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Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS )

01-17-2017 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
One thing I'd like to see, given that the "countdown" character select stage is already unnecessarily long, is a freeze on being able to select a character for the first 10-15 seconds so people can chat a bit about team comp.
I like this idea a ton. I cannot stand people locking in crappy DPS heroes and then refusing to change because "they picked it first". I'm sure they'd come up with some other justification, but just hate getting tilted by crappy insta picks of people who load in faster than me.

And re: lucio/rein... I find Rein to be very, very fun in a lot of games, but he can be exceptionally frustrating to play if your team does nothing to support you. If your shield just gets destroyed constantly and their Rein's doesn't, you do like 300 damage and die 15 times. Rein on KOTH maps is very fun/OP to play. I've recently played Lucio a bit more and he can be amusing just out maneuvering your opponents. Positioning is so much in this game, and getting in a position to boop someone, or surprise triple headshot the enemy Ana can be very, very amusing.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-17-2017 , 02:45 PM
The game would be miserable without Rein, checkout Mystery Heroes and how favored defenders are if you aren't convinced. Tools like big ults / speed / shields benefit attackers far more than defenders because they allow for decisive wins. The fact that they've never nerfed his overpowered ult I think means they understand this.

I think we need more Rein-like heroes that can create space for squishies, the Dva buffs were a failed experiment in this because her existence denied many squishies the ability to operate at all. Hopefully Doomfist gives us some diversity here.

Rein has a good balance because while he's somewhat mobile and tanky he's also very vulnerable when making his moves and can't escape whereas Dva is almost never in a situation she couldn't leave safely.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-17-2017 , 03:37 PM
Yeah I'd be curious to see D.Va if they kept her current health/armor/damage values but nerfed her ability to fly and have her matrix up simultaneously.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-17-2017 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
One thing I'll never understand is how people will happily go into a game with a comp that is 90% to get steamrolled just so they don't have to play the "boring" character.
Fun is different for every person. I actually enjoy healing and find it fun. Most people don't. Some people love Tracer. I find her too squishy. Junkrat may be a terrible character most of the time, but his ult often results in POTG, and that may be what they are aiming for. (Same is true of Hanzo).
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-17-2017 , 04:16 PM
I play Hanzo because I enjoy RNG. (Played Retadin/Fire mage in WoW too)
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-17-2017 , 06:59 PM
I've been maining Rein/DVa/Zarya this season and, imo, while Rein is great, he requires a second support significantly more than every tank with the possible exception of Winston. If you're not getting pocketed, gl winning on a comp that includes a solo healer.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-17-2017 , 07:06 PM
Yea I think people underestimate just how big and slow Rein is. If you aren't paying attention it is so easy to be left on an island out of position and die.

It's going to be interesting to see if D.Va gets gutted what the effect is with Rein, because her stopping fire strikes is pretty huge.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-17-2017 , 07:09 PM
had an incredible thing happen. after hero picks guy says "we need another healer, Hanzo you want to switch" and is obviously met with a round of lols. but then....He did!!

Of course then we take the objective and someone quits so the game is cancelled
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-17-2017 , 11:48 PM
Been on a losing trend lately, but no biggie. Had a terrible team today, though, where the Rein was all pissed after the first round (control point) that Lucio (me) never healed him. Thus, he wanted to switch. I tried to inform him that I did my job and stuck with the team, but he went a different direction with Mercy healing him, so I wasn't about to follow. Additionally, I suck at Rein, but if he really thought he was an awesome Lucio, go for it.

We lost miserably.

I did have a stupendous Lucio death in a previous game, though. Trying to capture the payload on Eichenwald. Intense fight. Someone on the other team blasted me up in the air, higher than the roofs of the buildings. As I'm falling, I started to fire my ult, but I fell directly into the dragons of Hanzo's ult. It was a pretty spectacular way to die.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-17-2017 , 11:55 PM
As I'm thinking about my terrible games today, I realized I get a big chuckle out of my epic fails.

I was playing the random 6v6 and got Winston. I was doing ok playing defense on Eichenwald when the other team got to the bridge. I jumped behind them then jumped back as one often does with Winston. When it was time to jump at them again I jumped...over them and off the bridge.

I also played as Symmetra last week and accidentally placed the teleporter just outside our spawn on Hanamura. Whoops.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-18-2017 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
One thing I'd like to see, given that the "countdown" character select stage is already unnecessarily long, is a freeze on being able to select a character for the first 10-15 seconds so people can chat a bit about team comp.
Dear God yes. I'm going to post this on the main forum and see if it gets any traction. If anyone else wants to make this happen, join the thread there.

Last edited by Quadstriker; 01-18-2017 at 12:33 AM.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-18-2017 , 06:01 AM
3500+ SR, anyone wanna duo Q?
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-18-2017 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by cwar
The game would be miserable without Rein, checkout Mystery Heroes and how favored defenders are if you aren't convinced. Tools like big ults / speed / shields benefit attackers far more than defenders because they allow for decisive wins. The fact that they've never nerfed his overpowered ult I think means they understand this.

I think we need more Rein-like heroes that can create space for squishies, the Dva buffs were a failed experiment in this because her existence denied many squishies the ability to operate at all. Hopefully Doomfist gives us some diversity here.

Rein has a good balance because while he's somewhat mobile and tanky he's also very vulnerable when making his moves and can't escape whereas Dva is almost never in a situation she couldn't leave safely.
They should've nerfed DVa's gun and buffed defense matrix to make her more main tanky, this change just makes her worse across the board.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-18-2017 , 12:53 PM
Could they just kill DVa off? Winston already does the diving part. Reinhardt already does the blocking part. Is she meant to somehow do both? Making her practically invulnerable isn't much of a niche.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-18-2017 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
Could they just kill DVa off? Winston already does the diving part. Reinhardt already does the blocking part. Is she meant to somehow do both? Making her practically invulnerable isn't much of a niche.
Agree. I feel like they need to get some sort of tank to do at least some of what Reinhardt does along with a support who can overlap some of lucio's speed boost.

If you get other characters to do that, it's going to open up a ton of options.

Otherwise, reinhardt is required 100% if the other team has one, and lucio is required on all offense, koth, and even usually a good idea on defense as well.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-18-2017 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
They should've nerfed DVa's gun and buffed defense matrix to make her more main tanky, this change just makes her worse across the board.
Her defense matrix is so dumb. With Rein, Zarya, or Winston, you can break their shields if you put out enough damage... She shouldn't be able to absorb an entire Soldier/Pharah ult, or literally swallow Zarya/Mei ult.

I'd be happier if she were just removed from the game entirely. She's poorly thought out.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-18-2017 , 02:45 PM
Dva was fine pre buff. She was (rightfully) barely picked because she was instantly blasted out of mech. Her matrix is fine/balanced if she has to fly away immediately once it's down. The problem now is that matrix + Ana + speed increase while shooting makes it so that she never has to fly away because she's a huge favorite to win every fight.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-18-2017 , 03:38 PM
When I look at a hero like DVa or Ana, I find myself thinking it'd work better if they had one ability fewer. DVa not being able to fly or Ana not being able to sleep would make it so much easier to give them a niche, instead of having to try to get them to do everything.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-18-2017 , 03:46 PM
dva is my favorite to play, f yall
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-18-2017 , 03:58 PM
I feel like keeping dva the way she is and just forcing her to reload a 25clip weapon would go a long way without doing all sorts of fancy buffs/nerfs
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-18-2017 , 05:12 PM
This amused me.

Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-18-2017 , 07:15 PM
Pretty good.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-19-2017 , 12:21 AM
Whee year of the rooster event next week.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-19-2017 , 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by Nchabazam
She shouldn't be able to absorb an entire Soldier/Pharah ult, or literally swallow Zarya/Mei ult.

I'd be happier if she were just removed from the game entirely. She's poorly thought out.
And then you have Ana.

List of hero ults Ana completely shuts down - with a simple point and click from almost any range, no need to even get in harm's way like D.Va.

Soldier 76
Zenyatta (mostly)
Torbjorn (not turret)
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
01-19-2017 , 06:07 AM
I don't think Ana can sleep Zen ult. Or do you mean that she can sleep someone near it?

The PTR change where her grenade has a shorter duration should be an indirect Zen buff.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
