however it costs a ton more, there are no very good exclusive games for it while the 360 keeps pumping out good ones
Smiglet, could you be any more biased?
First off the 40GB PS3 is $399 and the Elite is $449 and besides the extra HDD space (where you can upgrade the PS3 to 100GB for $50 and 250GB for $100), the lowest end model of the PS3 has more features. So which one is more expensive?
Secondly, there are lots of good exclusives right now like Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank, UTIII, Resistance, Ninja Gaiden, Folklore and Eye of Judgement. So the 'no games' argument doesn't work anymore either. Not to mention that the PS3 lineup for 2008 is far better than the 360's w/ MGS4, KZ2, GT5 and hopefully FF13 w/ God of War expected to launch March 2009.
Lastly, which great exclusive games keep 'pumping out' for the 360? Mass Effect, Gears, Halo, Bioshock... any other shooters, I mean games, that I'm missing?