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Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever

06-17-2010 , 06:43 PM
I love scrapyard. It has tons of interesting spots, but is laid out in such a way that bad campers can't take advantage of it. The games are fast paced, but not in a "I can't believed I spawned into his sights, **** Rust" sort of way.

I'm going to describe some of my favorite spots/routes/and weapon set ups. Hopefully you guys will too. I haven't marked down some of the obvious spots, but I'll go through them really quickly just in case some people aren't aware:

-C Dom: You can cap from inside the plane (northeastern tip of the southern half)
-B Dom: You can guard really well from the C-spawn side by looking through the western chain link fence while flush against the dumpster (south of B)
-A Dom: Upstairs above A is campers heaven. You'll get noob-tubed pretty quickly.
-B Dom: You can get underneath the Blue Plane in front of the loading dock. You're never helping your team here and you're a useless camper. Good luck building a streak, fish.

Also, before I get into detail on how I like to play this map, some general thoughts:

-I always stay to the outside of this map. This really is a map where people can spawn in all directions. You cannot build streaks from the middle imo, and the map is thin enough that you barely sacrifice any time to get to the edge. When going from top to the bottom or vice versa, I always use the C side. As I hope to show you, the B side has too many absurdly covered spots. Again, the map is small, you can afford the time to always hug the C wall when changing sides.
-Tubing is strong on this map, but m16 w/holo is stronger. The long sightlines mean you can get an absurd amount of kills if you're a good shot. Don't like burst guns? Use a LMG, this is the best map for them too!
-Rushing is super strong on this map because of all the cover available. Again, I suggest using the C side as your main route.
-Spawn semtexes are very viable in Dom. I don't know how to do them precisely enough but there's plenty of youtube vids. Never go A or C at the start in Dom if you're playing with randoms.

Alright, my spots:


The teal spot is one of the most underused spots in the game still. It is directly behind the passenger side (Driver's side for LOLBRITISHPEOPLE) of the truck in the parking lot. Once you shoot out the windows you have a clear view to much of the B flag, the door from crane to loading bay (never ever use this door, ever), the area between B and parking lot, and best of all, no-one can see much of you at all. Set up here with an LMG or m16w/ holo (it's key you use a gun that drops in one shot or can fire continuously on one spot, usually the door, for multiple kills, use OMA or an LMG because you need tons of ammo) and get like 50 kills in a row (basically anyone using the B side of the map). You're reasonably safe so long as C is yours (clay the exit to the blue plane if you have time). Also be aware of when the truck starts to flame. If you start using this spot later in the game I'd blow up the truck before you take the position. At the initial spawn I think it's more important to get there fast. Try it out, you're basically invincible and invisible from frontal fire!


The anti teal, and the other reason you never use the B side of the map to move. When you spawn crane, go around the crane to the west then hug the wall to the outside entrance of the loading bay and set up there. You'll have to lay down a claymore facing out before you start shooting. Again you'll want an m16 w/holo (and OMA for ammo) or an LMG. Kill anyone approaching B from the parking lot obv, but spend half your time behind the garbage can next to the stairs looking towards Warehouse 4. You'll clip half the team moving from C to A as well as anyone coming out of Blue Plane. This position gets compromised if someone takes A. Both this position and Teal are super important for map control.


Pink is the get **** done spot. You operate at the pink dot and claymore the pink triangle pointing south. If you put the claymore closer to you it is often run by without giving you enough warning or a kill. At pink you are protected from fire to the south, and can watch all ways of attacking A. You can spend the entire round here, or just use it as a staging point to attack A yourself. You have an advantage over popular camping spots like the guys above A. Even revenge killers can rarely get you so long as you can replace the claymore. A great extra to this spot is that you can snipe out people in the most popular snipe spot on the map (the third story window just east of teal, LOL don't use that). Even if you can't see anyone you should always put a burst up there to search for hitmarkers. NB that you can also watch the middle while very well protected using that same sight-line, just remember to check back to crane periodically.


Green isn't worth camping for too long, but it's a great staging area for attacks on warehouse campers (or if you're spawn-trapping certain gametypes). Clay the triangle facing north and crouch while looking through the forklift and you have a great view of anyone trying to leave the warehouse through the broken door. Moving between this spot and pink is a great way to move north-south (stopping behind the warehouse 4 forklift to check the burning area for enemies if you're heading south).


Another spot that isn't worth staying but provides good sightlines. Clay the triangle (facing west) and use blue to hold off C attacks from A.

I'll hopefully post more later.
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-17-2010 , 06:58 PM
I dont have much to add cuz my main tactic of staying on the outside, u cover. I basically run laps around this map. Also when ur in a shotgun mood go into the L shaped wreck with ur fave and claymores/scav. Its soooooo easy to get an AC-130 as long as the other team isnt to smart.
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-17-2010 , 09:50 PM
Good post, Mittens. This is a 30-25 map for me most of the time, because I just hop in the battle and get smoked a lot in the middle area south of the Tail Sections. I can't resist most of the time because that's where all the action is. I look forward to trying these spots out, even though most of the crew will be fighting over them -- much like having 3-4 players in the middle building on Derail.

FWIW, I've seen JP take over multiple matches OMA tubing from the third floor window of the southernmost building. It might not be as bad as you think, although it could be a different story with bullets.

I'll add that this is probably the best map for defending flags with grenades. A and C are reachable from almost anywhere on the map, and B is narrow enough to make almost any 'nade/Semtex deadly to those trying to cap.

Last edited by TreyWilly; 06-17-2010 at 10:17 PM. Reason: I forgot to say FMJ ftw
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-17-2010 , 09:53 PM
nice post, although this is the only map I camp on. I use thehip method and claymore the bottom of the steps in the office and OMA tube whore the top level in the room straight at the top of the steps. Just watch people coming around the backside where you have the pink dot and you'll get the pred/harrier/pablo up in no time. Every once in a while I'll get tubed, but most of the time you'll see them before they can get to a spot to launch it.

Although sometimes I just put on the UMP and run circles on the outside.

Last edited by DukeSucks; 06-17-2010 at 09:54 PM. Reason: eh, probably the same spot that trey is talking about
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by DukeSucks
Last edited by DukeSucks; Today at 07:54 PM. Reason: eh, probably the same spot that trey is talking about
No, you're good. I was talking about Warehouse 3.

Anyone know what happened to the first two warehouses?
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-18-2010 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by TreyWilly
No, you're good. I was talking about Warehouse 3.

Anyone know what happened to the first two warehouses?
lol good question.

Third floor of warehouse 3 is by far the most effective OMA tube camping spot of all the maps IMO. I'll put a claymore kinda facing the corner but far enough out on the left side to where it can catch people coming in through both doors, and then set up another one on the right side entrance. If they quick cap B then be really cautious about hanging out on the left side of the platform as they'll be headed from B towards the warehouse a great majority of the time but if you're quick enough you can spam your first tube in there and take out a couple if not more.

What makes this spot so great is that you can basically patrol every flag from up there; if they're taking B, run to the left and spam a couple tubes in there, C, run to the right and let em have it. Once we control both C & B it becomes a cakewalk. Both flags are clear? Spam tubes across the map towards A! I've probably only equipped the nuke for maybe 10 games if that, but this has to be one of the easiest ways to get it.
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-18-2010 , 05:05 AM
another good spot that i like to use in TDM is right by the crane and the fence in between that side warehouse. plant a claymore at the suicide door and you can take out anybody exiting the plane or running down the c side. you can even see down the truck a little ways too if you stick out a little farther.
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-18-2010 , 10:20 AM
First off, good post.

My camping/killwhoring spot i lik to do, but rarely actually do, is when we have B+A. So you know they are spawning in the big warehouse. Come out of B, and go right up againt the wall looking into the main warehouse. People rarely see you as it's just your head showing, and even if they do, with using OMA tubing/M16holo they have no chance.
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-18-2010 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Mittens
-Spawn semtexes are very viable in Dom. I don't know how to do them precisely enough but there's plenty of youtube vids. Never go A or C at the start in Dom if you're playing with randoms.
These spawn nades/semtexes are very easy and this is by far the best map to get the multi-kill grenade emblem if you're playing dom.

If you're guarding B from somewhere on that long sloped surface that leads up to it, you can also guard C from there by tossing a semtex over the two airplane fuselages and it should land on the ground or the side of that burning wreckage over there. If they're capping it from inside the fuselage you're obv no good but this works a lot of the time.
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-18-2010 , 02:15 PM
pro tip : skip map
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-18-2010 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by scotchnrocks
These spawn nades/semtexes are very easy and this is by far the best map to get the multi-kill grenade emblem if you're playing dom.

If you're guarding B from somewhere on that long sloped surface that leads up to it, you can also guard C from there by tossing a semtex over the two airplane fuselages and it should land on the ground or the side of that burning wreckage over there. If they're capping it from inside the fuselage you're obv no good but this works a lot of the time.
Originally Posted by scotchnrocks
these exact points were covered earlier in this thread but you're right
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-18-2010 , 05:15 PM
If you're at B, a good way to get some kills is to shoot at L part of the L-shaped Blue plane. Its easily penetrated even without FMJ's, and noobs always cluster there for some reason. Must be a magnet somewhere in there...
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-18-2010 , 05:32 PM
Or you could set up a UMP silenced marathon/ lightweight ghost setup and run around shooting lots of people.
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-18-2010 , 07:10 PM
You can cap flag A by going up the stairs and going prone behind the wall and barrel..
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-18-2010 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by rmthawk64
Or you could set up a UMP silenced marathon/ lightweight ghost setup and run around shooting lots of people.
That's another reason I love this map so much, there are viable strategies for just about every class. I guess I should have specified that my spots were for m16 w/holo, LMG users but there's a lot of ways to play this map. I also love SP/Mara with a SPAS for example.
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-18-2010 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Mittens
That's another reason I love this map so much, there are viable strategies for just about every class. I guess I should have specified that my spots were for m16 w/holo, LMG users but there's a lot of ways to play this map. I also love SP/Mara with a SPAS for example.
Mittens last night: "I created this whole Scrapyard thread, and I'm not following any of my own advice right now."

The pull to join the CQC firefight is often too much to resist on this map, imo. That, or the hard stuff had already taken over.
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-19-2010 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by PokerBreed
pro tip : skip map

i guess its a decent TDM map just because i've had two of my best TDM games on it but i can't stand it for any objective game besides SnD
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-19-2010 , 03:43 AM
I really like this map for regular domination. I'm not a huge rusher but because the map is small I think it's the easiest one for me to consistently get 40 kill games. Other maps I need to rely on air support for those huge numbers.
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-19-2010 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by TreyWilly
I don't read your posts anymore since they're usually worthless banter, but I went back and looked. That is hardly the same thing as repeating facts like the barrett holds more ammo than the intervention, etc, especially considering I quoted what you suggest I'm blindly repeating. I know you get a kick out of trying to call me out but at least make sure you're right first.

Last edited by scotchnrocks; 06-19-2010 at 10:52 AM.
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-19-2010 , 01:01 PM
How about u 2 just ignore each other cuz Im getting tired of this bull****.
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-19-2010 , 02:23 PM
All 3 of you can suck it DX style..
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-19-2010 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by demon102
How about u 2 just ignore each other cuz Im getting tired of this bull****.
it got old a long time ago, I'm just too lazy to create an ignore list
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-22-2010 , 12:30 AM
Probably the greatest moment of my COD career happened today vs Jaco (I think, may have been JP) in the scrapyard private Dom match. He knew I was camping the truck, and I got second level on his ass by camping the left side of the truck because I knew this thread existed.

Moral of the story:

All my strat posts are advertising, I camp the spots that overlook the spots I tell you I camp.
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-22-2010 , 10:02 AM
I <3 that truck spot mittens
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
06-23-2010 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Mittens
Moral of the story:

All my strat posts are advertising, I camp the spots that overlook the spots I tell you I camp.
Now that we know this are you going to camp the spots that overlook the spots that you tell us you camp that overlook the spots that you tell us you camp?

I just need to know this for the next time I play so that I can camp the spots that overlook the spots that you camp that overlook the spots that overlook the spots that you told us you camp.
Scrapyard: The Best Map Ever Quote
