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Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion

09-28-2010 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by demon102
I think I might actually be better at snd then him. He's really good at the spawning games and getting the high killstreaks which inevitably lead to very high KD games.
Over a 4 game span I went around 40-3 in SND including a 18-0 (got pics) Playing against another 6 man party, I was actually trying as they were talking **** in the lobby. I didn't rush like crazy just hang around the bombsites and pushed up when the time was right with my P90 Silenced [ ] good sample size, just saying that if you try @ SND great things happen ...

XBL had a v solid SND team, I mean this was back when i'd only play the odd time with them we would maybe lose 2 games in around 30, you're now asking why we don't all have 15 W/L cause obv we always didn't run with a full party, SND is the most important gametype to have a full party with as you rely alot on eachother and callouts, most skill based game on COD imo

/coolest of stories
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-28-2010 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by demon102
I think I might actually be better at snd then him. He's really good at the spawning games and getting the high killstreaks which inevitably lead to very high KD games.
I suck at SnD and hardly every play it so I'm not really comfortable with most maps. I don't even use high kill streaks though. I'm all about 3-5-7 using the attack heli. Need almost 200 more choppers and then I will have all the kill streak challenges done.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-28-2010 , 11:26 PM
I need tips on Quarry. I cannot seem to find my niche on that map. I can do okay trapping at C, and one of my fav places is under the metal bridge from C to B, shooting the suckers who run over it because noone ever looks under there except from on top of the rocks by forklift. But when everything is all chaotic I just feel helpless on that map.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by Davey
And for people who don't play with me, I swear I'm not a camper even though it sounds like it.
meh it's just the correct way to play the game if you want to do well (unless you have host, then you can do whatever the hell you want and crush). xcal is a crazy aggressive player but he is constantly posting up behind cover in all of his videos and straight up tells you that it's the way to succeed. and he did the same in cod4, which isn't nearly as camper friendly as mw2.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 01:01 AM
Its funny that people say that a lot but I found it soooooo much easier to camp in COD4 then mw2. This was when all I played was FFA and camped all the time.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 01:08 AM
need one more for full party
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 01:09 AM
are u playing anything other then domination?

I think Im just done playing that gametype until Black Ops. So boring.

The 360 guys got it right imo, snd has the longest shelf life of all of the gametypes. Pretty crazy it took me a good part of the year to figure it out. They did have years of COD 4 on me though since I never played in a party before this game.

Last edited by demon102; 09-29-2010 at 01:15 AM.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 01:18 AM
I'm hoppin on 360 to see who's on. If no one, I'll just play madden 11, gt= wipemedownplz
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 01:21 AM
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 01:28 AM
I will **** on ur grave bitch.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by demon102
I will **** on ur grave bitch.
And than what?

variance: just got my first nuke! using a WA2000 w/ FMJ, akimbo G18s, claymore+flash, scav, sp, ninja in a pub GW Dom match on Invasion. It was the 3rd game I even had the nuke kill streak (harrier/cg/nuke) equipped.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 02:45 AM
Ill take a pic of it and send it to yo momma.

Last edited by demon102; 09-29-2010 at 02:45 AM. Reason: not really tho :p
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by Davey
I'm way to lazy to name every spot on each map. But one of my favorite spots that you guys always steal from me now is on Invasion at the tank next to the field/cage area. When they are trapped at C and spawn in that back right corner it is easy kills all day.

Underpass was already mentioned but the barrels where the sabo bomb is for when they are trapped at C. If they want to push out of the spawn most people run that way for some reason. You can also barely see over the wall right next to the C warehouse and no one will try to jump it with you sitting right there. It's best to use that spot if you have someone covering the big door down to your right though. If they have the B flag then just hang out at the fence in the drainage ditch because they can spawn right on the other side of it.

If you want a specific map I'll try to give you my basic strategy on that map but I don't want to write up things that people already know.

By the way it's funny you guys followed me because I had no idea. Just ask when we are playing where I like to post up to defend a flag or choke point or whatever and I'll let you take my spot. It will make you look really good and force me to find a new strategy. And for people who don't play with me, I swear I'm not a camper even though it sounds like it.
Camping =/= using cover to protect yourself or spawn trapping. It means hiding in a hard to access spot shooting people when they go by and not moving all game for the sake of getting kills. So many people now use it to mean 'guy behind cover' or just 'guy I cannot beat.' I don't know how many times I have been called a camper at the end of a dom game only to point out to the guy that I got the dominator accollade. Or how many times I have been called a camper while defending a planted bomb in SnD. It makes me chuckle to see people who think the 'proper' way to play is to run out in the open hoping to get a kill and wondering why they never go positive.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 06:45 AM
i've had similar situations, but one that comes to mind recently was a game i played with warchant.

We are playing SnD on sub base and War and maybe one other on our team are still alive. War kills a guy and goes to the stairs to reload(the ones you can crawl under). a guy must have saw him at some point and came storming around the corner to find him and war pops him.

Immediately after he dies the dude goes nuts calling warchant a camper etc etc. Ive seen quite a few campers in my time, but not a ton of which equip marathon/lw with ump(and are in the other teams spawn!) but that's just me.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by OMGZim
Ship the Javelin Gold Skulls Title !
that's putting in the work!
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 10:01 AM
Nothing warms my heart like being called a camper when I'm using marathon and/or lightweight. Happens all the time.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Mittens
Nothing warms my heart like being called a camper when I'm using marathon and/or lightweight. Happens all the time.

anybody wanna play in a bit?
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 01:02 PM
I haven't played w/ u guys in forever
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 01:27 PM
Ms peenis likes Madden 11 better I guess?
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 01:45 PM
gonna be on in 15-30 mins.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by demon102
The 360 guys got it right imo, snd has the longest shelf life of all of the gametypes. Pretty crazy it took me a good part of the year to figure it out.
In before Doodoo hates SnD.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by TreyWilly
In after Doodoo hates SnD.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by demon102
are u playing anything other then domination?

I think Im just done playing that gametype until Black Ops. So boring.

The 360 guys got it right imo, snd has the longest shelf life of all of the gametypes. Pretty crazy it took me a good part of the year to figure it out. They did have years of COD 4 on me though since I never played in a party before this game.
I mean I only used to say every time I was on that SnD is the way to go and Dom is terrible!
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Taste_Them_Aces

anybody wanna play in a bit?
WTF? Champions league, you noob!!!
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
09-29-2010 , 02:27 PM
pfff, watched barca score. Spurs - Twente will be a good game i guess.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
