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Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced.

12-27-2011 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by IWEARGOGGLES
Well I bought the game only to find out it doesn't have a Mac client.

damn i wish this had come up bc i knew this
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-27-2011 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
When people try to play video games on a Mac:

Come, sir. Join us in the 99%.
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-28-2011 , 01:02 AM
slicing does seem kinda iffy, but I did score a 4.6k just now, i'll probably eventually drop it from my main
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-28-2011 , 02:02 AM
So i'm beginning to think that biochem is seriously OP.

Take a look at the stats on the reusable purple buffs, they're insane. (like +100 to your main stat for a lvl 40, iirc?)

On top of that, they have adrenals, short term buffs.

On top of that, they have huuuge reusable medpacks.

All the purple reusable gear takes biochem to use. Seems like a must for competitive pvpers?
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-28-2011 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by Tony Skaloni
just got it and installing. any 2+2 servers? or people i can level with?
i'm on port nowhere, kirb and inso are on a weird named server
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-28-2011 , 04:53 AM
i am a lvl 42 sentinel on the swiftsure (unofficial aussie pvp server). sentinel is pretty challenging but fun and starting to come into its own in the 40s. kind of disappointed with the crew skill system so far, it is so easy to max out all your skills (i am 400 in synthweaving/archaeology/slicing, dropped underworld trading to pick up slicing before the nerf) so i hope there is a lot more to it once more designs become available and the economy stabilizes for materials.
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-28-2011 , 05:11 AM
yeah im sentinel too.

Is it me or are some PvP battles just impossible?

like the football one or whatever its called.

Ranged characters (which is almsot all of them - _-) seem to have such a huge advantage
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-28-2011 , 08:40 AM
im 22 sith marauder, yeah that hutball battlefront is ridiculous for melee dps.
Super tilting
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-28-2011 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by IWEARGOGGLES
Well I bought the game only to find out it doesn't have a Mac client.

i play on a mac... Bootcamp ftw
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-28-2011 , 09:06 AM
Slicing nerf is ridiculous. I mean, it was obvious that something was coming. But this is just painful.
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-28-2011 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by splashpot
Has anyone tried leveling as a non-dps? Since every class has a companion, it should mean that leveling as a healer or tank is less painful. Been thinking of testing it out with a Guardian or Assassin.
I'm level 28 or so, playing as full healer Bounty Hunter Mercenary. My damage output is fine and I haven't had a problem with any elite mobs yet.

(possible spoilers)

I was playing with Mako (healer/damage companion) until Tattooine when they gave me a temporary companion who is more of a pure dmg companion. With Mako, I got really used to doing all the 'tanking' and healing myself from time to time; with the new companion, I usually just send him in and let him take the brunt of the aggro and then do a mix of healing and dpsing. I really have no issues levelling as a healer so far.
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-28-2011 , 12:51 PM
I was given my ship pretty much right after logging in last night (I was apparently 99% done with Coruscant when I stopped playing the other night).

The space battles are a neat little side game, and can definitely go places in the future. (Anyone here play Rogue Squadron?)

People are HORRIBLY spoiled by World of Warcraft having 6 years of content built up (on a multi-billion dollar budget), but I think SWTOR has some very strong potential going forward.

I tried out the "Auction House" last night and I didn't really have as strong of a negative reaction as most people seem to, but it can definitely use some work. I'm not a fan of the deposit system being tied directly to sale price.

I'm curious to see if any of my early crafting goods will sell to ex-slicers who are switching professions with a big bank account.
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-28-2011 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Spottswoode
I'm level 28 or so, playing as full healer Bounty Hunter Mercenary. My damage output is fine and I haven't had a problem with any elite mobs yet.

(possible spoilers)

I was playing with Mako (healer/damage companion) until Tattooine when they gave me a temporary companion who is more of a pure dmg companion. With Mako, I got really used to doing all the 'tanking' and healing myself from time to time; with the new companion, I usually just send him in and let him take the brunt of the aggro and then do a mix of healing and dpsing. I really have no issues levelling as a healer so far.
Saw my first 50 bh last night in a WF. He was ****ing people up.

So the consensus on slicing is to drop it? I have it well over 300 on 2 chars because I couldn't decide on a main.

Yeah, the AH is one of my major gripes. I hate sorting through all the light/medium/heavy armor to find gloves. It's not game breaking, just a hassle.
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-28-2011 , 05:50 PM
Good info on the slicing nerf here:

Cliffs: Mission reward profit from slicing reduced by ~71%. So, it is still profitable to run missions, just much less so.

Personally, I'm going to keep it for now and probably dump it for Diplomacy (to match my crafting) at max level when I have a good bit of money saved up. The profits of slicing haven't been keeping in the money but rather the lack of any expensive mission skill that I feel compelled to level is saving my money.
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-28-2011 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by The_Jeebus
Thinking of getting this game. Any uk players on here? Assuming because of multiple servers I wont be able to play with US ppl right?
I am a "UK" player and you can play with US people and servers if you want.
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-28-2011 , 06:38 PM

BioWare’s game has also managed to create 850,000 Sith Warriors and 810,000 Jedi Knights, suggesting the dark side may be winning.
The Republic are the underdogs.

This makes me feel better about my decision to be a (bad) good guy.
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-28-2011 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by kazzzz
i play on a mac... Bootcamp ftw
Would it be okay with a 17in. MacBook Pro? Can I play it in Mexico?
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-28-2011 , 06:44 PM
Just played this for a couple hours after spending my morning installing Bootcamp.

The questing system is miles better than WoW. I actually feel slightly invested instead of "ok I killed some pigs, now I get to move on to weak trolls!"

Not too sure about the graphics/interface but I'll decide once I get to play it on 2560x1600 with max settings.
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-28-2011 , 09:02 PM
yeah it helps that killing monsters are just bonuses in zones that you already have an objective in.

The steps are usually pretty fluent and dont ever feel like grinding imo, also even if its only in the chat you have a few "decisions" to make for every quest
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-29-2011 , 03:51 AM
Sweet bioware way to just ruin my christmas.
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-29-2011 , 09:52 AM
So the SWTOR community manager (aka forum god) decides to answer swtor questions in reddit instead of on the game's own message board. Also gives a load of tripe for answers to very pressing issues:

He pretty much answers every pressing matter with "it's complicated".
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-29-2011 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
Would it be okay with a 17in. MacBook Pro? Can I play it in Mexico?
i dont know about mexico. I play on a 15inch macbook pro and it works very well
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by Spottswoode
So the SWTOR community manager (aka forum god) decides to answer swtor questions in reddit instead of on the game's own message board. Also gives a load of tripe for answers to very pressing issues:

He pretty much answers every pressing matter with "it's complicated".
Are there pressing matters with the community? Just reading the intro it doesn't sound like he knows much of anything and is just a shill to get some buzz for the game.
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:23 AM
Managing an MMO community sounds like a ****ing terrible job. What would you expect him to say?
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:57 AM
The only issues I'm having are slow loading times into Tatooine and the UI bugging out.

FYI: Ctrl-u twice will reset your ui for any graphical issues you may be having like not being able to click skills, guildies not showing up in guild roster, etc.
Star Wars: The Old Republic Officially Announced. Quote
