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SimCity! SimCity!

03-08-2013 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
fwiw a google search about density led me here:

Cliffs: density is driven by happiness. Residents are happy when they have places to shop, industry is happy when they can unload their freight, unsure about commercial.
I think they like/want money if you look at the data map it shows shoppers and money. more money they get the more likely they will expand thier business and make a better building.

I started plopping parks and stuff in res areas and now I got mansions ( I used the $$$ parks on a med street)
SimCity! Quote
03-08-2013 , 11:34 PM
EA Employee lashes out at his company. Seems legit.
SimCity! Quote
03-08-2013 , 11:41 PM
The thing about sharing with neighbors and whatnot is that I don't want to ****ing share with neighbors. If I'm getting a game like this I want to build my own **** and have complete and total control over everything and not have to deal with the walking meat-puppet human beings who can barely not kill themselves on a daily basis. There are just some games that should be single-player experiences. We don't have to "connect" every god damn thing

Err, yeah that's right, it was just an excuse for the always-on DRM
SimCity! Quote
03-08-2013 , 11:44 PM
Between the DRM, the tiny-ass city size, the lack of terraforming, the bull**** neighboring regions stuff...I will not be buying a game. I will not be buying a god-mode/simulator which doesn't give you the power to do much and lets you simulate what amounts to a small village (despite what their BS population count says)
SimCity! Quote
03-08-2013 , 11:56 PM
EA giving away a free game to each person who bought simcity cause they messed up
SimCity! Quote
03-09-2013 , 12:36 AM
Got the game yesterday, didn't open it, submitted a refund request to amazon. afaik they're under no obligation to honor it but since they're refunding the download customers I figure it's worth a shot.

Thinking about it some more the forced download of the Origin spyware is about as tilting as everything else.
SimCity! Quote
03-09-2013 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by UFO1947
EA giving away a free game to each person who bought simcity cause they messed up
I wonder what kind of POS game they'll offer up.
SimCity! Quote
03-09-2013 , 01:25 AM
I'm trying to switch over my industry zoning to a new land on the same map. How do I do that? Do I just create industry only in the new part and the workers will travel on their own?

I've been playing for a few hours now. The game finally works for me!!!
SimCity! Quote
03-09-2013 , 02:14 AM
Dang, I messed up. I guess it was more of an experiement. I needed more room for residential so I started the industrial zone on another map. Deleted all my industry hoping to ship the jobs off. Went from +6k income or so to in the negative.

Then my city got hit by zombies. I also had a casino that went from making +7k per day to losing about 6k. I don't know how it happened, though. I fkd up by destroying my industry.
SimCity! Quote
03-09-2013 , 02:33 AM
Cities are easy to make at least. There's a ton of trial and error. I learned a ton by reading some things on reddit.

Like this: when I decide to play again, been playing LoL for the night. It makes a ton of sense.
SimCity! Quote
03-09-2013 , 03:12 AM
I've been pretty much just experimenting. I'm expecting my city to die soon.

I have 11 sewage outflow pipes because they fill up so fast.
SimCity! Quote
03-09-2013 , 04:59 AM
I can't seem to place a ferry terminal. Is there a way to rotate a building before you place it or are you stuck with the orientation it gives you? Do airport runways always point north/south?
SimCity! Quote
03-09-2013 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by Janabis
I can't seem to place a ferry terminal. Is there a way to rotate a building before you place it or are you stuck with the orientation it gives you? Do airport runways always point north/south?
It's based on the direction of the road.
SimCity! Quote
03-09-2013 , 06:24 AM
Norwegian customer's screen shot of his customer service experience:

SimCity! Quote
03-09-2013 , 06:28 AM

Here’s a quick update on the problems we were experiencing with SimCity – and a little something extra for people who bought the game.

The server issues which began at launch have improved significantly as we added more capacity. But some people are still experiencing response and stability problems that we’re working fast to address.

So what went wrong? The short answer is: a lot more people logged on than we expected. More people played and played in ways we never saw in the beta.

OK, we agree, that was dumb, but we are committed to fixing it. In the last 48 hours we increased server capacity by 120 percent. It’s working – the number of people who have gotten in and built cities has improved dramatically. The number of disrupted experiences has dropped by roughly 80 percent.

So we’re close to fixed, but not quite there. I’m hoping to post another update this weekend to let everyone know that the launch issues are behind us.

Something Special for Your Trouble

The good news is that SimCity is a solid hit in all major markets. The consensus among critics and players is that this is fundamentally a great game. But this SimCity is made to be played online, and if you can’t get a stable connection, you’re NOT having a good experience. So we’re not going to rest until we’ve fixed the remaining server issues.

And to get us back in your good graces, we’re going to offer you a free PC download game from the EA portfolio. On March 18, SimCity players who have activated their game will receive an email telling them how to redeem their free game.

I know that’s a little contrived – kind of like buying a present for a friend after you did something crummy. But we feel bad about what happened. We’re hoping you won’t stay mad and that we’ll be friends again when SimCity is running at 100 percent.

SimCity is a GREAT game and the people who made it are incredibly proud. Hang in there – we’ll be providing more updates throughout the weekend.

Well, at least they're trying? :-/
SimCity! Quote
03-09-2013 , 09:54 AM
The maps was waaaaaay too small.

Only takes a couple of hours and you fill everything up with what is needed and then you have no room to expand. I have tons of demand for housing and industrial work but just nowhere to put it. Think I could work on the layout slightly but I dont want to put the roads too close together or else they dont have the room to become sky scrapers.

Tried to create a casino city (Obv) and put an airport in and rail network but the airport wasn't working because I had hardly any tourism. I have the tourism thing added onto City Hall and it said I can now add landmarks but can't find the button for them anywhere.

Way too small though.
SimCity! Quote
03-09-2013 , 10:00 AM
Got my first city up to 250k last night. Now my sewage and water are taking up way too much real estate to meet the demand. Time to start a neighboring city and outsource those things.
SimCity! Quote
03-09-2013 , 10:25 AM
think im getting ****loads of $$$ with my new city, got like 4 things harvesting ore 350+ each from one building.

so rich dunno what to buy... a school I guess?... lol
SimCity! Quote
03-09-2013 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by AndyM2033
I have the tourism thing added onto City Hall and it said I can now add landmarks but can't find the button for them anywhere.
They are under the City Specialization icons, next to where you select your casinos.
SimCity! Quote
03-09-2013 , 11:36 AM
Maxis just came out and said that to make the game offline sp would require significant re-engineering.

SimCity! Quote
03-09-2013 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by ItalianFX
They are under the City Specialization icons, next to where you select your casinos.
Ty will look at that next time im on.
SimCity! Quote
03-09-2013 , 02:55 PM
SimCity! Quote
03-09-2013 , 03:18 PM
Played for about two hours this morning. Then just tried to play again after downloading some patch.

No joy
SimCity! Quote
03-09-2013 , 03:46 PM
I'll wait another few days then
SimCity! Quote
