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Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion

11-19-2009 , 05:40 AM
i had 25+ kill streaks back to back on quarry and favela... but i didn't have nuke selected
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 06:01 AM
this game is so sick I LOVE IT! attached shotgun on ACR is freaking awesome. faster than switching to pistol/shotgun. i use rifle for long range, get into close quarters switch to shotty.

my new fun setup:

ACR, 2xstun, 1xsemtex
bling (attached shotgun, red dot scope)
stopping power

p.s. there are times when i won't be able to play with you guys. my bro and cousin play, gotta give the family some mw2 action too.

also switched my killstreaks to: UAV, Care Package and Predator. I've received AC130 and Chopper Gunner more times using care package, Vs. getting an 11 kill streak.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by warchant09
you are out of the clan for playing LEGO rock band instead of mw2, they really made the shotguns to powerful
trying to get all the acheivements so i can sell it back on ebay

basically get 50 songs on the RB2 platform for 20 bucks
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 08:15 AM
Does anybody else hate dual welding shotgun antics? Seems like I'm getting killed and killed more each day.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by SheepMoose
Does anybody else hate dual welding shotgun antics? Seems like I'm getting killed and killed more each day.
Dual wielding rangers or model 1887s just looks so badass though. Any of the auto shotties is kind of ridiculous though.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by Khaos4k
Dual wielding rangers or model 1887s just looks so badass though. Any of the auto shotties is kind of ridiculous though.
Yeah, I've always thought they've looked badass; when viewing them on killcam.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 09:00 AM
2+2 owned some domination all night and my kdr is now 2.0
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by bluef0x
I think you are referring to me. i asked if your right trigger worked. it was just hilarious that you saw the guy for like 3 seconds and didn't shoot. but i didn't mean it as calling you out or anything, i was just poking fun like we all do when someone messes up. it's just a game, i couldn't care less about losing

btw: snd is a hard mode to learn, it's totally different from all the others. i'm only good at it because i played cs for years. but don't give up, any 2p2er is better than a random 12 year old.
oops, sorry for blaming LML

yeah, I saw the guy on the balcony but he went back inside before I could get off a clean shot and didn't want to give away my position. I was watching the top floor and he came out the bottom, you saw him much earlier than I did.

plus i love your accent... so don't hate me

I'll keep playing, it just took me most of both games to figure out what I was supposed to be doing, but I think I did go 2-4 on the terminal map, haha. And I'm finally getting where I can go positive a lot on TDM, so maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 09:01 AM
Controller Hate (Xbox):

Accidentally doing a melee attack when close range with someone when trying to make sudden moves on the analog stick(s). Is this automatically happening because I am getting too close, or am I fumbling the controller and clicking the stick?
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by Benholio
Controller Hate (Xbox):

Accidentally doing a melee attack when close range with someone when trying to make sudden moves on the analog stick(s). Is this automatically happening because I am getting too close, or am I fumbling the controller and clicking the stick?
Change button layout to tactical.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by SheepMoose
Change button layout to tactical.
Ah, I'm guessing that moves the knife attack, sweet. What exactly does it change? I googled the **** out of it but only got controller layouts for PS3. And I'm at work so I can't look for myself.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 09:32 AM
It just switches melee and crouch. Makes dropshotting possible but slows down your knifing some.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by SheepMoose
Change button layout to tactical.
good looking out; this happens to me all the time too. now hopefully i can get a few extra kills in and finish next to last instead of dead last
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 10:38 AM
AUG Hbar is nuts. First few games after unlocking I was going 20-3 or 20-4 including starting off one game 19-0. Then I switch back to UMP and try to speed up the pace and get even scores around 10-9. I hate that the slow campy style is unquestionably the best way to play this game
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 11:22 AM
Any thoughts on a good submarine + perks?
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 11:26 AM
I like the motor-boat marathon+ lightweight+ ninja+ but it is much more effective when there are no UAVs around. No good being able to run up behind people if they are watching you on the UAV. Need to put UAV jammer back in the killstreak mix.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 12:18 PM
Man im falling in love with the vector. only bad thing about it im running outta ammo so quick. But its helle accurate, fires extremely fast. Im running and gunning once again going 30/5ish
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 12:29 PM
Sorry for not joining the 2p2 match last night... We were jamming out some HC SnD matches and I jumped off early for bed..... Have a late night tonight with the "New Moon" midnight showing .... Yes I'm going, with my wife (although I enjoy the movie).

I'll be on all night Friday.....
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by SheepMoose
Change button layout to tactical.
Then you can be pro like me and accidentally drop shot people while trying to aim!
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Laurenz
Man im falling in love with the vector. only bad thing about it im running outta ammo so quick. But its helle accurate, fires extremely fast. Im running and gunning once again going 30/5ish
Use scavenger pro sir! It's the same as bandolier in MW + restocking grenades etc. Pretty freaking awesome iyam.

And, also I'll finally have more play time tonight! Better be ready for another all nighter LML. This time I'm gonna try and stay awake the whole time so I stop going like 5-9 on TDM near the end. My dumbass managed to bring my KDR from 1.75 to 1.44 in my last two play sessions.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 01:33 PM
i wish there was a way to play my xbox 360 at work while my 360 was still at home and i could just bring my controller to work with me and play on my computer screen here
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 01:56 PM
my name on PS3 is INoScopeUNoHope add me if you want to play TDM or FFA.

im mostly using M4/G18 with bling pro, red dot and silencers for both. i picked up an AUG today though when i ran out of ammo and i might have to start giving that some play time. not a fan of the P90 on this game, the range seems more limited and the spread less accurate.

a fun class is whatever primary you normally use, a semi auto pistol with a tactical knife, marathon, lightweight, and commando. run around and slice everyone up.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 02:29 PM
Does sitrep pro cancel out ninja pro in the same way that stopping power canceled juggernaut in the previous games?
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 02:34 PM
lol @ tactical knives. this game is starting to irritate me with all this random crap. whatever tho. all you need is 100 kills with a secondary to get it! yawn

everett, glad to see it wasn't me!

def down for another all nighter tonight. fell asleep in my chair last night heh.

random side comment about the aug. it is the only gun in the game i have found that looks good when you put the std default green camo on it. obv it is a beast of a weapon but too clunky to run and gun with so i rarely use it.

i realized this morning why i enjoy the highest sensitivity settings. when i have them on 2, 3, or 4 i feel like i'm an innocent bystander just hoping not to get caught in the crossfire. when i have it on lvl 8-10 i feel as if i am the one driving the action and a bit more in control of the map.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
11-19-2009 , 02:38 PM
I'm trying to figure out which people are down for TDM - I got Everett and ryguytilidie so far. I really can't get into SnD because it just feels like I am getting raped constantly, but some of you guys are masters at that mode (hardxcor).

Add me if you just want to play some straight up TDM this weekend - I should be on intermittently.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
