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05-03-2016 , 06:00 AM
Prospect II: 2 guys leave my team in the first minute of a 3v3 and I managed to tie the game 5-5 only to lose in overtime. I still pretty much stood up and walked around the house with both arms raised cheering for 5 mimutrs after. Felt good.
Rocket League Quote
05-03-2016 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by weevil
Until you become good at ball handling, playing back defensively is usually a better idea unless no one else is playing forward or you spot a good ball and won't leave your goal wide open. That becomes less of a tactic the higher you move up since people start to clear your long shots easily and you'll stop getting the clear breakaways when their whole team moves up on you. This is pretty true for 1v1 too, most of the guys even up in to rising and shooting star are super defensive and have gotten there by letting their opponents hang themselves.

And really you shouldn't be worrying about rank, just mess around, learn what works, how to exploit certain types of opponents and how to cover the weaknesses of your teammates, don't feel bad about spazzing around while learning the mechanics of wall hits and jumps, double jumps, aerials, dribbling or trying to predict ball movement and ending up totally out of position. If you're not doing that stuff you'll hit a ceiling pretty quick and it'll take a lot longer to gain those skills. I still bounce around a few divisions pretty regularly, went from all-star division 3 to rising star division 2 in a few days and yo-yo inbetween. Sometimes you just get streaks of teammates having a bad day and opponents gelling together, but you'll be on the other side of those just as often.
Good advice. Also, I think alot of people starting out misuse or fail to realize how important the turbo is in this game. You can cover most of the play area at a similar and maybe more controllable rate and conserve your turbo by jumping to locations where as many beginners fail to jump around and instead max out their turbo too much. This leaves them with limited turbo in a lot of situations where they might need it for an aerial or just getting back on defense or to a ball more quickly on offense. Practice jumping around a bit more and conserving turbo for those above mentioned situations and I think many will have more success. At least that's my strategy for the most part. I'm pretty much just average overall though but not for lack of strategy, mostly just lack of skill

I'm a total fish in the b-ball mode. Court just feels way to congested and I'm out of place in there. Does anyone actually enjoy this mode? I was excited for it's release cause I'm a basketball fan but I just don't really enjoy the mode much. Maybe it's my lack of skill. Any suggestions?
Rocket League Quote
05-03-2016 , 10:10 AM
Also, what does the actual ranking system look like in Rocket League?

I use to only play unranked just cause I enjoyed the quick games but I do have rankings in Duel, Doubles, and Standard and play those from time to time. I'm "Prospect Elite" +3 stripes in couple of them which I think is my best. Does that mean I'm one of the best of the bottom feeders? in the middle?
Rocket League Quote
05-03-2016 , 10:15 AM
There are fifteen divisions. You're in the third from the bottom.
Rocket League Quote
05-03-2016 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by cneuy3
Also, what does the actual ranking system look like in Rocket League?

I use to only play unranked just cause I enjoyed the quick games but I do have rankings in Duel, Doubles, and Standard and play those from time to time. I'm "Prospect Elite" +3 stripes in couple of them which I think is my best. Does that mean I'm one of the best of the bottom feeders? in the middle?
Rocket League Quote
05-03-2016 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by weevil
Until you become good at ball handling, playing back defensively is usually a better idea unless no one else is playing forward or you spot a good ball and won't leave your goal wide open. That becomes less of a tactic the higher you move up since people start to clear your long shots easily and you'll stop getting the clear breakaways when their whole team moves up on you. This is pretty true for 1v1 too, most of the guys even up in to rising and shooting star are super defensive and have gotten there by letting their opponents hang themselves.

And really you shouldn't be worrying about rank, just mess around, learn what works, how to exploit certain types of opponents and how to cover the weaknesses of your teammates, don't feel bad about spazzing around while learning the mechanics of wall hits and jumps, double jumps, aerials, dribbling or trying to predict ball movement and ending up totally out of position. If you're not doing that stuff you'll hit a ceiling pretty quick and it'll take a lot longer to gain those skills. I still bounce around a few divisions pretty regularly, went from all-star division 3 to rising star division 2 in a few days and yo-yo inbetween. Sometimes you just get streaks of teammates having a bad day and opponents gelling together, but you'll be on the other side of those just as often.

Originally Posted by mashxx
Confirmed I'm bottom of ranks in duels because my playstyle is too aggressive and lost a lot to guys whose skill seemed worse.
And this ^

I feel like im learning something even when i lose because most of my goals were fought for, while theirs they just waited for me to mess up and take an easy shot. Just waiting in goal is largely stunting your growth.

Best example was at lower gold ranks i'd occasionally see guys who would camp goal on straight-across shots (so at least first shot), and hope to score when i hit i kick it off. So i learned to counter that, began to notice if they're coming or not, and aimed at an angle to try and hit the goal corners and not straight on.

Also like mashxx said I'm also hoping in the end it pays off in the end giving up 3 goals and losing because i'm too aggressive.
Rocket League Quote
05-03-2016 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by ludacris
Should mention as well, all this talk is applicable to me at middle of the golden ranks so Challenger II/III. If they're silvers then whatever, I'm still irked when teammates play goalie, but not pissed off like when i'm on offense with another guy and the ball goes to mid-court and they get a 3v1 breakaway goal because my teammate is SITTING IN GOAL instead of putting the ball back in play
Rocket League Quote
05-03-2016 , 09:42 PM
so i've played 53 matches using mouse and keyboard. i actually think i'm pretty good (i'm sure i'm not!), but anyway, yeah this is fun. and i will be moving to xbox 360 pad next time i play.

my question: what's the 'best' thing to play when you are new, or is it just a case of go have fun and do whatever. i've been playing 2v2s FWIW.
Rocket League Quote
05-03-2016 , 10:07 PM
best thing is to just play all the formats cause they're all fun

except hoops, that **** sucks
Rocket League Quote
05-03-2016 , 10:17 PM
Hoops is really good for practicing wall clears and having to constantly adjust your positioning with handbrake and air roll to get good angles on the ball on the ground and in the air, and since the balls is bouncing all over the place you get a ton of chances to try to learn the ball physics and predict where it's going. But those skills come after like 3-400 hours, so I can see it being a boring PITA early on. Once you learn how to boost while handbraking and air rolling though I think it's a good place to perfect those skills. And if you haven't rebound air roll/handbrake to somewhere you can still press jump and boost at the same time you're doing it wrong!

Unless you're claw gripping, I think LB is the best option for mapping both handbrake and air roll, I left most everything else as default, LT is brake, RB is scoreboard, RT is accelerate, A is jump, B is boost, X is voice coms, Y is camera swap.

Last edited by weevil; 05-03-2016 at 10:25 PM. Reason: added key bindings for people still using defaults
Rocket League Quote
05-04-2016 , 08:20 AM
Yeah, I'm using defaults still.
Rocket League Quote
05-11-2016 , 05:18 PM
Just got put on a team with Kronovi in solo 3v3. He scored 7 goals and racked up 1790 points. I'm still Prospect III so lol RL Matchmaking

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Rocket League Quote
05-11-2016 , 05:23 PM
Did you screenshot the end-game scoreboard?
Rocket League Quote
05-11-2016 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by ludacris
Did you screenshot the end-game scoreboard?

Forgot to :/
Rocket League Quote
05-11-2016 , 05:34 PM
I got matched against him and Lachinio in 2s and we lost 1:2 in overtime when my teammate let a slowish ball trickle by him in the goal. I think that's the angriest I've gotten at someone in a game ever.
Rocket League Quote
05-12-2016 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by weevil
I got matched against him and Lachinio in 2s and we lost 1:2 in overtime when my teammate let a slowish ball trickle by him in the goal. I think that's the angriest I've gotten at someone in a game ever.
okay mister prospect
Rocket League Quote
05-12-2016 , 12:59 AM
I probably deserved it, I'm sure I've made more than a few people in here feel that emotion

There's a mod out that lets you set up your own custom shots and starting positions in freeplay mode like the cannon shots in the other modes, hitting the reset shot button instantly cycles to the next one. Sounds a bit cumbersome to edit the shots, you have to edit a text file along with an ingame UI, and you also have to run it in admin mode. It comes with a default rotation and you can download others without messing around yoiurself. Psyonix have said they're ok with it, and someone on reddit said they decompiled it and looked through the code and didn't see anything dodgy, but use at your own risk.

A few clips posted in that thread:
Rocket League Quote
05-14-2016 , 03:43 PM
Sounds unlikely that was actually kronovi, I know the matchmaking is a joke, but I've never ever been matched with a prospect in my 400hr+ and I'm just rising star
Rocket League Quote
05-14-2016 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by marek_heinz
Sounds unlikely that was actually kronovi, I know the matchmaking is a joke, but I've never ever been matched with a prospect in my 400hr+ and I'm just rising star
plot twist: weev is not prospect
Rocket League Quote
05-14-2016 , 06:15 PM
i was replying to zimmer
Rocket League Quote
05-15-2016 , 03:59 PM
@everyone Sign-up to our 3v3 community night tournament now - $30 prize!

The tournament will be 3v3, best of 3, and it begins today at 6 PM EDT (3 PM PDT)

More information on how to check in and proceed through the bracket will be posted later. You must be in the Discord to participate!

Sign up here:
Google Docs
Rocket League Quote
05-15-2016 , 05:31 PM
Might want to promote that a bit ahead of time

I'd be interested next week.
Rocket League Quote
05-15-2016 , 06:28 PM
This one goes out to my boy weev

(note time remaining)
Rocket League Quote
05-15-2016 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by weevil
Might want to promote that a bit ahead of time Rocket League

I'd be interested next week.
Just saw it.
Rocket League Quote
05-15-2016 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
This one goes out to my boy weev

(note time remaining)
Rocket League Quote
