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Resident Evil 6 revealed Resident Evil 6 revealed

04-11-2012 , 10:25 AM
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Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
04-13-2012 , 03:13 PM
i like most resident evils (gamecube remake 1 or 4 possibly being my favs)

however i thought RE5 was awful and really turned me off the franchise. i hope this is nothing like that game though i expect it may well be...
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
08-27-2012 , 01:31 PM
Looks like it's gonna be all over the place, multiple campaigns with multiple feels.

No more tetris inventory system, noooooo!
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
08-27-2012 , 02:15 PM
Just seen this thread. Resident Evil 4 is probably the biggest step up a games series has ever made. Lol at having to rotate until you're facing the way you wanna go. (I did quite enjoy the first game fwiw, but that was before I played OOT.) RE4 was awesome though. Not played any since that.

Last edited by teejayC; 08-27-2012 at 02:21 PM.
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
09-17-2012 , 04:53 AM
A heads up to anyone who bought Dragon's Dogma earlier this year, the Resi 6 demo should be available to you on PSN or XBLA.

Apparently it's been around since the 5th Sep, but it had completely slipped my mind that DD owners got an early demo, so I thought I'd remind anyone in the same boat.

Will download and post thoughts later. Lets hope it improves on the meh-fest that was Resi 5 (I'm not hopeful though).
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
09-17-2012 , 12:56 PM
Pretty unimpressed tbh.

As mentioned above there are multiple campaigns, and the demo lets you play 3 of them (whether this is all idk), as Leon, Chris and some dude called Jerry.

It seems each solo campaign will mean you are stuck with an annoying AI partner (one of the low points of Resi 5 imo), as each protagonist had some random following their every move.

The Leon Demo was the worst, virtually the entire thing was cutscenes or moving very slowly from A to B soaking up the atmosphere, there was one moment of action near the end. It sucked. Hard.

The Chris/Jerry demos dropped you straight into the action, but I didn't rate these either. I think the enemies were zombies, because they kind of dissolved to dust when killed, but they were as agile as humans. Also, and this was a huge WTF - they were all carrying guns.

It just didn't feel like a Resident Evil game at all, just some generic 3rd-person shooter.
I played each characters demo once, and have no desire to play them again.

Granted 'the demo may nor represent the final product' and all that jazz, but if anything this felt like a step back from 5, which was already a massive departure from the masterpiece that is RE4.
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
09-19-2012 , 04:52 PM
Early opinions I'm hearing are negative for the most part. Pretty much everything you said. RE5>RE6.

Originally Posted by Baintz
Pretty unimpressed tbh.

As mentioned above there are multiple campaigns, and the demo lets you play 3 of them (whether this is all idk), as Leon, Chris and some dude called Jerry.

It seems each solo campaign will mean you are stuck with an annoying AI partner (one of the low points of Resi 5 imo), as each protagonist had some random following their every move.

The Leon Demo was the worst, virtually the entire thing was cutscenes or moving very slowly from A to B soaking up the atmosphere, there was one moment of action near the end. It sucked. Hard.

The Chris/Jerry demos dropped you straight into the action, but I didn't rate these either. I think the enemies were zombies, because they kind of dissolved to dust when killed, but they were as agile as humans. Also, and this was a huge WTF - they were all carrying guns.

It just didn't feel like a Resident Evil game at all, just some generic 3rd-person shooter.
I played each characters demo once, and have no desire to play them again.

Granted 'the demo may nor represent the final product' and all that jazz, but if anything this felt like a step back from 5, which was already a massive departure from the masterpiece that is RE4.
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
09-20-2012 , 04:46 AM
Yah exactly what i was thinking while playing the demo yesterday.

It makes me sad.

Capcom, you completely destroyed what was once my alltime favourite video game series, grats.
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
09-22-2012 , 01:43 PM
i played the demo today and it was ****ing horrible in every sense of the word.

absolute mess of a game. all the problems and flaws with RE5 magnified and made worse. they must have been high when they designed that new menu system, and the cut scenes were so tacky and contrived i had to skip them.

it handles horribly and was just no fun at all to play. what they have produced here is a game completely lacking in atmosphere, creative vision or soul. it's a husk of a D-grade action shooter made by seemingly incompetent developers.

it's been a long time since i've played something that has disappointed and angered me this much, and i cannot see myself buying and completing this game.

going by this demo, if any major reviewer gives the game more than 3 stars i'll be genuinely surprised. i really hope this game flops like it deserves to. shame on you capcom, shame on you.
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
09-23-2012 , 12:04 AM
I have to agree with a lot of the above comments. I just played the demo and instead of thinking about how it innovates the genre from the previous games, I'm just thinking, "So which of these campaigns was the worst?"

Winner for that goes to Chris by the way. Are these things that walking like humans and have guns BOWs or people? I don't know, the game never told me. There's a sequence in the first cutscene where some Chris said some lines but all I heard was "look at how awesome and manly I am." There's a fun little game you can play when you fight the giant BOW in that scenario too, btw. YOU CANNOT DIE. Yes you can have a 50-foot ogre monster grab you in his hand and I just set my controller down but the AI partner would just heal me every time. I often could not tell if an NPC was a partner or an enemy, and in a zombie game if I can't tell the difference I think there's a major issue here.

The major issue with the Leon campaign was not that it was "boring," but that it was formulaic and predictable. In each room it was like "Okay there's going to be 3 zombies in this room, let me find them." Boom, kill 3 zombies, move to next room. Rinse, repeat a couple times, then blow some time and ammo in a room with a dozen zombies. Do that twice, then the campaign ends. DON'T MAKE ME SHUT MY BRAIN OFF IN A SURVIVAL HORROR GAME. And if you're going to have long sequences where no action is happening, make sure to build some suspense, tone, and intrigue (instead of nothing at all).

The Jake campaign was the only one actually challenged me in some points, but that's because most of the enemies were supervillains with a billion HP and ran faster than Flash. But even then, that wasn't entertaining me, I was just thinking "Why are these enemies moving faster than the camera allows me to change my aim so I can never hit these guys?" I also hated all of Jake's smug little one-liners at the beginning to a mindless zombie; he can't understand and apppreciate your one-liners, idiot, he's a zombie!

This is just a complete mess of a project that doesn't know what kind of game it wants to be. Is it a survival horror game or is it a generic shooter? It tries to be both but those two genres don't really mesh well. Every character who has the title of "main character" has the ability to just walk up to zombies and kung-fu them in the head because they're playable characters. They'll slide under bars like showoffs, they can all (even the little girl with no combat training) decide to drop on their back and assault rifles and roll around on the ground. It's just goofy, especially when your average enemy is just an unarmed walking zombie. Let them all be Mary Sues now!

So what is it that would make this game interesting to play? Graphics? Well no, I didn't anything spectacular on that front (RE5 had better graphics and effects than this). Horror survival? Well no, this was the most predictable shooter experience I had ever played (and "predictable" is probably the one word you never want to hear about a RE game). Shooter? The whole "falling backwards" thing is interesting but it doesn't seem to really give you any form of tactical edge and it's probably easier to play without it. What ARE you, RE6, and why should I pay for more of whatever you are?

If there is a positive I can say, I didn't hate the item system. It took me a little while to understand what it was trying to be, but once I caught on, I thought it was a pretty good system. A million times more effective than RE5, and I think in some respects I like it better than RE4's attache case. I thought that the use of popping herbs like tictacs wasn't a bad plan. However, where the system takes a step back is in the fact that I can use any type of gun I want at any time. In the last two games you had to make conscious choices on what types of weapons you wanted and in RE5 you had to make the choice to waste an item slot on extra protection or not. Now they just give you everything. You can't just let me have everything I want and then call it a "survival game."

This was a lackluster experience, and I'm annoyed about it because I've seen this series do better. But I won't be buying this installment.

Last edited by drubell; 09-23-2012 at 12:18 AM.
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
09-30-2012 , 11:57 AM
Got it on Friday already...Jakes campaign is probably the worst piece of **** ive played for a long time. I hope the reviewers destroy this crap of a game but probably they wont.
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
10-01-2012 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by toberg13
Got it on Friday already...Jakes campaign is probably the worst piece of **** ive played for a long time. I hope the reviewers destroy this crap of a game but probably they wont.
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
10-01-2012 , 07:47 PM
Boooo, wanted this game to be good after how well 4 and 5 played.
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
10-01-2012 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by Go Get It
Boooo, wanted this game to be good after how well 4 and 5 played.

At any rate, played the demo, enjoyed the game as a standard 3rd person shooter but cried into my pillow about another missed chance for a Resident Evil game.

Hopefully the reviews keep up and Capcom either reboots this or goes in another direction (Take us back to the 1990s but put us in the American southwest with another Umbrella story or something). It's a shame too because I really enjoy the two player aspect of the game but they seem to be failing to realize that two players will only work when you split them up a good majority of the time.

Being alone is scary and knowing you have help but can't reach them builds tension. You and a buddy standing side-by-side getting your gun off does neither.
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
10-02-2012 , 06:06 AM
>After how well 4 and 5 played
>how well 5 played
>5 played

Resident evil 4 was the last good resident evil game.

I wouldn't even mind this being a balls-out action game if it was a good one (Max Payne 3 did it) but Capcom has butchered this title beyond repair
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
10-02-2012 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by Richard Tanner
Being alone is scary and knowing you have help but can't reach them builds tension. You and a buddy standing side-by-side getting your gun off does neither.
Eh, YMMV but on Veteran or Pro Co-Op getting swarmed and worrying about using each players ammo the most efficient way because you'll die if you don't was pretty tense.

RE4 is still way better than 5 but 5 was still a very fun and good looking game.

Bleh, not sure if I'll try this mess or not, probably Gamefly it and bang it out with a friend eventually.
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
10-02-2012 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by Richard Tanner
Being alone is scary and knowing you have help but can't reach them builds tension. You and a buddy standing side-by-side getting your gun off does neither.
Hits the nail, they made a horribly wrong design decision giving you an ai partner in single player. Also takes away any immersion at least for me.
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
10-02-2012 , 12:02 PM
Game is being destroyed on Metacritic by users. Out of 236 user reviews, 221 are negative (which mostly seem to be zeros). Average user score of 0.6 right now.
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
10-02-2012 , 03:19 PM


And RE5 was a good coop game imo. Haters gonna hate.
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
10-02-2012 , 05:46 PM
I feel like Capcom screwing up this franchise is kind of like if Coke new that they had the formula to dominate the soda market (Coca-Cola) and instead decided to add beef flavor to it and ruin it.

I mean you just can't get any better than RE4 for a survival-horror game. RE5 wasn't bad but it almost wasn't even really a survival-horror game more than an ok FPS. I'm not going to even touch this.
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
10-02-2012 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Go Get It


And RE5 was a good coop game imo. Haters gonna hate.
just no
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
10-02-2012 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by dibbs
Eh, YMMV but on Veteran or Pro Co-Op getting swarmed and worrying about using each players ammo the most efficient way because you'll die if you don't was pretty tense.
No question, but RE5 really phoned that part in as well.

Tell me if this sounds familiar:
Walk into an area->Music starts playing->Bad guys rush out->Gun Porn->Music stops->Walk some more->Music changes...

That's a pretty solid synopsis of RE5 if I'd just added a few Wesker mentions in there.

RE4 is still way better than 5 but 5 was still a very fun and good looking game.

Bleh, not sure if I'll try this mess or not, probably Gamefly it and bang it out with a friend eventually.
I mean, I don't hate 5 to the extent most do for a few reasons:

1) I'm fine with a change in game play as the story evolves.
-Specifically we can't expect to keep exploring mansions every game because that doesn't make sense. Eventually the virus will break containment and eventually we'll have to do a bit more shooting.
Still though, you can see a good way to do this (RE4) and a less-than-Stellar way to do this (RE5).

2) I have a friend to play these types of games with.
-I'm a fan of games with local co-op modes because my buddy and I like to have games we can play together. Some people prefer to play online and some are probably forever alone but for those of us who still enjoy gaming with a friend, the 2 player stuff is great.

That said...

Originally Posted by Nez477
I feel like Capcom screwing up this franchise is kind of like if Coke new that they had the formula to dominate the soda market (Coca-Cola) and instead decided to add beef flavor to it and ruin it.

I mean you just can't get any better than RE4 for a survival-horror game. RE5 wasn't bad but it almost wasn't even really a survival-horror game more than an ok FPS. I'm not going to even touch this.
...I think this is accurate. Capcom seemed to see how awesome RE4 was and then went "Well hell, where do we go from here". Instead of the obvious answer (Give us more of that awesome-ness) they tried to re-invent their wheel and missed.

Keep the two player mode but give me a story where the two characters show up at an old Umbrella facility and get separated so that we have to spend a decent amount of time trying to get back to one another. Give us scenes where we can see our other player but something keeps us apart. That's scary and tense knowing that your partner may die while you watch but you're powerless to help them.

Now we just get Gun porn and hand-to-hand combat. Meh.

Last edited by RT; 10-02-2012 at 06:55 PM.
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
10-02-2012 , 06:58 PM
Once this was announced I just took $60 and picked up some of the old games for PS2/gamecube. Amazing that for $10 you can get a 15yo game that is better than BOTH their latest releases combined.

Where is the EA/CoD motto when you actually need it.. If you find something that works, you don't try to make it better. You just shove it down our throats every year and take our money.
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
10-03-2012 , 04:16 AM
I agree with the ign review that was like 7.5 it has some awesome moments and some really uneven parts. Played it for a few hours tonight had fun gonna play a few more tomorrow and some madden 13 too I imagine
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
10-03-2012 , 05:06 AM
Seems like the game tries really hard from what I've heard. 4 seperate, intersecting campaigns with 4 different playstyles...

Dammit, they're probably gonna get my money.
Resident Evil 6 revealed Quote
