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Pokemon Go Pokemon Go

02-21-2017 , 07:04 PM
It's been hard to follow frankly and a little bit disheartening to never know what's good now or what's going to be good next. I guess i'll give it a few more days until gamepress gets up to date and analyze then
Pokemon Go Quote
02-21-2017 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Stinkfist
Speed of quick attacks back to normal, nice. Changes to power of the attacks still in place, some changes also.

This happened to me mid-battle and I wondered if it was a glitch but thankfully not. Will make Blissey easier to defeat.
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02-21-2017 , 07:38 PM
Hatched 2 dratini today. Haven't hatched a single one and then hatch 3 in as many days. Very lucky.
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02-21-2017 , 07:53 PM
Is it just me, or does Gen2 have a high % of pokemon that don't evolve?
Pokemon Go Quote
02-21-2017 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Cinarocket
It's been hard to follow frankly and a little bit disheartening to never know what's good now or what's going to be good next. I guess i'll give it a few more days until gamepress gets up to date and analyze then
Here you go:

Originally Posted by Rawlz517
Is it just me, or does Gen2 have a high % of pokemon that don't evolve?
Not just you, and it definitely seems like tons of the critters are straight garbage.
Pokemon Go Quote
02-23-2017 , 01:16 AM
Did a long DC trip today, almost 12 hours. Started as a Sneasel nest, I finished my ice badge and thought I'd finish dark as well, but it changed to a Girafarig nest around 6:30. Shouldn't take that long to finish out regardless, since Murkrow aren't rare around here.

Hatched 9 10k eggs (with one more still cooking) - either I ran like god or they finally fixed the 10k drop rate to something less absurd. While I was a bit disappointed with three Mantine, which don't even evolve, I also got three Pineco (and have now evolved two Forretress - and this one wins hands down so far for the most nonsensical evolution. Pinecone to...whatever the **** that is.), a Snorlax, a Sudowoodo, and a Larvitar, which I've started walking. I'm up to 214 on the dex, and I know a lot of the remaining slots are evolves, some of which I'm waiting on the items or to find one good enough to evolve. I did get another Metal Coat today so evolved my first Scizor.

Had tons of fun, other than cursing at the bad hatches. Walked over 24 miles. Will feel it tomorrow I'm sure.
Pokemon Go Quote
02-23-2017 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
Kabuto no longer 10km, must've been from before gen 2
You can't get Houndour from eggs?

e: evolution items are no longer a guarantee on your 7 day streak according to people on reddit

Last edited by FishNChips1; 02-23-2017 at 08:42 AM.
Pokemon Go Quote
02-23-2017 , 11:18 AM
Since gen 2 was released I've gotten five 10 km eggs, so yeah, I'd suspect they have increased drop rates for those. Unfortunately only 1 of those has been good (80 % Larvitar, 3 x Pineco, 1 x Skarmory). I have a feeling that Pineco will the new bad beat hatch à la Jynx. Still haven't hatched Dratini or Chansey (been playing since mid/July).
Pokemon Go Quote
02-23-2017 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by FishNChips1
You can't get Houndour from eggs?

e: evolution items are no longer a guarantee on your 7 day streak according to people on reddit

Wonder if it was a one-time thing. I dink bonk a metal coat this morning.
Pokemon Go Quote
02-23-2017 , 03:46 PM
Can confirm 7 day spin no guarantee, I just did mine, no evolution item. Kinda pissed off TBH, these items shouldn't be this ****ing rare.
Pokemon Go Quote
02-23-2017 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Can confirm 7 day spin no guarantee, I just did mine, no evolution item. Kinda pissed off TBH, these items shouldn't be this ****ing rare.
Actually I feel that they should be. People had so much time to save the candies in the 1st place so if an item is what is all that is needed to have one of these rare/strong pokemons then I wouldn't want it to be easy to get
Pokemon Go Quote
02-23-2017 , 04:05 PM
they seem too rare because you have a backlog of stored candy to use them on.

as a going forward basis, if they were more common they would just pile up since you'd earn them faster than you earn the right candy to use them.
Pokemon Go Quote
02-23-2017 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by Cinarocket
Actually I feel that they should be. People had so much time to save the candies in the 1st place so if an item is what is all that is needed to have one of these rare/strong pokemons then I wouldn't want it to be easy to get

I think they are a tad too rare. I think one guaranteed at 7-day streak + outside chance at a pokestop was prefect. Don't think this is too bad though. Might be saying that cause I've luckboxed two in the last four days.
Pokemon Go Quote
02-23-2017 , 10:11 PM
One guaranteed a week, and only if you spin one stop a day (not hard to do, of course, but still requires at least that level of attention) is somehow too generous? It would still take months to get enough items to do multiple evolves of the mons that require them - who only wants one Scizor? And I have to assume that you can't catch anything that requires an item to evolve.

The items are so rare as to be around 1 in 500 - that's ludicrous when there's, what, at least 8 evolutions that require them, and most people will want multiples. I played for 12 hours yesterday and got ONE.
Pokemon Go Quote
02-24-2017 , 07:27 PM
Are a bigger proportion of hatchable Pokemon coming from 10kms all of a sudden? I always thought that you got a random Pokémon and if 5% of eggs were 10km then that meant that 5% of possible eggs were 10km. Im getting tons more than usual and others are definitely noticing it.

Hatched 3 today-
Dratini (#4 this week!)

Have 3 more to hatch.

After 1k+ pokestops I finally got an item from a non-7 day streak pokestop. Metal coat, got a dragon scale from my 7 day.
Pokemon Go Quote
02-24-2017 , 08:22 PM
I have a 1600 seadra is kingdra a God tier pokemon or no?
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02-24-2017 , 09:36 PM
No, there are better water and dragon Pokemon and its a terrible prestiger
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02-24-2017 , 09:58 PM
Nothing else to do with the scales tho
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02-26-2017 , 03:05 PM
Is it just me or has the drop rate for potions reduced significantly since gen 2 dropped?
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02-26-2017 , 05:17 PM
Just you imo, I mean there's a few more item types so it's probably a little less, but I still get a bunch.
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02-26-2017 , 08:13 PM
I'm lvl 24 and have like 500 pidgey candies and other stuff, should I evolve now or try and wait for a double XP event?
Pokemon Go Quote
02-26-2017 , 09:18 PM
You probably have enough time between now and a double xp event to regenerate your queue of 60 or more evolutions.
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02-26-2017 , 09:30 PM
which if you dont evolve now would give you 2 queues of 60 or more when the time comes
Pokemon Go Quote
02-26-2017 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by RollWave
which if you dont evolve now would give you 2 queues of 60 or more when the time comes
Yeah exactly. XP is a pretty big deal for a low level.

I just don't know how likely it is for such an event to happen again. I actually took a 4 month break from the game and only recently found out they had this event during christmas. Were there other events at different dates?

If the next event is christmas again, then I'd say fk it, I rather get to lvl 30 asap to catch higher level poke's in the wild. If easter or something could be such an event, I'd hold on to it.
Pokemon Go Quote
02-27-2017 , 12:12 AM
Pidgeys are everywhere and it's extremely easy to hoard candies. Just lucky egg+evolve now instead of banking on another double XP event.
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