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11-28-2008 , 11:22 PM
got it today. so far pretty fun. graphics are awesome.
im usually an SF loyalist too.
MK v DC Quote
11-29-2008 , 02:59 AM
Looks like one of those cheesy games that gets shelved after a month.
MK v DC Quote
11-29-2008 , 03:10 AM
There's no way Sub-Zero could even harm Superman.
MK v DC Quote
11-29-2008 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by Chilltown
There's no way Sub-Zero could even harm Superman.
imo the only mortal kombatant that could harm superman would be Raiden, but thats only cause hes a ****in god
MK v DC Quote
11-29-2008 , 05:42 PM
doesnt it depend where they fight? i thought it was dependant on proximity to the sun / type of sun that gives Superman his powers?
MK v DC Quote
11-29-2008 , 06:02 PM
Is this the first MK game that has not been rated M or its equivalent?
MK v DC Quote
11-29-2008 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by Barretboy
Is this the first MK game that has not been rated M or its equivalent?

this game is tough, esp w the sketchy xbox dpad. the story mode sucks and theres is no way ingame to learn the fatalities and ****. i havent played online yet cos i know ill get owned but arcade mode is what it is.

my friends arent ultra competitive enough to get into it for 2player either.

wish i woulda bought Fallout 3 or left 4 dead
MK v DC Quote
12-03-2008 , 02:46 PM
I think its ok, I only really got it because I wanted to watch Batman and the Joker beat the piss out of all the MK characters. And no, Sub-Zero couldn't beat Superman, even frozen Superman would just shake the ice off.

I'm looking forward to the new Street Fighter, I think that will be good.
MK v DC Quote
12-03-2008 , 07:00 PM
My buddy got it, and we played it for a few minutes out of the box. He hadn't played any MK games since UMKIII, and I was a MK4 fiend. I was able to suss out a few moves for every character I tried (went like 8-0), and the game seems like a better party game than a serious fighter. Maybe I'll study up for next time I head over there and my opinion will change.
MK v DC Quote
12-03-2008 , 11:32 PM
the graphics for this game are pretty cool as are alot of the special moves, but it does lack alot of the gore from previous MK games

I think it would have been alot better if they had more characters from the mortal kombat series but I guess they wanted to limit MK and DC to the same amount of characters as to not dilute the DC characters' influence on the game. it makes sense but means that a fair amount of my favourite characters from MK are missing. =/

no reptile =
MK v DC Quote
12-04-2008 , 01:51 AM
Seriously, the selection of MK characters is bogus. Did we really need to bring back Kitana and Baraka? Reptile should have been mandatory, and I'd have liked to see someone like Cyrax, Noob Saibot, Fujin, or (really) Quan Chi.
MK v DC Quote
12-04-2008 , 02:41 AM

what about sektor, smoke, and johnny fkn cage?

oh well

i hope they bring out an actual new mk game soon. there hasn't been a great one since trilogy, imo
MK v DC Quote
12-04-2008 , 03:45 AM
MK v DC Quote
