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Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion

10-16-2009 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by Matteopiz
PC Delay - epic fail, won't buy this for 360.
sucks to be you
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-17-2009 , 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by NeBlis
im not picking on you particularly but maybe 1/2 your posts here and in the other thread mention "camping".

What is it that you camping haters want? a oldwest shootout in the street with no cover? I dont understand, use of cover, camoflage, sneaking etc are a part of the game.. check your corners, use grenades, etc etc.

please help me understand where you guys are coming from... (fwiw i play 100% HC mostly search and never regular "shoot the guy centermass 15 times w/ an M60") mode
I'm coming from counterstrike and the idea that you are a pussy when you hide in some spot in a video game. That's no skill in a video game. Everyone can camp, wait for someone, take all the time in the world to compensate the ****ty aim and score. Not everyone can run, jump, do stuff and aim and hit at the same time. I'm not talking about just generally hanging around in an area, I'm talking about going prone in a bush on the rim of the map and stuff like that. Actually, one shouldn't be able to go prone in an online shooter imo.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-17-2009 , 11:34 AM
Yes, everyone should have to stand fully erect with no cover and just be able to jump 40 feet in the air and spin while firing. Wait, isn't that Halo 3?

And how friggen hawsome would a zombie mod be for this game?
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-17-2009 , 12:31 PM
Easy suggestion for you - don't play a game where you can go prone. There are way more games that fit that description.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-17-2009 , 01:44 PM
meh, i really like being able to go prone but at the same time camping can be really bad for the game. Luckily this is seldom a big enough nuisance to ruin my enjoyment of the game.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-17-2009 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by obsidian
Your $73 also includes a 17.5% VAT as well I believe. Our $60 doesn't include sales tax.
15% now
Originally Posted by Leo19
Cant wait for this game, a little tired of COD4 now, people suck these days. Hope there isn't Zombies..

For the brits, Asda usually sell for £30 on first day of release. They did with COD4 and World At War anyway.
Ah didn't know that might pop down to Asda then on the Thursday night (if it is Thursday night)
Originally Posted by Matteopiz
PC Delay - epic fail, won't buy this for 360.
Who plays PC games now a days ?
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-18-2009 , 01:44 PM
PC Games were so high school, but I'll get back into sc2 when that comes out sometimes this century.

xbox ftw
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-18-2009 , 03:39 PM
Anyone play legacy/inverted controls? I do... always have... and shooting from prone is next to impossible.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-18-2009 , 05:13 PM
No dedicated servers for the PC version, we get console style matchmaking instead. What do you guys think?
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-18-2009 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by cdog
No dedicated servers for the PC version, we get console style matchmaking instead. What do you guys think?
hell no that would be ******ed, why would you ever want this

dedicated servers equal zero lag (unless you live in some weird corner of the world where there aren't any servers) and freedom wrt to choosing maps, gameplay rules etc

o wow i just saw that this has actually been confirmed, you have to be ****ing kidding me IW with such a massive fail...why the **** would they do this when the vast majority of the PC community loves dedicated servers, this company ****ing sucks. what are the positives for IW wrt to this, they have to spend a **** load of money to set this stuff up and run it when no one wants it

Last edited by CheckRaise; 10-18-2009 at 05:30 PM.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-18-2009 , 05:43 PM
sweet, the taint of console spreads. No mods is great too!
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-18-2009 , 05:47 PM
just ordered some ear force x41s with 7.1 surround
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-18-2009 , 06:12 PM
also love how the interviewers are so dumbfounded when the dude mentions the matchmaking thing and then every time he tries to justify it you can tell they just want to call him a ****** for ever thinking this would be a good idea
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-18-2009 , 06:56 PM
I don't think it's all that terrible, since it will help with a ton of frustration in finding a good game to join. There have been plenty of times where a few servers I like are full, and it's almost impossible to find a good place to play. But I don't think it's a great move either. They should have put in matchmaking side by side with a server browser.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-18-2009 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by skindog
I don't think it's all that terrible, since it will help with a ton of frustration in finding a good game to join. There have been plenty of times where a few servers I like are full, and it's almost impossible to find a good place to play. But I don't think it's a great move either. They should have put in matchmaking side by side with a server browser.
meh never had this problem because there are a huge amount of servers to choose from with the games i like to play (HC FFA or TDM). i guess if you like very specific rules or something this might be a problem but now the only way to customize the game is to host private games and then you need to invite 15-20 people just to get it going instead of having an open server where anyone is free to join and replace any people who have left. custom games will probably be very hard to sustain unless everyone involved has a massive friends list.

have you ever played the console version with p2p hosting? if you haven't you'll be in for a nasty surprise wrt to lag when MW2 comes out...the IW argument that this system will make it easier for the average gamer to find games (lol like it was ever even remotely difficult in the first place) is a huge load of horse****. i think the guys in the interview i posted make a solid point in that there really is no reason for IW to do this unless they plan to start charging a monthly/yearly fee and turn their thing into a xbox-live wannabe
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-18-2009 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by CheckRaise
hell no that would be ******ed, why would you ever want this

dedicated servers equal zero lag (unless you live in some weird corner of the world where there aren't any servers) and freedom wrt to choosing maps, gameplay rules etc

o wow i just saw that this has actually been confirmed, you have to be ****ing kidding me IW with such a massive fail...why the **** would they do this when the vast majority of the PC community loves dedicated servers, this company ****ing sucks. what are the positives for IW wrt to this, they have to spend a **** load of money to set this stuff up and run it when no one wants it
Meh, i guess IW doesn't really care about the PC community?
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-18-2009 , 07:48 PM
So iw is making dedicated servers for pc or taking them away? I am confused.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-18-2009 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by CheckRaise
i think the guys in the interview i posted make a solid point in that there really is no reason for IW to do this unless they plan to start charging a monthly/yearly fee and turn their thing into a xbox-live wannabe
I'd be shocked if they did this. I think they're going for more of a wannabe
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-18-2009 , 11:50 PM
It'd be interesting to see where the sales numbers where for COD4. If the PC didn't keep up with the consoles I could see them phasing it out to save money on dev costs. Especially with how easy it is to have PC games ripped off these days.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-19-2009 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by rubbrband
So iw is making dedicated servers for pc or taking them away? I am confused.

taking it away

that would be very annoying having to make that change, but im used to it
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-19-2009 , 01:23 AM
aren't a lot of dedicated servers for cracked PC games.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-19-2009 , 04:39 AM
for fellow canadians.

MW2 presale @ Futureshop for $50 link here

available 19th only

****, tried to order now, sold out already. $20 off pretty good deal
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-19-2009 , 05:39 AM
Are you ****ing kidding me, how the hell do they force matchmaking on PC. Given that we can't make our own servers on PC, I imagine the player cap is now the same for game, which blows because I really enjoyed 64 player matches on PC.

That leaves me zero reason to buy the PC version in addition to the console version, of which I had two copies preordered. I was really hoping console games would eventually move toward server lists (IE Wolfenstein) instead of vice versa.

Very disappointing move by an otherwise awesome company.

Last edited by Corpsebean; 10-19-2009 at 05:44 AM.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-19-2009 , 02:14 PM
Wow, IW has basically taken everything that is great about the PC version, and removed it.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
10-19-2009 , 02:27 PM
I just bought a new computer, and was considering going for the PC version since keyboard+mouse is obviously better and you get mods and dedicated servers. Way to remove 2/3 IW. Though I suspect this is a big push from Activision who wants PC users to pay for map packs.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
