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Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Modern Warfare 3 suggestions

02-02-2011 , 06:07 PM
When thinking about the complaints we all seem to have about every Call of duty game I was able to think up some perk suggestions for the next in the franchise. Feel free to contribute and maybe IW and Treyarch will take some of these seriously like I did.

Perk Improvements:

Splinter Cell-Ability to cling to ceilings and melee from above
Pro earned at 50 ceiling melees

Splinter Cell Pro-Five second delay on opponents kill feed and mini map for every ceiling melee

Pacman-One second temporary invincibility(initiated by player once per life)
Pro earned at 30 avoided kills by using Pacman

Pacman Pro-Three second temporary invincibility(initiated by player once per life)

The Sims-No added player benefit
Pro earned at 15 completed games using only The Sims as a blue perk

The Sims Pro-Use of two red or two green perks


Mario-Fireball projectile attachment to all weapons(limit of 4 per life)
Pro earned at 50 fireball kills

Mario Pro-Personalized theme music takes over opponents game sound within affected radius(similar to scrambler)

NBA Jam-% increased bullet damage after third consecutive kill
Pro earned at 10 kill streaks of 7 kills each

NBA Jam Pro-Team earns bonus points/quicker objective accomplishment for each 7+ kill streak awarded based on game type.(ie bonus team points in TDM, quicker flag cap in Dom, or quicker plant/defuse times in Demo or SND)

Contra-Ability to secure objectives/plant bombs vertically(such as in the floor above or below you)
Pro earned at 40 plants through a floor

Contra Pro-Unlimited ammunition for 30 seconds of game time(initiated by the player once per life)


Madden-Ability to use the juke stick to avoid melee kills
Pro earned at successfully avoiding 50 melees

Madden Pro-Ability to use hit stick to overpower a melee and earn a kill

Halo-1.5 Times jumping height
Pro earned at 150 jump kills

Halo Pro-5 Second cloaking ability

Sonic-Ability to evade bullets by executing a barrel roll(One second weapon use delay upon roll completion)
Pro earned at 25 avoided deaths using the roll

Sonic Pro-Ability to come out of the roll with weapon ready
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-03-2011 , 12:37 PM
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-03-2011 , 05:46 PM
for added realism I would like to see the addition of first poop, where the player closest to the first enemy to fire a gun poops his pants
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-05-2011 , 10:47 AM
The ideas wouldn't work in cod, but i enjoyed the post/pics.
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-20-2011 , 02:50 AM
WoR had a really cool idea: move Ghost and Hardline back to tier 2 and bring back Jug and Stopping Power. Hardline Pro makes your killstreaks stackable. You can now have stackable killstreaks but you have to give up Stopping Power, Jug, and Ghost.
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-20-2011 , 03:35 AM
How's this for a competitive 2nd tier:

- Stopping Power: Increased bullet damage, Pro: Increased bullet penetration
- Hardline: Killstreaks cost 1 fewer kill, Pro: Stackable killstreaks
- Ghost: Invisible to UAV + Ghillie Suit, Pro: Invisible to air support, no red name or crosshairs
- Slight of Hand: Reload twice as fast, Pro: ADS twice as fast
- Juggernaught: Increased health, Pro: Resistence to explosives (ie. Flak Jacket)
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-20-2011 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by Deorum
How's this for a competitive 2nd tier:

- Stopping Power: Increased bullet damage, Pro: Increased bullet penetration
- Hardline: Killstreaks cost 1 fewer kill, Pro: Stackable killstreaks
- Ghost: Invisible to UAV + Ghillie Suit, Pro: Invisible to air support, no red name or crosshairs
- Slight of Hand: Reload twice as fast, Pro: ADS twice as fast
- Juggernaught: Increased health, Pro: Resistence to explosives (ie. Flak Jacket)
sick.. this would be cheat codes
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-20-2011 , 04:33 PM
SoH is out of place. way too weak compared to the competition. make it a 1st perk like in MW2.
looks good other than that.
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-20-2011 , 06:26 PM
Id like soh to be a 1st perk like in mw2. Now you got people like whiskey with infinite ammo and fast reload/adsing and that is just unbalanced imo. I barely use anything but soh now cuz its over powered for its class, I think Id keep it in that class too unless I was camping then Id rock sp or jug.
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-20-2011 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Deorum
How's this for a competitive 2nd tier:

- Stopping Power: Increased bullet damage, Pro: Increased bullet penetration
- Hardline: Killstreaks cost 1 fewer kill, Pro: Stackable killstreaks
- Ghost: Invisible to UAV + Ghillie Suit, Pro: Invisible to air support, no red name or crosshairs
- Slight of Hand: Reload twice as fast, Pro: ADS twice as fast
- Juggernaught: Increased health, Pro: Resistence to explosives (ie. Flak Jacket)
What is left for the other tiers?

I liked how MW2 had things set up. Marathon/Scavenger/SoH. SP/CB/LW/HL. Ninja/I never used anything else. OMA and DC ruined it but if you get rid of those then I really like everything. Maybe add TM to tier 3 and FJ somewhere too.
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-20-2011 , 07:15 PM
Ya I loved mw2's set up and love adding TM and FJ in there. Thats what mw2 was missing when they put in DC/toobs.
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-21-2011 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by Deorum
WoR had a really cool idea: move Ghost and Hardline back to tier 2 and bring back Jug and Stopping Power. Hardline Pro makes your killstreaks stackable. You can now have stackable killstreaks but you have to give up Stopping Power, Jug, and Ghost.
I think bringing back Jug is a bad idea. Not as bad as his dumbass Rally killstreak idea, but bad nonetheless. And the Hardline Pro thing is even worse, imo.

I never thought Stopping Power was broken.

So I pretty much hate all of Wings' ideas. I could give reasons, but that would require a wall of text. Bottom line is this game isn't broken from a balance standpoint, so discussing how to tweak it is a waste of time, imo.
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-22-2011 , 12:01 AM
i like having more competition in the ghost slot, if that means adding jug or stopping power i'm all for it
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-22-2011 , 06:17 AM
Originally Posted by TreyWilly
I think bringing back Jug is a bad idea. Not as bad as his dumbass Rally killstreak idea, but bad nonetheless. And the Hardline Pro thing is even worse, imo.

I never thought Stopping Power was broken.

So I pretty much hate all of Wings' ideas. I could give reasons, but that would require a wall of text. Bottom line is this game isn't broken from a balance standpoint, so discussing how to tweak it is a waste of time, imo.
I never understood the hate for Juggernaught other than from snipers, but the point is if stopping power comes back it needs some very heavy competition. I do not think it is broken either, but let us be honest - stopping power was easily the most used perk in MW1 and MW2 because it just dwarfed its competition. If it comes back it will need some very stiff competition. As for the tweaking, I just like variety. I do not want all the same perks in a new COD as those I have been running for the past year. I want new stuff.
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-22-2011 , 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by Davey
What is left for the other tiers?

I liked how MW2 had things set up. Marathon/Scavenger/SoH. SP/CB/LW/HL. Ninja/I never used anything else. OMA and DC ruined it but if you get rid of those then I really like everything. Maybe add TM to tier 3 and FJ somewhere too.
What's left for tier 1 is lightweight, scavenger, warlord and maybe some new stuff. Tier 3 perhaps the same as BO but swapping out last chance for steady aim. Or just new stuff.
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-22-2011 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by Deorum
I never understood the hate for Juggernaught other than from snipers, but the point is if stopping power comes back it needs some very heavy competition. I do not think it is broken either, but let us be honest - stopping power was easily the most used perk in MW1 and MW2 because it just dwarfed its competition.
I think it balanced fine. If you could do just as well w/o SP in MW2, you would have a huge advantage with H/CB/LW. Imagine how broken DC would have been without SP!
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-22-2011 , 01:50 PM
If it balanced well why do you think it was overwhelmingly the most used perk in core (let alone the most used 2nd tier perk)?
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-22-2011 , 06:56 PM
jug should be back. sp was overused plus it also gives a big buff to smgs and rushing styles.
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-22-2011 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by Deorum
If it balanced well why do you think it was overwhelmingly the most used perk in core (let alone the most used 2nd tier perk)?
Nice try: Big difference between overpowered and overused.

People who could go without SP had a HUGE advantage. Why do you think so many people used the UMP*? Superb ROF? Laser-like accuracy? Overall ease of use?

The way I see it (twisi), there should be a crutch perk like SP, as long as there's a nice reward for not using it. CB/H/DC were more than enough.

Last edited by TreyWilly; 02-22-2011 at 11:05 PM. Reason: *I know the cool kids loved it with SP, but they're also the kind who brag about not having a TV, or arriving at work first
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-23-2011 , 07:21 AM
I am not talking about whether or not it is overpowered, I am asking why you think it was more popular. The fact that most people considered it a more useful perk than the others, which is evident from its being used the most, is indicative that it is not well balanced. If it were well balanced then, by definition, it would not be so much more popular than the other choices. I was just trying to get clarification of what you meant by 'it is balanced' because it does not seem that way to me, though I do agree that it was not overpowered.
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-23-2011 , 01:51 PM
Balanced, twisi, means balanced with the other options, meaning what you give up by not using something is adequately compensated by what you gain by using one of its alternatives.

The reason most players, such as myself, used stopping power, is because they valued winning gunfights over stealth, agility, edge on killstreaks or effectiveness if explosives. It's balanced because players who can win gunfights without SP -- or choose to engage differently -- are rewarded.

It would be unbalanced if there was no good reason NOT to use SP.

In a lot of ways, it's analogous to the benefits you get if you can use your rifle without optics.

Last edited by TreyWilly; 02-23-2011 at 02:03 PM.
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-23-2011 , 02:08 PM
I do not think that makes sense. Definitively, if they were balanced the benefits would be equally good for all of the 2nd tier perks. If the benefits were equally good, we would have seen quite a bit of diversity between the 2nd tier perks used. But given that so many people used stopping power rather than the other 2nd tier perks we can conclude that they just were not as overall beneficial as stopping power was.
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-23-2011 , 04:34 PM
We're going in circles.
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-23-2011 , 04:43 PM
Perk discussion = zzzz

What they need to work on is their maps. Bigger and better, with less choke points and more cover, please. Ideally if the maps were significantly larger they could also increase the team sizes for those maps.

I don't think COD does it for me anymore, though. Too arcadey and repetitive. Realistically if BF3 is any good I'll be playing that and won't even pick this up.
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
02-23-2011 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by AKSpartan
Perk discussion = zzzz

What they need to work on is their maps. Bigger and better, with less choke points and more cover, please. Ideally if the maps were significantly larger they could also increase the team sizes for those maps.
That just sounds like it promotes camping. I prefer smaller maps though. I do agree they should work on the maps still, I'm getting bored of most of them. Hopefully the new maps that Xbox already has will help with this though.
Modern Warfare 3 suggestions Quote
