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08-21-2010 , 03:05 AM
Probably depends on how effective your scouting has been so far, and how well your going to be able to react to the new info.
The Terran thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by berksonz
Some funny replays....

When someone describes something as "funny" i put my skeptical face on and say "Oh really we'll see about that."

But I admit, I lol'ed. Nice job!
The Terran thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 06:22 AM
Originally Posted by OnMyBlackBerryLOL
I hope someone can give me a reality check here ... at what point did I lose this game? Getting infernal preignater 20 min in, not putting up at least 1 bunker on either expand or grounding my vikings against 3/3 zerglings?

My opponent was definitely not among the best players I've played against, honestly making me feel even worse about having just lost to him.

Thoughts welcome, thanks all in advance

Should I be posting this somewhere else?

Sorry for pimping my **** like this, I'd love some help with this game.
The Terran thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 10:15 AM
oc on 15 is standard from like every pro terran ive watched where they didn't go for some weird build. and yea, most ppl say to mule 2x before scanning. you should be able to get scouting info in the meantime with a worker unless they are walled off.
The Terran thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by OnMyBlackBerryLOL
I hope someone can give me a reality check here ... at what point did I lose this game? Getting infernal preignater 20 min in, not putting up at least 1 bunker on either expand or grounding my vikings against 3/3 zerglings?

My opponent was definitely not among the best players I've played against, honestly making me feel even worse about having just lost to him.

Thoughts welcome, thanks all in advance

You lost when you decided that scouting was not on your list of things to do. Only watched the first 8 or 9 mins, but as soon as you let him get 6 mutas out you were gonna be in a lot of trouble with no Thors, Turrets, or stim.
The Terran thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 07:01 PM
Anyone want to practice TvT? It is by far my worst match up. I love going against Protoss and usually do well against Zerg but my TvT is abysmal, which sucks because I'd say 2/3's of my match ups are TvT.

My tag is laxbro and pin is 691. I'm fluctuating between ranks 1-10 in platinum and willing to practice with anyone regardless of league.
The Terran thread Quote
08-23-2010 , 05:11 PM
I started playing the practice league and I am 3-0 so far. First opponent was a horrible terran that didn't have a single unit up when my reapers jumped in. Second was a toss that massed zealots, reapers softened him up pretty badly but some failed micro got them killed. A drop finished him easily.

3rd game a toss that went straight to stalkers but didn't micro well so I trader my reapers for lik 6-8 scv which was fine imo. I then dropped 2 medivac on him while he was building void rays. Traded 2 medivacs and 2 marines for everything he had.

I would say medivac drops are the way to go in practice, so hard to stop since they can't really scout it.

I don't even bother walling off and usually get gas up before my rax, is that bad? (I usually rush reapers)
The Terran thread Quote
08-23-2010 , 06:10 PM
99% of the top terran players will get the gas started when about 50% of the barracks is done. If you do this and put 3 scvs in immediately you can instantly build a techlab and get enough gas for a constant reaper flow, so there's no need to delay your barracks to get some more gas which you won't need at the start
The Terran thread Quote
08-23-2010 , 06:44 PM
Yeah build gas exatly when you have the minerals for it after rax and snapput 3 SCVs in is the way to go.

Super slight nitpick but I'd rather say "build gas on X minerals after the rax is down" than "when the rax is half done" because it makes you autouse the mental checklist of "do I have minerals, ok what can I spend them on"
The Terran thread Quote
08-23-2010 , 08:41 PM
I guess I need to up my OC from 16 to 15. I've just gotten into the groove to get it in at 16 for whatever reason(I think its just with my getting gas at 12...I think 3's and 4's strat causes me to do this).
The Terran thread Quote
08-23-2010 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by Doc89
It's going to interrupt your SCV production no matter when you get it. But if you wait a few minutes to get it, you are missing out on 1 or 2 mules, which is ~600 minerals that you are never going to get back. In the amount of time it takes to get an OC, you can build 2 SCVs, but being able to drop MULEs is essentially worth 6 SCVs. 6>2. Not getting the OC at 15 supply is pretty much always bad.
Source? Trump says orbitals are worth 4 workers when replay watching and counting harvesters.
The Terran thread Quote
08-23-2010 , 09:31 PM
A regular SCV carries 5 minerals, a mule carries 30. The OC recharges energy such that you can always have one mule up (ie, as soon as the first one finishes you will have 50 energy again). 30/5 = 6. I don't know where trump got the 4 from, unless MULEs harvest slower than SCVs? This might be the case, I don't know. Maybe he is assuming you are going to use one third of the energy for scans? I guess that's a fairly reasonable assumption.

Also, mules don't take up space on the mineral line. So in that sense, having one is actually better than having 6 SCVs, because if you had 6 SCVs they would be getting in the way of your other SCVs and slowing each other down.
The Terran thread Quote
08-23-2010 , 10:04 PM
toss player here in peace. i am currently ranked 4th in gold, anyone want to practice vs each other? hit me back if so

Last edited by scoop05333; 08-23-2010 at 10:05 PM. Reason: im european :)
The Terran thread Quote
08-24-2010 , 01:07 AM
Did the mass reaper play for the first time today against a zerg. It works well, but I have no ability to both Macro and Micro at the same time. By the time my reapers died I had done a ton of harassing, but had about 2500 minerals...
The Terran thread Quote
08-24-2010 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by ScottySo
90% of the time you want to do the standard opening of

10 supply
12 rax
13 gas
15 Orbital Command

then you can go into a whole bunch of diff strats. 3 rax, quick helions, 1-1-1, quicky banshees are all solid.
Does this mean to build a supply when the 10th SCV is starting to build (aka 10 in top corner), or when the 10th comes out of the cc?
The Terran thread Quote
08-24-2010 , 01:43 AM
Mules don't take up supply either, so you save some minerals there.
The Terran thread Quote
08-24-2010 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by Randiek
Does this mean to build a supply when the 10th SCV is starting to build (aka 10 in top corner), or when the 10th comes out of the cc?
When your supply reads 10.
The Terran thread Quote
08-24-2010 , 06:20 AM
Originally Posted by Randiek
Does this mean to build a supply when the 10th SCV is starting to build (aka 10 in top corner), or when the 10th comes out of the cc?
Yeah, that one stumped me as well at first.

"Build on 10" means you wait for your supply readout in the top-right corner of the screen to go from 9/x to 10/x. Then you wait until you have enough minerals and gas to build it.

Ideally you want to build it exactly when you have the required minerals, e.g. you want to build a supply depot that costs 100 minerals, so your SCV should be on the spot where you want to build before you reach 100 minerals and you press B for build, and then spam S until you have 100 and then snap click on top of the spot. If you do it well then your minerals should be at 0 for a second.

Oh, and if you have enough minerals to build before you reach 10/x supply then you messed up somewhere along the way and should have built it sooner. Supply is only a guideline in builds, building stuff as soon as you have the resources for it is what really matters.
The Terran thread Quote
08-24-2010 , 07:22 AM
I feel I had a breakthrough last night.
I lost my first 3 placement matches. So yesterday I was watching some of trumps stream, helped me out big time. I happened to watch when he was reviewing some non pro replays, and he pointed out some big mistakes in their game I had been making.

I started initiating push much earlier. I don't micro well enough to do the 4 marine & 1 hellion push, but I do ok with 5-6 marines, 4-5 maruaders, 1 tank or thor

At one point he said "a diamond player can have a 50 supply army on your doorstep by the 8 min mark." He clarified this is really 25-30 harvester and the rest army, but I started playing to be capable of beating this size force back at the 8 min mark.

I was expanding at like 27 supply. Way to early. I've pushed this back to 45-50 supply.

For some reason I never use Thors. I think they just came so late in the campaign, I never really used them, but in one of trumps reviews he mentioned thor & marauder is a strong army composition. I'm incorporating them more into my armies and they are really strong. Especially against Muta harass. I think I had one thor hold of 5-6 mutas.

Lastly, I really enjoyed the Terran campaign, and I'm really looking forward to the Z and T campaigns. But I feel that releasing them in this fashion leaves me slightly lost as protoss and totally lost as Zerg. Zerg mechanics just seem totally and completely foreign to me. Going to have to play the AI a lot with Zerg before I get comfortable.
The Terran thread Quote
08-24-2010 , 07:30 AM
epic, just made platinum in 4v4,
but i am bronze in 3v3, 1v1,
and silver in 2v2.

im getting destroyed lately in 1v1 and 2v2,
need to work better and on my micro and turtling early.
The Terran thread Quote
08-24-2010 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by havenrl
need to work better and on my micro and turtling early.
I wouldn't work on turtling other than walling in. I would work on getting a good build order like 3rax and just crushing everyone with marines and marauders.

I just gave in and switched from random to terran and won 7 of 9 games to move from 20th to 2nd in my Gold league by using the 3rax build. A couple of the games I had to do a bit of adjustments after mostly killing their base (one was a bit of a base race against fast dark templar and the other was a bit of a base race against fast mutas. The other 5 I won in the 8th minute after my rush succeeded.

I feel a bit like a cheat...
The Terran thread Quote
08-24-2010 , 08:53 AM
Small tip:

Thors do great vs mutas but they're even better with a handful of marines.
The Terran thread Quote
08-24-2010 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by Doc89
I don't know where trump got the 4 from, unless MULEs harvest slower than SCVs?
If they're slower, it's not much. I looked for a bit last game and it seemed pretty similar to me.
The Terran thread Quote
08-24-2010 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by OvrTheTop111
Did the mass reaper play for the first time today against a zerg. It works well, but I have no ability to both Macro and Micro at the same time. By the time my reapers died I had done a ton of harassing, but had about 2500 minerals...
Put your CC in one shortcut group and your barracks in another. When you have spare minerals send your reapers on a longer trip in their base, then go back and make your depot/factory/whatever. Always check groups 2 & 3 and add when necessary.
The Terran thread Quote
08-24-2010 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by ImAllInNow
I wouldn't work on turtling other than walling in. I would work on getting a good build order like 3rax and just crushing everyone with marines and marauders.
I don't think turtling or walling in is a good idea. I'd practice blocking off access to the back of your mineral lines with your buildings, being able to present as small an attack area for zealots/zerglings as possible while allowing yourself access still. This is much more flexible as it works on every map and against every build.
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