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Red Dead Redemption Red Dead Redemption

06-01-2010 , 08:47 PM
If they want to avoid piracy, they should sell it exclusively through Steam and force gamers to be connected to the internet to play. It's that simple.
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-01-2010 , 09:14 PM
but ppl will get a way around it like always lol
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-01-2010 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by AKSpartan
I wish Rockstar would get their act together and stop forcing PC gamers to wait a year+ for their console releases to be ported to PC.
i wish pc gamers would realize that console is where it's at!
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-01-2010 , 09:25 PM
PC is superior in pretty much every way except for cost. Unfortunately most people aren't willing to fork over the money for a good gaming PC.
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-01-2010 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by wiper
'sooo, i think i'm gonna go get this bounty. oh, there a deer. *pow* (collects hide) okay, so this bounty...wait a minute, a damsel in distress? better help her...okay so lemme get this medicine for the chick. waitaminute, IS THAT A COUGAR? i remember you cougar, you killed me last time, feel this shotgun. okay, wait, oh yeah, the medicine. okay, here you go. huh? you're not sucking my dick for saving you in the middle of the desert? feel this shotgun. coppers? yeah come get some, just follow me over here. *powpowpow* now, back to this bounty...naah, i'm gonna put down some animal attracting stuff down, i need some more meat. did that guy just cuss at me? gimme your horse punk. ahhhhh, **** the bounty, i really wanted to drink some shots and fall over anyway....'

perfect game for us adhd people...oh look, some flowers to pick.
awesome . . .
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-01-2010 , 09:46 PM
This game looks so good. I have yet to play it but I will eventually!
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-01-2010 , 10:04 PM
This game is seriously cutting into my western movie watching time.
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-01-2010 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by AKSpartan
PC is superior in pretty much every way except for cost. Unfortunately most people aren't willing to fork over the money for a good gaming PC.
I have a good gaming pc and choose console.
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-01-2010 , 10:18 PM

I'm on my PC enough as is. I sure as hell don't wanna spend all my 360 time back on the PC.

Having said that, I really did like all the GTAs on the PC just for the custom soundtracks and superior graphics/aiming system.
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-01-2010 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by dawade
This game is seriously cutting into my western movie watching time.
I've watched The Good,The Bad, and The Ugly, Unforgiven, and 3:10 To Yuma (the remake) in the last couple of weeks. Not sure how I had never seen them, I liked them all
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-01-2010 , 11:01 PM
Check out The Proposition. It's an Australian western that loosely inspired RDR's plot.
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-01-2010 , 11:26 PM
yeah, horse shoes is pretty bull ****

i couldnt beat it until i took the wager all the way down to $2, and even then i only won by 3. ive got a lot of $2 games to win to get back to even money over all.

the power thing seems ridiculously inconsistent, i usually try to take it all the way back, and then release at the upper target bar or whatever. that was how i got my only ringer. still tho, sometimes when i feel like i nailed it i throw the damn thing five feet over or three feet short.

dont forget to aim before every shot too
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-01-2010 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by cables
Check out The Proposition. It's an Australian western that loosely inspired RDR's plot.

Really fine move.

4:10(?) to Yuma is another good recent dark Western. More commercial than The Proposition but features some excellent acting. Maybe Russel Crowe's best performance that I've seen actually.
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-01-2010 , 11:31 PM
come across something rly cool the other day that made me lol!


This may of allready mentioned, but it rly did crack me up!

Was up Tall Trees hunting me some grizzlies, where I spotted these couple of dudes camping. I strolled past but could here them talking went something along the lines of: "Hey we should get out some cigars, you got a light" "yeah" BOOOOOM!! the camp explodes! lmao
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-02-2010 , 12:07 AM
I just played Liar's Dice for the first time. I'm not exactly sure how it works, but I was able to get the guy down to 1 die.

My dice were a 1 and a 3. I bid one 3. He bids two 2's. He only has 1 die so I know he's bluffing. I win, easy game.
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-02-2010 , 12:13 AM
cool story bro

That basically happens for everyone

Wiper's post is spot on lol.
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-02-2010 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by dawade
This game is seriously cutting into my western movie watching time.
so at like 2am on NBC here in the Detroit area, they had a show called "red dead redemption" on

I'm like, ok, i'll check it out. So I turn it on, it's just the video game, clips of marston talking to some people through the story. It was 30 minute episode of Marston walking around. I watched about 5 minute until the girl realized we were watching a TV show that is a video game that I own.
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-02-2010 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by DukeSucks
I've watched The Good,The Bad, and The Ugly, Unforgiven, and 3:10 To Yuma (the remake) in the last couple of weeks. Not sure how I had never seen them, I liked them all
Unforgiven is soooo good
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-02-2010 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
Unforgiven is soooo good
big fan of unforgiven, i own it, but ... the proposition is the best "western" in recent years. even though it's set down under. closest thing to blood meridian on screen, in fact, i don't know why they are even bothering thinking about putting blood meridian to screen, because it will be terrible. the proposition is about the closest to ugly violence you could get.
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-02-2010 , 02:29 AM
I'm not that big of a reader but Blood Meridian may be the least suitable to film adaptation of any book I have read.

The problem is the third person narration in a rich and highly idiosyncratic language is basically the entire substance of the book. Without that you just have a dark western action movie.

Also the supernatural aura around the Judge is going to just seem ridiculous in the prosaic setting of a western film. You really need McCarthy's language to make it work.
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-02-2010 , 02:38 AM
on the topic of westerns, "Tombstone" is ****ing bad ass!! I rewatched it last week, so incredible! great cast! Hard to believe "Ike" is the muscular tough guy from Avatar
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-02-2010 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by TheCroShow
on the topic of westerns, "Tombstone" is ****ing bad ass!! I rewatched it last week, so incredible! great cast! Hard to believe "Ike" is the muscular tough guy from Avatar
I'm talkin to you Law Dog

doing some research, he was also General Pickett in Gettysburg

He also played Stonewall Jackson in the "sequel" to Gettysburg called Gods and Generals.
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-02-2010 , 05:18 AM
im a noob, how do I bring in outlaws without killing them. I try to lasso and they just get out of it. So I try to injure them more with pistol shots but it just eventually kills em.
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-02-2010 , 05:35 AM
Don't let go of L2
Red Dead Redemption Quote
06-02-2010 , 06:36 AM
Originally Posted by bassmaster2008
im a noob, how do I bring in outlaws without killing them. I try to lasso and they just get out of it. So I try to injure them more with pistol shots but it just eventually kills em.
lasso 'em and keep the aim button pressed.
Red Dead Redemption Quote
