i doubt you will get any hits on this. most of us play UHL as an afterthought. even then, what can really be discussed? i prefer to play with AHL guys as they are way cheaper to build. NHL guys are over-rated..then again i primarily play offline tournaments lol
Clearly AHL guys are a possibility as well. Basically I just wanted to get a chat together to trade what other people needed.
croshow, I don't think you uploaded the 3rd period of the semis!
re-watching that game, I think we just ran bad. we had some solid chances in the 1st period and the 2nd period was pretty even, they just ran good and got/scored on a penalty shot.
werd, 3rd period failed to upload. i'll try it again. we had some golden opportunities. the continuation control killed us in the semi finals. our guy went to hit a forward, forward lost control of the puck, our guy grabbed it and shot the puck to the d-man of the bad guys, they went on to score. =/
Period 3 of semifinals vs slo is uploading atm, will be finished in 30 minutes. theres always another missing period from another game. i'm at work and can't really poke around in my channel, if anyone spots the missing period from a previous game lemme know and i'll upload it.
Good games tonight guys! I feel like me and Hip are gelling pretty well as a d-pair, only gave up 6 goals in 4 games. No lag for me tonight, felt much easier to play.