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Looking for a pre-enjoyed Eve account Looking for a pre-enjoyed Eve account

04-02-2008 , 01:28 PM
I've been playing Eve for over a year now and decided that I need a second account to do everything I want to in the game. Before I go and roll a noob, I was wondering if there is anyone who used to play that has a character they no longer want. The skills or total skill points aren't terribly important, but it would be great if they had some training especially the dreaded "learning skills" so I don't have to endure that monotony again.

Presumably if you have a character and no longer play it you have no interest in isk or game time cards. I'm sure some sort of compensation could be arranged via a PS or FTP transfer.

PM me if you are interested, please include race of ships flown and a brief summary of your character's skills (i.e,. "industrial", "miner", "PVP", ecetera....)

P.S. "twoplustwo" channel in game is still there and its been very quiet as of late. I'm usually in there. So come on in and say hi. I can answer most questions a new player might have.
Looking for a pre-enjoyed Eve account Quote
04-02-2008 , 02:53 PM
Meh, I should probably sell my account. I forget what all my skills were, but I know I did most of learning.

Oh, here, I found it:
Looking for a pre-enjoyed Eve account Quote
