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Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS )

12-07-2016 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
Selection bias too: you can rarely tell if your opponent's team have the same problem.
Sure. The thing is for me, is that I really don't get super frustrated in losing a close game if I have a team that's communicating in a non toxic way, and is trying to play good characters for the composition. I really only get super mad at this game when I just have toxic team after toxic silent team.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-07-2016 , 05:55 PM
In one of my games last night, my team won fairly handily and in the post game chat two members of the other team were tearing into each other. So I leave and queue for the next game and of course I get both of those players on my team and they immediately start yelling at each other in voice chat and picking troll picks.

I lost 50 SR by leaving but at least I saved myself 10-15 minutes of listening to that.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-07-2016 , 08:35 PM
I just managed to get a full hold on kings row in a no-talk team with 5 DPS and a lucio. all evens out
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-07-2016 , 09:42 PM
I'm surprised people on a poker forum can possibly complain or not get the variance in overwatch.

Don't you remember what it was like to run 10-20 buyins below EV in a session?
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-07-2016 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by Pun Intended
I'm surprised people on a poker forum can possibly complain or not get the variance in overwatch.

Don't you remember what it was like to run 10-20 buyins below EV in a session?
I have 6 opponents and 5 teammates so the idiot hanzo is more likely to be on the other team

that should be enough to climb
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-07-2016 , 09:56 PM
This felt so good after a frustrating day of playing. I don't play Zarya much so I didn't know what her ult did. I checked it real quick and then caught the other team together. Just then, Reinhardt came out and wiped them. He then kills the last person before it ends, but my highlight ended there.

**Sorry, I don't know how to upload gifs.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-07-2016 , 11:04 PM
new meta is boring. i feel like if other team is running triple tank and my team is not running triple tank, i'm like 20% to win (SR 2900ish).

one positive i can at least draw is now i realize w/ roadhog (after hooking tanks constantly) that maybe i should be hooking the back line characters instead to begin engagements.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-08-2016 , 12:29 AM
Went 4-6 in my qualifiers, ended up with 1730 SR.

I think I played poorly in two matches, though it did seem like in those, my opponents were really good, so that probably had something to do with it. Also discovered I'm not as good with Mei as I thought I was. Additionally, it didn't help that someone left my team in the final match.

Seemed like the two keys to losing for my teams were a) crappy tanks, and b) team didn't stick together.

I played mostly as Lucio/Zen and feel I played just fine overall. Had a couple excellent matches with Lucio.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-08-2016 , 04:31 PM
Are the ranks for everyone pushed well up this season? 3169 is reported on overwatch as the top 23%, and on overbuff as top 17%

Last season that rating was in the top 5% on both sites. I realize these sites are self reported, but it seems like it wouldn't be so different.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-08-2016 , 04:58 PM
would think most casuals don't care enough this early in the season
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-08-2016 , 05:12 PM
I played for a little bit this afternoon and while I don't claim to be particularly good, even I knew this was bad:

Tiebreaking round, my team just needs to capture one point. We're on the doorstep, gearing up for one last push. 20 seconds left and I see the message than Reinhardt switched to Bastion. WTF.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-08-2016 , 10:03 PM
Finally got into Season 3. I went 5-5 in placement and they put me at 1957 SR. I was honestly hoping to get in lower. That puts me into Silver, though, so I guess it's reasonable.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-09-2016 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by Nchabazam
Are the ranks for everyone pushed well up this season? 3169 is reported on overwatch as the top 23%, and on overbuff as top 17%

Last season that rating was in the top 5% on both sites. I realize these sites are self reported, but it seems like it wouldn't be so different.
Blizzard said they want to flatten the bell curve, and they have.

Those on the + side pushed up a bit. Those on the - side pushed down a bit.

From what I have experienced so far, it's been working. I've gotten much better quality games.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-09-2016 , 02:34 AM
I got absolutely ****ed to a ridiculous point this season. Somewhat my fault.

I was always between 2800-3100 (and equivalent) seasons 1 and 2 and at the end of season 2, thinking placements would reset, I played a bunch of characters I never played to try and practice in comp, and went from 3100-2700. Went 4-5-1 in placements and got placed at 2700, basically exactly where I ended.

Then went on an epic downswing and I'm in the 2250-2400 range. I have 90+ hours of competitive on Reinhardt and I'm pretty elite with him stats-wise, but I can barely play him st this rank, because no one uses the shield or groups up. Sometimes I resort to spamming "group up" and people will listen to start the match, but usually not and it's not worth the effort.

I'm playing mostly D. Va/ Soldier and other heroes that counter what we're up against, but have been solo que'ing and the players at this level are completely unreliable and also super toxic. At diamond, people were super chill and pumped to have a good Reinhardt. At gold/plat, people play recklessly aggressive and trickle in. The strategy is so horrific compared to what I'm used to, I don't even bother going into team chat. People also regularly quit after a single bad round, even tho the other team is rarely good enough to have a consistent performance through the entire game.

I really hope I hit a hot streak soon and gtfo of this level, it is brutal.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-09-2016 , 06:51 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
I got absolutely ****ed to a ridiculous point this season. Somewhat my fault.

I was always between 2800-3100 (and equivalent) seasons 1 and 2 and at the end of season 2, thinking placements would reset, I played a bunch of characters I never played to try and practice in comp, and went from 3100-2700. Went 4-5-1 in placements and got placed at 2700, basically exactly where I ended.

Then went on an epic downswing and I'm in the 2250-2400 range. I have 90+ hours of competitive on Reinhardt and I'm pretty elite with him stats-wise, but I can barely play him st this rank, because no one uses the shield or groups up. Sometimes I resort to spamming "group up" and people will listen to start the match, but usually not and it's not worth the effort.

I'm playing mostly D. Va/ Soldier and other heroes that counter what we're up against, but have been solo que'ing and the players at this level are completely unreliable and also super toxic. At diamond, people were super chill and pumped to have a good Reinhardt. At gold/plat, people play recklessly aggressive and trickle in. The strategy is so horrific compared to what I'm used to, I don't even bother going into team chat. People also regularly quit after a single bad round, even tho the other team is rarely good enough to have a consistent performance through the entire game.

I really hope I hit a hot streak soon and gtfo of this level, it is brutal.
at least you're not in bronze, trying to win games with no tanks and no healers
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-09-2016 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Then went on an epic downswing and I'm in the 2250-2400 range. I have 90+ hours of competitive on Reinhardt and I'm pretty elite with him stats-wise, but I can barely play him st this rank, because no one uses the shield or groups up. Sometimes I resort to spamming "group up" and people will listen to start the match, but usually not and it's not worth the effort.
Well, I have played almost exclusively Lucio so far in competitive and all I do is try to stay behind Reinhardt's shield. So at least if you get in a game with me, I'll be a good teammate.

I'm also only in Silver (I just lost three in a row, so I might be back down into the 1700's), so it doesn't even matter.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-09-2016 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
I got absolutely ****ed to a ridiculous point this season. Somewhat my fault.

I was always between 2800-3100 (and equivalent) seasons 1 and 2 and at the end of season 2, thinking placements would reset, I played a bunch of characters I never played to try and practice in comp, and went from 3100-2700. Went 4-5-1 in placements and got placed at 2700, basically exactly where I ended.

Then went on an epic downswing and I'm in the 2250-2400 range. I have 90+ hours of competitive on Reinhardt and I'm pretty elite with him stats-wise, but I can barely play him st this rank, because no one uses the shield or groups up. Sometimes I resort to spamming "group up" and people will listen to start the match, but usually not and it's not worth the effort.

I'm playing mostly D. Va/ Soldier and other heroes that counter what we're up against, but have been solo que'ing and the players at this level are completely unreliable and also super toxic. At diamond, people were super chill and pumped to have a good Reinhardt. At gold/plat, people play recklessly aggressive and trickle in. The strategy is so horrific compared to what I'm used to, I don't even bother going into team chat. People also regularly quit after a single bad round, even tho the other team is rarely good enough to have a consistent performance through the entire game.

I really hope I hit a hot streak soon and gtfo of this level, it is brutal.
I Roadhogged my way out of there early last season (I think). It's the easiest way to solo-punish enemies for being out of position. Easy picks everywhere.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-09-2016 , 05:46 PM
Yeah I'm down around 1600-1700 and am mostly playing dva and roadhog, filling as healer if needed, so I can punish people who run off on their own.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-09-2016 , 06:26 PM
Reinhardt, Soldier, and Lucioed my way to 2600 after placements. Time to start my descent back to 1700s with Hanzo.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-10-2016 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by Clayton
new meta is boring. i feel like if other team is running triple tank and my team is not running triple tank, i'm like 20% to win (SR 2900ish).

one positive i can at least draw is now i realize w/ roadhog (after hooking tanks constantly) that maybe i should be hooking the back line characters instead to begin engagements.
After grinding out a decent amount of games towards the end of this week, I agree. It seems like soooo many heroes are completely irrelevant now. Soldier is completely mandatory, and seemingly so is Dva... really boring.

Dva needs to be nerfed back into the ground.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-10-2016 , 12:54 PM
Yeah waaaaaaaaaaaay too much Dva.

I was floored how Blizzard's stance last PTR was "We're throwing in a bunch of crazy changes to see what sticks" to "JK IT'S ALL GOING LIIIIIIIIIIVE LEEROOOOOOOOOY NNNNNJENKINNNNNS"
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-10-2016 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
Yeah waaaaaaaaaaaay too much Dva.

I was floored how Blizzard's stance last PTR was "We're throwing in a bunch of crazy changes to see what sticks" to "JK IT'S ALL GOING LIIIIIIIIIIVE LEEROOOOOOOOOY NNNNNJENKINNNNNS"
I love the changes to ults in general, and the fact that Mei can't throw out her ridiculous circle of death every 3 seconds... but Dva and Soldier both needed some tweaking. I think Dva would have been ok at 500 HP with the changes to her movement. 600 HP is just so much that it's really hard to burst her down, especially with her ridiculous movement ability.

I also just think Ana is too strong. Her pill needs a reworking.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-10-2016 , 01:35 PM
Dva 600 HP is ridiculous. With her cooldown times, the extra hundred makes her pretty close to invincible. She gets so many more 1v1 wins plus the crazy escapability. I grew tired of playing her long ago, but almost feel obligated now and wind up using her often when she isn't picked.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-10-2016 , 02:48 PM
The biggest change to Dva was the Zarya nerf + change to how laser interacted with armor. Dva was already god tier in lower games before the buff already and she was already played in pro games in relevant maps (Numbani).

They definitely need to revert the health buff, totally unnecessary.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
12-10-2016 , 03:51 PM
theres no doubt dva is incredibly strong and probably broken right now but ive been getting countered on her pretty hard as of late and last night was actually forced to switch off her bc of a zarya/roadhog/mei stack on the other team just completely assraping me. in other words, ppl are smartening upp/adjusting. this is at 3500 though so im sure shes playable 100% of the time in like plat and stuff still.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
