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Rocket League Rocket League

10-27-2016 , 01:24 AM
weev won't buy a mic, no one play with him until he does
Rocket League Quote
10-27-2016 , 02:07 AM
I still don't really get air rolling and it doesn't work how I expect either
Rocket League Quote
10-27-2016 , 05:12 PM
Random story, this guy is one of my favorite electronic musicians:

He turned on his Twitch stream last night and is randomly playing Rocket League. And, oh, he has like 1400 hours and is crazy good at it (way better than any of us 2p2ers) and was playing with Kronovi and Lachinio.

Some people are just good at everything, I guess. (streaming again right now)
Rocket League Quote
10-28-2016 , 12:39 PM
Was going to give you a "lol electronic music" (not sure why) but not only was that music good but it would fit right into the RL soundtrack. Definitely getting better - not running into my teammates as much and making coordinated plays.
Rocket League Quote
10-29-2016 , 04:51 AM
It's really pissing me off, losing since a couple days, got demoted to c3 div2 now, running into horrible teammates, losing left and right somehow but when I queue up with shooting star friend we have nice even games and I tend to outperform him often. Not sure what's wrong but it's discouraging.

There are so many more salty players at blue+ brackets though.
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10-30-2016 , 03:01 AM
I find it similar to online poker where the weekends are more fishy. I know aerials are a little tougher with a fifth of crown in you...
Rocket League Quote
10-30-2016 , 04:39 AM
Yeah, you're definitely right, killed it today and recovered 5 divs. Guys I ran into were horrible for the most part.
Rocket League Quote
10-30-2016 , 11:56 AM
Goofy at RLCS
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10-30-2016 , 12:05 PM
this game gets easier the more you drink

Last edited by bluef0x; 10-30-2016 at 12:05 PM. Reason: only if the alcohol is from costco
Rocket League Quote
10-30-2016 , 12:47 PM
unless you're as old as weev and you don't tolerate alcohol all that well anymore
Rocket League Quote
10-31-2016 , 06:49 AM
Do you guys play on PC? I just picked it up on Steam after having it on XBONE the last few months and I feel like I'm twice the player I was before (which wasn't much, but still). If any of you guys still play hit me up! I'm a rising star in doubles which is mostly all I play but I did get to C2 in Solo Standard after a few hours so I'm pretty decent in 3's too. Steam ID - IBYCFOTA
Rocket League Quote
10-31-2016 , 08:53 AM
sent you an invite, I'm challenger elite, are you in europe?
Rocket League Quote
10-31-2016 , 09:33 AM
I'm from the home of the free and the land of the brave so ideally I'm looking for NA people.
Rocket League Quote
10-31-2016 , 10:05 AM
it still should work just fine if we're similar skill levels, I used to play with weev and the only thing that we did was playing us-east only (I get only like 100 ping on it)
Rocket League Quote
10-31-2016 , 06:37 PM
Documentary. Part 2 will be up tomorrow morning.

Rocket League Quote
10-31-2016 , 10:15 PM
Nice find, interesting watch.

Here's one: at least on PC, you can set individual garage customizations for orange and blue team by right-clicking on a skin/boost/item and setting it to blue or orange only. I have no idea how long this has been in game, never saw it come up in a patch note.
Rocket League Quote
10-31-2016 , 10:52 PM
I think it's pretty recent.
Rocket League Quote
10-31-2016 , 11:02 PM
Can you do anything with crates other than pay money to open them?
Rocket League Quote
11-01-2016 , 12:46 AM
This game is so much more fun when you only play 1v1
Rocket League Quote
11-01-2016 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by Chill-Brahck
This game is so much more fun when you only play 1v1
I agree, I don't have any friends on Steam and no 2p2erz have reached out to me to join up, so I only play 1v1 or Rumble.

I do have this guy on my Steam friends lists that trades me at a rate of my 1 crate for his 1 key... which seems like insane value considering when I offer 2 crates for 1 Key in public games I get berated and told my 2 crates are only worth 1/10th of a key lol...

I completely understand your line here though... currently the only rank I have this season is 1v1 which I'm Challenger 3 Division IV, I feel I will break into Rising Star before the end of this season.

I would like to play with some 2p2ers but at this point I really have no interest in playing anything other than 1v1 ranked or rumble. If there was ranked Rumble that would be great. I'm sure it's only a matter of time until that happens....

Rumble adds so much depth to the gameplay that reg 3v3 doesn't offer... and I know there is a lot of luckbox type stuff that happens in Rumble but I accept it both ways!

If anyone wants to join up sometime my steam account is Luckbox14, send me a PM here so I know you are from 2p2 and not someone I'm trying to trade with, or I will probably just ignore it.

I play an hour or so almost everyday at various times. Would prefer to play rumble first together and go from there. I don't use a mic.
Rocket League Quote
11-01-2016 , 12:48 PM
finally a rising star, I guess I can quit as I don't think I can achieve anything more won't probably be able to maintain it, my game is not really stable, I sometimes play at shooting star level then a day later all of sudden like challenger 2, won't help me at these brackets.
Rocket League Quote
11-01-2016 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Puzzles
I agree, I don't have any friends on Steam and no 2p2erz have reached out to me to join up, so I only play 1v1 or Rumble.

I do have this guy on my Steam friends lists that trades me at a rate of my 1 crate for his 1 key... which seems like insane value considering when I offer 2 crates for 1 Key in public games I get berated and told my 2 crates are only worth 1/10th of a key lol...

I completely understand your line here though... currently the only rank I have this season is 1v1 which I'm Challenger 3 Division IV, I feel I will break into Rising Star before the end of this season.

I would like to play with some 2p2ers but at this point I really have no interest in playing anything other than 1v1 ranked or rumble. If there was ranked Rumble that would be great. I'm sure it's only a matter of time until that happens....

Rumble adds so much depth to the gameplay that reg 3v3 doesn't offer... and I know there is a lot of luckbox type stuff that happens in Rumble but I accept it both ways!

If anyone wants to join up sometime my steam account is Luckbox14, send me a PM here so I know you are from 2p2 and not someone I'm trying to trade with, or I will probably just ignore it.

I play an hour or so almost everyday at various times. Would prefer to play rumble first together and go from there. I don't use a mic.
Add me, steamid pubstars, username Krayz. Weev also plays without a mic, you'd be best buds. He's on my friends list.
Rocket League Quote
11-01-2016 , 06:23 PM
Mics cost less than keys.
Rocket League Quote
11-02-2016 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Jiggymike
Can you do anything with crates other than pay money to open them?
Trade them to others for items you want. Don't expect to get a good deal.
Rocket League Quote
11-07-2016 , 11:06 PM

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