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Street Fighter 4 Street Fighter 4

11-26-2008 , 12:30 AM
So yeah, I'm gonna be a hermit for the next few days.

(Had to turn on the light for the photo = ****ty projector image, but you get the idea).
Street Fighter 4 Quote
11-26-2008 , 12:40 AM
wow that's a balla setup

how's online play been for you so far?
Street Fighter 4 Quote
11-26-2008 , 02:09 PM
Gonna post SFHD stuff since I can't find a thread specifically for the game.

I'm loving it but I wish microsoft let them make the game as big as they wanted it to be. Felt like they left the stages a bit bland because they only had a limited amount of space to work with.

Had a lot of fun with online multiplayer. At first I thought the waiting room was going to be stupid (why would I want to watch other people fight) but I'm liking it now. It sorta recreates the feeling of standing around an arcade machine, waiting for your turn to beat the guy that's winning all the games.

I'll probably be looking to me an arcade joystick controller. Xbox controller doesn't work well for me.
Street Fighter 4 Quote
11-26-2008 , 06:04 PM
Hey, I'm looking for SFHD via game share and I will send some $ for anyone who can hook me up?
Street Fighter 4 Quote
11-26-2008 , 06:38 PM
hey tbag, since those are custom sticks, are any of the controller boards you used from a psone controller by any chance? just wondering if a converter will work for a psone to ps3 set up. i have a street fighter anniversary stick at home, and a converter but haven't tried using on the ps3 yet. it has a psone dualshock board in it though, wondering if it works.
Street Fighter 4 Quote
11-27-2008 , 03:09 PM
Online play is pretty good, but I don't think there will be a way to play fighting games online that will beat live competition anytime soon.

Re: custom sticks and converters - I am using PSX Dual Shock pcbs in my sticks with the InPin converters from laugh on SRK and everything works great.
Street Fighter 4 Quote
11-27-2008 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
Damn SF4 will be a 2D fighter?

Thought this was the year they'd go with 3D.
oh god no, every 3D fighter I've ever played sucked. possibly as most of them were fairly early in the genre, but i found soul calibur unplayable. then again I am a huge SF2 fan, I basically bought my SNES just for that and mario kart, then bought turbo shortly afterwards just to play sagat
Street Fighter 4 Quote
11-28-2008 , 04:13 AM
Soulcaliber is pretty good IMO. Tekken as well. Most other 3D fighters eat dicks though.
Street Fighter 4 Quote
11-28-2008 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by TBag
Re: custom sticks and converters - I am using PSX Dual Shock pcbs in my sticks with the InPin converters from laugh on SRK and everything works great.
hmmm...i tried using my custom stick as well using a usb adapter that i used to use to play Third Strike on my pc, but only 2 of the buttons registered, the joystick movement wouldn't work at all. i even checked it on my pc and it worked fine, so it's definitely not the stick. maybe the adapter just doesn't like ps3?
Street Fighter 4 Quote
11-29-2008 , 03:09 AM
anybody like a particular arcade stick for the 360? ?
Street Fighter 4 Quote
11-30-2008 , 11:18 AM
I don't see a specific thread for SFIIT Remix or whatever that just went up on XBL a couple days ago, but can someone point me to a good comprehensive site to learn better strat?

I am getting rocked so hard, like 3-18 record so far or something.
Street Fighter 4 Quote
11-30-2008 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
oh god no, every 3D fighter I've ever played sucked. possibly as most of them were fairly early in the genre, but i found soul calibur unplayable. then again I am a huge SF2 fan, I basically bought my SNES just for that and mario kart, then bought turbo shortly afterwards just to play sagat
Dude Tekken 5R was way fun for the PS3. (But online play sucks, way laggy. I wouldn't pick up Tekken unless I had friends that wanted to play it too).

Whodat - what kind of converter are you using? There are very few known PS3 converters that work really well.

kkcountry - Those Hori sticks work great for X360s. If I were picking up a commercial stick it'd definitely be that one. Otherwise you would have to spend about 150+ to get someone to build you a custom.

Here's a good resource -


By the same guys that did the SF4 link I posted above. If you want to get even more in depth check out the shoryuken threads.


But yeah, more than anything it's practice. If you play enough you begin to pick up on opponent patterns and also what moves work best for the character you're playing.
Street Fighter 4 Quote
12-01-2008 , 01:49 AM
Ty Tbag, hopefully can improve my ratio to 1:10 with this.
Street Fighter 4 Quote
12-03-2008 , 12:50 AM
ughhhh i cannot do charge attacks w/ the 360 controller, anybody want to help a brother out?
Street Fighter 4 Quote
12-21-2008 , 02:40 AM

played a bit in the arcade today using ken, i'm getting better

i've been utilizing level 2 and 3 focus attacks to give myself a chance to pull off pretty damaging 5 and 6 hit combos ending with ex-shoryukens, but i'm still having trouble getting off the ultra. i'm also falling into stupid patterns of trying to finish combos with shoryukens when it's pretty obvious it's going to be blocked, which leaves me open to be punished.

i also can't FADC yet, which is frustrating. but I feel that once I get that down I'll be able to get off ken's ultra alot more reliably which will be big help.
Street Fighter 4 Quote
12-22-2008 , 04:05 AM
Well, I finally broke down and started playing Guile. His EX Sonic Boom and EX Flash Kick are very useful, even if his super is garbage. I was wrong to say he sucked!

He is a pretty good counter to Abel, who is very popular up here. The best players typically play Blanka, Abel, and Zangief - all matchups I either like or don't mind with Guile but don't care for when using Ryu.

Simply focusing on the bread and butter 3 hit combos is where it's at, JokersAttack - a standard line with Ryu/Ken is jumping MK, croutch MK, EX Hadoken if you land the first part of the chain. SRKs aren't very good in SF4, imo.
Street Fighter 4 Quote
12-22-2008 , 04:11 AM
Gahhhh I'm home for the holidays and have nowhere to play. I need my SF fix damnit.
Street Fighter 4 Quote
12-22-2008 , 04:11 AM
The best part about Ken is his awesome attacks when you are rushing an opponent, as seen in this video:

Being able to cancel fierce SRK into ultra is awesome, and his SRK is way better than Ryu's (obviously).

EDIT: But, as you can see, you need to close the distance to be effective. It's very hard to do against Dhalsim.
Street Fighter 4 Quote
12-22-2008 , 04:14 AM
Another good attacking Ken video:

FADC cancel after fireball into c.lp x2 + throw is sick.

LOL @ his Hurricane Kick combo, I have never seen that.
Street Fighter 4 Quote
12-22-2008 , 10:06 AM
Ed Ma is sick, yea, i've watched quite a few of his vids.

closing distance isn't really that big an issue against the average player in the arcades I play at, it's more an issue of me not being a ****** and going through with the srk when i know i'm going to get blocked

i noticed ed ma fadc out of a whiffed srk to avoid getting owned, pretty interesting. the fadc from fierce srk into ultra is so awesome. can you do that off an ex srk, or only fierce? I remember hearing that fadc out of ex moves consumes more of the super bar which is why people don't do it, but I'm not sure.

those hurricane kick combos against rufus were dope, too. i wonder why he chose to go down that route rather than do the standard srk combos.
Street Fighter 4 Quote
12-22-2008 , 04:36 PM
You can FADC most special and normal moves. FA cancels take up 2 EX stocks though so keep that in mind. If the opponent has low life left and is being ******ed and pressuring me on wakeup I almost always reversal-wakeup srk then FADC into throw. If the SRK doesn't hit em, they end up blocking and I get a free throw attempt. Even if they tech the throw, it's perfectly safe. Just be sure your opponent isn't looking for that, because if you whiff the SRK you're not allowed to dash cancel it.

The EX hurricane combo with Ken is so sick because he gets a free mixup after he lands. He can go low, go for a throw, or I think in one of his videos he throws and the opponent whiffs the tech and he get's another combo.
Street Fighter 4 Quote
12-27-2008 , 08:44 AM
i'm in depression because my friend (and lifelong video game nemesis) has vastly surpassed me in sf4 and for the last 2 days i've been utterly crushed by him. i'm maining ken and he crushes me with ryu. then we swapped and he rubbed salt into the wound by owning me again.

i still can't fadc or kara throw reliably, and he is very efficient at anti-airing me and smashing me with shoryukens, supers and ultras when I whiff anything. he wins fireball wars and even when I get a few hits or a combo off and look like winning a game, he finds a way to get a full ultra off and evens it right back up.

but all is not lost. my 360 hori stick is on its way to australia from cali to prac 3rd strike on, and i've placed my pre-order for sf4 collector's as well as the special edition joystick for ps3.

in the meantime, any tips?

what do I do against a turtling ryu that is good at timing ultras and is generally very competent. I also have trouble finding ways to get my ultra off. I'm thinking my best bet is to bust it when he is trying to focus attack me. I obviously need to learn how to FADC but that's a given.
Street Fighter 4 Quote
12-27-2008 , 04:04 PM
From the sounds of it, I think you'd be best served by just focusing on the fundamentals. Trying to find ways to stick people with your ultra is not a way to win. Think about it, if you're REALLY dominating, you won't even have an ultra to stick em with =P.

It's really hard to give people advice without seeing people play, but one obvious answer to getting owned by anti-air srk's is stop jumping so much. It's a problem a lot of people have, they jump waaaayyy to damn much. If he's really good at hitting you with SRKs, you can try "empty" jumping. That is, jump so that you're spaced far enough that you COULD hit him with a jumping kick, but just jump and don't press anything. If he tries to anti-air SRK, it will whiff right in your face and you can punish however you like.

Are you getting him with jumping cross-ups on wakeup? If you are and he nails you with SRKs there too, if you time the wakeup cross-up a little late and he reversal SRKs it will whiff and again, punish to hell.

This link is the Ken match thread on SRK. Try looking for tips in these. Don't just passively watch them either, try to figure out why they do what they do. SF4 (and fighting games in general) is actually a whole lot like poker, just a series of risk-reward actions until someone wins.
Street Fighter 4 Quote
12-27-2008 , 09:52 PM
thanks TBag, i'll have a look at that and post results

I think that advice will help alot. I also think I need to start integrating throws in more. Right now when I get in close i'll try to land a combo starting with c.lp or the problem is that my friend knows to pretty much just block low which negates my damage entirely. How do I remedy this? Can I throw him when he is crouched? Alot of the time if I try a standing kick that hits low I'll get swept before I get it off or we'll trade hits.
Street Fighter 4 Quote
12-28-2008 , 12:56 AM
Yeah, newbs jump so much it's ridiculous. It is very unnecessary especially with Ryu/Ken who can throw fireballs at will.

If he blocks low, simply use an overhead attack to start a combo. Not sure what Ken's is - f-mp?

Anyway, mastering the kara throw is very important for Ken (mk trigger) since he has the longest range out of all the characters.
Street Fighter 4 Quote
