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NHL 11 NHL 11

09-07-2010 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
name and who's the manager?

I'm the GM, but I have it set to public for now. If you request to be on the team, you're on it. No need for me to accept the request.
NHL 11 Quote
09-07-2010 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by warchant09
2p2 AHL club: (xbox 360)

*Gamertags in brackets

TheHip41 (TheHip41) - Goalie
Khaos4k (Khaos4k4) - Forward
thecroshow (thecroshow) - D or C
Vagos(RolloTomasi14)- Foward or Defense
Franchise 60 (The Franchise60) - Forward
warchant09 (avonxbarksdalex)- anything but goalie
I think I already have all of you from MW2, but for anyone new that's my real gamertag, not kaosviking lol. We need to get LML to buy this game.
NHL 11 Quote
09-07-2010 , 07:49 PM
This game is pretty sick, which I should have expected after playing the demo. The new passing makes online play take a lot more skill which I like. I would definitely prefer a sensitive pass trigger than a timed passing system though, sometimes you have no time to hold down RT to make a pass.

Played a drop in game to start and had a cool 6 point performance. I'm still lagging pretty bad though which is frustrating. If my internet speeds and ping are excellent and I'm using top of the line modems and routers then why do I keep lagging? Keep in mind that my connection is hard-wired and no other computers are on.
NHL 11 Quote
09-07-2010 , 07:53 PM
A quick tap of the pass trigger seems to be about the same speed as NHL 10. Holding it down for a little is slower, holding it down for a long time is fast. I like it a lot. Makes you need to be ready to make a long fast breakout pass that's tape-to-tape but you can still do short to medium range passes with a quick release.
NHL 11 Quote
09-07-2010 , 07:56 PM
Bought the game. Played 5-6 OVP games. Like much.
NHL 11 Quote
09-07-2010 , 08:10 PM
2p2 AHL club: (xbox 360)

*Gamertags in brackets

TheHip41 (TheHip41) - Goalie
Khaos4k (Khaos4k4) - Forward
thecroshow (thecroshow) - D or C
Vagos(RolloTomasi14)- Foward or Defense
Franchise 60 (The Franchise60) - Forward
warchant09 (avonxbarksdalex)- anything but goalie
mayhem45 (projectmayhem45) - anything but goalie.
NHL 11 Quote
09-07-2010 , 08:11 PM
god damn, why does it match my ****ty team with 60-70 OVR guys against high 80s ultimate teams with zetterberg wtfff
NHL 11 Quote
09-07-2010 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by MAYHEM45
2p2 AHL club: (xbox 360)

*Gamertags in brackets

TheHip41 (TheHip41) - Goalie
Khaos4k (Khaos4k4) - Forward
thecroshow (thecroshow) - D or C
Vagos(RolloTomasi14)- Foward or Defense
Franchise 60 (The Franchise60) - Forward
warchant09 (avonxbarksdalex)- anything but goalie
mayhem45 (projectmayhem45) - anything but goalie.

why isn't everyone on the team yet?
NHL 11 Quote
09-07-2010 , 09:22 PM
2p2 AHL club: (xbox 360)

*Gamertags in brackets

TheHip41 (TheHip41) - Goalie
Khaos4k (Khaos4k4) - Forward
thecroshow (thecroshow) - D or C
Vagos(RolloTomasi14)- Foward or Defense
Franchise 60 (The Franchise60) - Forward
warchant09 (avonxbarksdalex)- anything but goalie
mayhem45 (projectmayhem45) - anything but goalie
goofyballer (goofyballer) - Forward

Will join when I get home, prob an hr or two
NHL 11 Quote
09-07-2010 , 10:50 PM
2p2 AHL club: (xbox 360)

*Gamertags in brackets

TheHip41 (TheHip41) - Goalie
Khaos4k (Khaos4k4) - Forward
thecroshow (thecroshow) - D or C
Vagos(RolloTomasi14)- Foward or Defense
Franchise 60 (The Franchise60) - Forward
warchant09 (avonxbarksdalex)- anything but goalie
mayhem45 (projectmayhem45) - anything but goalie
goofyballer (goofyballer) - Forward
Sirpwnadonk (howsitfeellike) - Forward

I played for a while last year and we dominated but I didn't continue because I got busy. Just joined the team a bit ago. Should be fun.
NHL 11 Quote
09-07-2010 , 10:56 PM
just got this game 1-0 online record so far! how the **** do you win faceoffs? I was just going left or right then down when the puck was dropped. Any of you figured it out yet? The one handed dekes are sick in this game tho, and kovys wrister is still sick. What do you guys think.
NHL 11 Quote
09-07-2010 , 11:08 PM
Right analog stick determines your grip (left/right), left analog stick determines your body on the faceoff.

If you hold down left bumper and try and when it foward you'll attempt to stick lift your opponent and skate past him.
NHL 11 Quote
09-07-2010 , 11:25 PM
do you guys on the ahl team want to play a game? we have hockeyav myself and nutshot on now if you are down
NHL 11 Quote
09-07-2010 , 11:40 PM
2G in my first game!

There's only 3 of us on atm, think we're just gonna play randoms rather than get our asses beat
NHL 11 Quote
09-07-2010 , 11:42 PM
There's only 3 of us too.

We haven't even played a game yet, and are all pretty rusty
NHL 11 Quote
09-07-2010 , 11:53 PM
stop being a ****** goofyballer
NHL 11 Quote
09-08-2010 , 12:04 AM
Can you explain those attribute boosts? Do those apply to both offline+online players, and they're just sorted by...(what, exactly? looks like most can be unlocked in both BAP and EASHL)
NHL 11 Quote
09-08-2010 , 12:10 AM
Oh, just noticed that I'm a 78 overall whereas my teammates are 72/73, even though I've only played like 2 games. Only thing I can think of is that I equipped my guy with all Bauer equipment and noticed a bunch of equipment boosts when setting my attributes.
NHL 11 Quote
09-08-2010 , 12:12 AM
2p2 AHL club: (xbox 360)

*Gamertags in brackets

TheHip41 (TheHip41) - Goalie
Khaos4k (Khaos4k4) - Forward
thecroshow (thecroshow) - D or C
Vagos(RolloTomasi14)- Foward or Defense
Franchise 60 (The Franchise60) - Forward
warchant09 (avonxbarksdalex)- anything but goalie
mayhem45 (projectmayhem45) - anything but goalie
goofyballer (goofyballer) - Forward
Sirpwnadonk (howsitfeellike) - Forward
SneakyFerret (BadgerWXman) - Defense
NHL 11 Quote
09-08-2010 , 12:35 AM
If someone wants to try the equipment I'm using and see if you also get huge boosts...

Stick: Bauer Vapor X:60, mid, open
Skates: Bauer Vapor X:60, 11" radius
Gloves: Bauer Vapor X:60
Helmet: Bauer 7500

Other than that can't figure out wtf my guy would be a 78 overall already...
NHL 11 Quote
09-08-2010 , 12:45 AM
2p2 AHL club: (xbox 360)

*Gamertags in brackets

TheHip41 (TheHip41) - Goalie
Khaos4k (Khaos4k4) - Forward
thecroshow (thecroshow) - D or C
Vagos(RolloTomasi14)- Foward or Defense
Franchise 60 (The Franchise60) - Forward
warchant09 (avonxbarksdalex)- anything but goalie
mayhem45 (projectmayhem45) - anything but goalie
goofyballer (goofyballer) - Forward
Sirpwnadonk (howsitfeellike) - Forward
SneakyFerret (BadgerWXman) - Defense
▬▬▬▬▬▬ (gods commander) - Forward
NHL 11 Quote
09-08-2010 , 12:58 AM
I guess the only other thing I can think of is that I made my guy 6'4", 200lbs but I don't know why that would matter too much...
NHL 11 Quote
09-08-2010 , 01:10 AM
i think the sherwood equipment gives you max boost ratings
NHL 11 Quote
09-08-2010 , 01:12 AM
dear ahl team, please sign on
NHL 11 Quote
09-08-2010 , 01:18 AM
We're in a game yo
NHL 11 Quote
