Slicktorine needs your help!
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 4,652
You probably don't know me, but I used to be a big deal around here. I'm looking to begin a project that involves me being good at Starcraft 2, there is however a slight problem, I'm rubbish at Starcraft 2.
I used to be a pretty good SC1 player, but I've slowed down in my old age. I can't seem to find any rhythm in SC2. I go on win streaks, but as soon as it starts matching me up with Diamond level players I go on losing streaks. I've tried to improve my game, but I'm afraid I won't able to progress much further without help.
If you're a Diamond level or above player and wouldn't mind helping me in my SC2 Themed project, PLEASE send me a message either on 2+2 or on B-net. My name on B-net is the same as it is here.
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 62,724
this doesnt need its own thread.
also... you can't have been that big of a deal as i have no clue who you are, and ive been around forever.
go ahead and feel free to post your request in a LC, but let me make this clear: it can't be soliciting paid coaching. more to come on that in a day or so.