worked on Diablo, which makes sense as it plays the same way.
I played it for a while, but haven't played in a couple months.

I found it quite boring, but it could be that it's just not my genre of game, as it seems well made. I mean, all I did was grind PVE missions to level up my hero and get better equipment. Once I leveled someone up all the way, I started again with another. After a while, I realized I was just playing to play, rather than playing to have fun.

There just wasn't much of a point to the game for me. Aside from the upper, upper level missions where you absolutely have to have a team of heroes to play with (are they called Legendary missions?), everything was way too easy.

Again, it may just be the genre I don't like. Grinding, grinding, grinding, just to level up and get more stuff. It's kind of fun for a while, as I do enjoy seeing new characters, enemies, and levels, but eventually it becomes a "been there, done that" thing where I'm just playing so I don't miss out on something.

And I hate, hate, hate games where I'm constantly worried about inventory management. This is one of them, unless you spend money to buy more inventory slots.
We should have a "random ****" thread in this forum imo Quote
02-09-2015 , 11:09 PM


We should have a "random ****" thread in this forum imo Quote
02-10-2015 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by Jackitos


Congrats on the fast interneT. You really should use a better speed test though. is one of the most inconsistent test sites out there and it's not designed to test above 30mbs... xfinity and are known to Provide the most accurate and reliable test results

oh, and get on my level

note, running a test seconds later on and i max out at 64mbs. I bet you're getting higher than what you posted there

Last edited by HawkFanIA; 02-10-2015 at 01:59 AM.
We should have a "random ****" thread in this forum imo Quote
02-10-2015 , 06:12 PM
Just saw that Bethesda is doing E3 this year for the first time ever (? I was surprised by this but it's what the article said iirc).

Anyway, gotta think this makes a new Fallout a huge fav to be revealed.

I am excite.
We should have a "random ****" thread in this forum imo Quote
02-10-2015 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by HawkFanIA
Congrats on the fast interneT. You really should use a better speed test though. is one of the most inconsistent test sites out there and it's not designed to test above 30mbs... xfinity and are known to Provide the most accurate and reliable test results

oh, and get on my level

note, running a test seconds later on and i max out at 64mbs. I bet you're getting higher than what you posted there
Weird shows 98.9Mbps DL and 6.16 Mbps UL, only paying for 50 Mbps though.

xfinity showing 112.81 Mbps DL and 5.76 UL
We should have a "random ****" thread in this forum imo Quote
02-10-2015 , 06:52 PM
It's pretty common to get higher than what you pay for When you have a higher plan. That way when all your neighbors are streaming at peak times and bogging down the local line, you are still getting close to what you pay for
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02-10-2015 , 06:54 PM
Makes sense
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02-13-2015 , 05:19 PM
Disclaimer: I think present day Peter Molyneux is just a liar. Now with that in mind, imagine my reaction when I open this interview by RPS ( and the first line was:

"RPS: Do you think that you’re a pathological liar?"

Imho, it's very worth a read, no matter what you think about the guy,
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02-13-2015 , 05:26 PM
We should have a "random ****" thread in this forum imo Quote
02-13-2015 , 05:59 PM
Pretty harsh and you have to give PM props for enduring the interview. Most people I would think would get pissed off and pull a (skip to 40s in)

We should have a "random ****" thread in this forum imo Quote
02-14-2015 , 11:29 AM
Peter Molyneux: Made one good game and has been scamming the world ever since
We should have a "random ****" thread in this forum imo Quote
02-14-2015 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by schu_22
Peter Molyneux: Made one good game and has been scamming the world ever since
Populous, Dungeon Keeper and Theme park are more than one game imo. And Syndicate if we're including games he was a producer on.

But post-bullfrog that's pretty accurate though (well, except the 'one good game' bit).
We should have a "random ****" thread in this forum imo Quote
02-14-2015 , 01:57 PM
Black & White was awesome. But yeah, he is completely delusional.
We should have a "random ****" thread in this forum imo Quote
02-14-2015 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by whatthejish
Black & White was awesome. But yeah, he is completely delusional.
People often cite Black & White when listing his over-promises/failures, so I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it was great. I also enjoyed what I've played of the Fable games, though they weren't exactly Earth shattering and I guess therefore far below what was expected. People really have only themselves to blame for backing his projects with sky high expectations when he has consistently failed to deliver on then.

Just grunching the interview a bit, seems to me like PM is overly idealistic and maybe delusional about his capabilities, but not sure he's a scammer who is purposely trying to deceive people.

Last edited by Jiggymike; 02-14-2015 at 02:26 PM.
We should have a "random ****" thread in this forum imo Quote
02-14-2015 , 02:22 PM
Crowdfunding is such an awful concept for video game creation too. Crowdfunding and Early Access are probably the things I hate most about the modern video game industry.
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02-14-2015 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by schu_22
Crowdfunding is such an awful concept for video game creation too. Crowdfunding and Early Access are probably the things I hate most about the modern video game industry.
Crowdfunding is an awesome concept, but it's way too vulnerable to being taken advantage of. There are too many people starting games, making a ton of money early on crowdfunding or EA and then never bothering to finish the game.

Which makes sense if you take morals and ethics out of the equation. The developers are not going to make much more money from actually finishing the games since most people interested in it will have bought it way before it's done.

Crowdfunding that was treated like a loan would be interesting. The developers got the money from the fundraising, but if they failed to deliver on what was promised, they would have to pay it back. Probably wouldn't work in practice since they could declare bankruptcy or whatever else, but perhaps something could be done where they would at least be prevented from just taking the money and running.
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02-14-2015 , 03:47 PM
Crowd funding that requires deliverables and a strict timeline. Produce x by date y and get money z, else no funds. Start with a trickle (of money) and deliver more towards the end to encourage project completion.

Say, $500 a week for part one deliverables, $750 for part two, $1000 for final phase deliverables. Some schedule like that.
We should have a "random ****" thread in this forum imo Quote
02-14-2015 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by YouR_DooM
Disclaimer: I think present day Peter Molyneux is just a liar. Now with that in mind, imagine my reaction when I open this interview by RPS ( and the first line was:

"RPS: Do you think that you’re a pathological liar?"

Imho, it's very worth a read, no matter what you think about the guy,
lol, interviewer is a p.o.s.

Just shows what scum gamers are in general with that type of Kickstarter whining.
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02-14-2015 , 11:48 PM
Interviewer was kind of a dick but I think the issues he was asking about (fwiw, I never heard of Godus before yesterday) were legitimate and Molyneux came off just as bad if not worse.
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02-15-2015 , 12:01 AM
The issue works a few different ways

In the case of Molyneux, he deserves no benefit of the doubt anymore given his history, and especially when we're talking about a kickstarter case in which he has no obligation to do anything with the funding given. He was grilled for his incompetence and his sheer dis-ingenuousness (at best) or flat-out scamming at worst.

This is why I'm so against crowdfunded games. Generally, with crowdfunding, you get either A) Inexperienced, clueless developers who have no track record of success and need a break in order to make a career-starting game...a crapshoot at best or B) Straight up scammers - obviously just eating up $$$ and not caring about delivering results.

When an established company produces games, it has to devote finite resources under heavy pressure in order to produce a game that will be well-reviewed and be a financial success. This means a couple of things - devoting money towards proven people and solid resources when trying to go after an established genre/title niche....or taking a chance trying to hit it big with a groundbreaking and original title. Whichever the case, it means that a profit margin is on the line, jobs are at stake, etc etc. Capitalism! Which tends to produce results.

With crowdfunding, you get people saying they'll make a game that will do A, B, and maybe C. Sometimes you get a game that does A, sometimes A and B, rarely A, B, and C, and sometimes you even get one that does X, Y, and Z. It may do those things well, or it may do them extremely poorly. That's if the game gets finished in the first place. Now if you're a consumer in this situation, you've already given them your money. There's little financial incentive to make the game good (although there is career-building incentive obviously). But if the game sucks... you're out your donation. You can't just choose to buy or not buy the game based on research and reviews, news, recommendation, etc, which is the normal consumer pattern. Nope - your money is already gone. And since the type of people that ask for crowdfunding are typically small-time or inexperienced developers and programmers...the results tend to be mediocre at best and godawful or worthless at worst.

What I'm saying is, in general, this sucks ass on the end of the consumer, and tends to not produce results on the end of the developer. There's been what, one major crowdfunded success EVER? (Shovel Knight).

It's AIDS. I will never ever donate to a crowdfunded project, and neither should you.
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02-15-2015 , 12:15 AM
Just off the top of my head, Divinity: Original Sin and Wasteland 2 were very successful crowd funding games.
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02-15-2015 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by schu_22
There's been what, one major crowdfunded success EVER? (Shovel Knight).

It's AIDS. I will never ever donate to a crowdfunded project, and neither should you.
I mean I've backed 14 projects on kickstarter and while I'd never back a video game there have been lots of successes:

The Escapists
Divinity: Original Sin
Sunless Sea
Darkest Dungeon
Risk of Rain
Wasteland 2
Shadowrun Returns
Lifeless Planet
FTL: Faster Than Light
The Fall
Among the Sleep
Mercenary Kings
Broken Age
Banner Saga


Last edited by Daer; 02-15-2015 at 12:36 AM.
We should have a "random ****" thread in this forum imo Quote
02-15-2015 , 12:43 AM
I'll give you Risk of Rain and FTL

The rest of that is wtf.gif shovelware
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02-15-2015 , 12:44 AM
We're up to THREE GAMES
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