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Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed

01-15-2008 , 12:30 PM

One of the most anticipated titles for the Wii has been delayed again. The source now says that it will release March 9th instead of early Feb.

Well, for me this sucks and it doesn't. It sucks because this is one of about 3 games that I REALLY want to play on the Wii. It doesn't because I still can't find one at actual cost, so hopefully I will be able to find one by the time SSBB is released.
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-15-2008 , 01:11 PM
this is annoying; now our tournament is delayed yet another month

hopefully we'll get some more content/features in the game for this delay

also, good for many that want the game but don't have a wii yet, as there will be another 1.8mil available in that month

in fact, some people think that is one of the main reasons they are delaying it...they can't ship as many in January due to air-shipping many in December and the rain checks they have to fill
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-15-2008 , 01:24 PM
That makes sense. I really want a Wii, but I'm not paying more than $250 for it. This game is my #1 reason why I would get a Wii. SSBM was the only game I really got into on the gamecube.
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-15-2008 , 01:32 PM
start getting the Sunday paper on Saturday to see when stores will have it on Sunday morning and get there at 5am
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-15-2008 , 01:39 PM
Eh, I don't mind. I have 90 stars on Galaxy, so I still have some work to go on there. Then I also have to play Metroid Prime 3 and Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles, and if I somehow get through all of those, and some VC games, I can go pick up Zack and Wiki, so I have plenty to keep me entertained until then, and there is always that thing called poker that takes up a good chunk of my free time.
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-15-2008 , 02:18 PM
zack and wiki is really good if u at all like point-and-click puzzle games
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-15-2008 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
zack and wiki is really good if u at all like point-and-click puzzle games
alright, you finally convinced me
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-15-2008 , 02:55 PM
SSBB being delayed is no big surprise. I called this months ago in conversations with my roommate. No gameplay videos posted on for a game this big 3 months before release usually means delay.
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-15-2008 , 05:03 PM
At least they didn't rush it out for the holidays, a mistake so many other developers have made. Hopefully they can meet expectations (which rise every single time there is a delay).
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-15-2008 , 05:22 PM
I was nearly 100% confident that the game wouldn't come out this past holiday season. Nintendo has NEVER really been about releasing a lot of big titles together, and no way Metroid, Mario, and SSB were coming out in 3-4 months of each other. It's just never been something Nintendo has done, I don't know if they don't want their big titles competing against each other or what, it's just something that doesn't really happen.

This delay surprises me a bit more and annoys me a bit more. It's quite possible that the reasons Nicholas said are true or perhaps the online play wasn't quite up to snuff since Nintendo has next to no experience there. I was a little worried the whole time about how online would come together, so hopefully any extra time makes them get it right.
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-15-2008 , 05:50 PM
This would suck for me if the wii was my primary console. Luckily there are alot more good games coming out on the other consoles to tide us over.
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-16-2008 , 04:31 AM
the rumor is (if you can call random game sites at all credible) is that there were some online issues that needed to be worked on. supposedly the game itself is finished, but wont ship till the problem with the servers is fixed.

regardless of whether or not that's true, it's weird to see the japan release delayed one week and the US release delayed one month
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-16-2008 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by AceLuby
That makes sense. I really want a Wii, but I'm not paying more than $250 for it. This game is my #1 reason why I would get a Wii. SSBM was the only game I really got into on the gamecube.
Seriously? You're not interested in the .. the whole new concept of controlling a game in a new and different way? You just want a button-mashing fighting game with slightly better graphics? That's it?
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-16-2008 , 08:49 AM
the good news is that Brawl just became the 7th game ever to get a perfect 40 from it will at least be worth the wait
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-16-2008 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
the good news is that Brawl just became the 7th game ever to get a perfect 40 from it will at least be worth the wait
It better be, I traded in half of my wii games(which was 3) to put down a full paid pre-order for it. I did it already because gamestop had a special where they gave you an extra % of money if you put it towards Smash Bros. Kinda pisses me off that it was delayed after doing that...
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-16-2008 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Seriously? You're not interested in the .. the whole new concept of controlling a game in a new and different way? You just want a button-mashing fighting game with slightly better graphics? That's it?
For the most part, yeah. I'd like to try Zelda and Mario as well as some party games, but the game that would make me buy the system is SSBB. Just like there are a lot of good games out for the 360, but Halo 3 was the reason I went out and purchased it.
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-16-2008 , 02:25 PM
What I don't get is why someone would want to play this on the Wiimote. I figure anyone that wants to become good is going to want a classic controller.
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-16-2008 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Seriously? You're not interested in the .. the whole new concept of controlling a game in a new and different way? You just want a button-mashing fighting game with slightly better graphics? That's it?
The Wii has shown that controlling a game in a new and different way doesn't always mean a better way. For some Wii titles, the new controls have enhanced gameplay, for others it has hampered it or added little.

I'm happy SSB doesn't feel the need to have the Wii-Mote in some gimmicky ways "just" to have Wii controls. I'm glad they are giving options, because it looks to me as if the game will be better on a classic controller (Wii-Mote controls look awkward from what I've seen). If a game doesn't control better with the Wii-Mote, don't use it developers!

Also, SSB (to me) is more than just a button-mashing fighting game....
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-16-2008 , 04:18 PM
i'm interested in seeing how they do the wiimote+nunchuk controls

i see they posted how the wiimote-only is and we know how classic and gc controls will work, but i don't see where he's said how the wiimote+nunchuk combo will work
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-16-2008 , 04:41 PM
I heard the online was basically just friend code, random battles, pretty weak for what could be a hugely popular online game. If they're delaying it to add more content to the online game then I'm all for it, definitely needs to be ready and up to current online standards.

And Super Smash Melee was a classic. Probably the only game I still play from last generation on a regular basis. Holds up incredibly well...and it was like a launch title for cube. Far from a button smasher when you learn the advanced stuff, which takes more precision and control then any game I've ever played.
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-16-2008 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Chilltown
And Super Smash Melee was a classic. Probably the only game I still play from last generation on a regular basis. Holds up incredibly well...and it was like a launch title for cube. Far from a button smasher when you learn the advanced stuff, which takes more precision and control then any game I've ever played.
Word. Really the only GC game that I was truly addicted to. My buddy in college put in a ridiculous amount of time on it (something like 25,000 minutes or 400+ hours). He would kick my ass, but after a while I became pretty good and once in a while got lucky and beat him. Good enough to beat 4 bots on the hardest setting, and could easily beat anyone who didn't play everyday.

This game is far from a button masher. With throws, combos, special moves, etc... it's like calling SF2 a button masher...
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-16-2008 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
i'm interested in seeing how they do the wiimote+nunchuk controls

i see they posted how the wiimote-only is and we know how classic and gc controls will work, but i don't see where he's said how the wiimote+nunchuk combo will work
I'm sure I'm going to try out the various control options, but I'm certainly not expecting a better control setup than classic.

I heard the online was basically just friend code, random battles, pretty weak for what could be a hugely popular online game. If they're delaying it to add more content to the online game then I'm all for it, definitely needs to be ready and up to current online standards.
This will really annoy me, but has worried me for a while. Nintendo just doesn't have a lot of online experience yet, I was hoping this would be the breakthrough online game (and it still hopefully will be). Friend code only would be amazingly weak.
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-16-2008 , 08:51 PM
some of the online features i know of:

u can play friends or randoms online in a fight
u can partner up with friends/randoms in a 100-man melee
u can partner up with friends/randoms in a team brawl
u can be a spectator and simply watch people play and bet on who will win
if a player loses connection/drops out, the cpu just takes over for them
u can create levels and upload them; best level each day will be available for d/l; so basically every single day of the year u could get a new level to brawl on

u do have to use friend codes; but at least once they are entered u are good to go from then on; ur smash friends are a separate list from the wii friends list

there should be more updates about online mode in coming days/weeks i'd think
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-16-2008 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
u do have to use friend codes; but at least once they are entered u are good to go from then on; ur smash friends are a separate list from the wii friends list
wtf was Nintendo thinking? You don't have to make a freaking Xbox Live service, but something like "gamertags" >>>> "a ten digit number you have to enter for every game you want to play w/ your friends."
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
01-16-2008 , 09:16 PM
Yeah, I don't know why MP3 was able to use the main friend codes, but SSBB will have to use its own codes.
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Quote
