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Just Cause 2 Just Cause 2

03-25-2010 , 01:31 PM


Haven't seen a thread about just cause, so i guess i'll fire one up. Anyone played this yet? I have such mixed feelings about it

Personally, i love sandbox games when done properly and setting is a big part of this ('lively place' vs. 'empty graveyard with a single mindless zombie wandering every 2 miles'). Just Cause 2 blows my mind away in this sense. I always have a thing for 'tropical' games, so i'm a bit biased but still its hard not to get mindstruck by the sheer enormousness and detail of it all. Absolutely beautiful.

Second, the concept of gameplay is somewhat of a mix of GTA, mercenaries 2 and Bionic Commando. This equals a potential of enormous fun imho, either do missions or go around and blow everything up in an epic way that hasn't been seen so far. Amazing. Just google the trailers to get a glimpse of what is possible.

Now this all sounds great on paper and at least turned out to look great, i could say it is the game i wouldve dreamt up myself if given the chance. And the final verdict so far? It sucks . Only because of one thing and one thing only, and that is the outright horrendous feel and flexibility of the aim/camera system. When fighting and shooting or trying to get hold of anything half the time i'm shaking around with the camera to no end; The feel of it isn't natural at all.....clunky is the word that comes to mind. It's possible to readjust sensitivity but so far everything turned out far from 'just right'. Also, you should expect a button to automatically return camera in a split second to what is right in front of you. To manually readjust this during fastpaced action proves impossible to me. What kind of cruel joke is this game turning out to be for me I heard the missions were quite poor as well...but am not far enough to have anything meaningful to say about that.

I don't know if the dev-team was seperated in graphics-department and controls-department, but if so i'd probably be ready to kill a small kitten having to witness what my 'controls-collegaus' had done to my briljant landscape/cars/people/boats/helicopters/jetfighters/planes/zeppelins/motors.I play the PC version by the way? Any other posters' experiences....because after all, maybe they just raised the bar of a competent experience above worthless gamers like me
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-25-2010 , 07:42 PM
Damn. I had read a few reviews from the xbox version and was expecting a perfect port.

Might still give it a shot.
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-25-2010 , 07:50 PM
Be interested to see if others have different experiences on the console versions. I'm on a self imposed no buying new games till my backlog shrinks thingy, but I might just pick this up used down the line if others disagree.

Why are we still having so much camera issues in games? JFC its been a long time since Super Mario 64, we outta be used to 3D now.
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-26-2010 , 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by ZDAR
Damn. I had read a few reviews from the xbox version and was expecting a perfect port.

Might still give it a shot.
well you should try it out.

I've tried reading up on lots of reviews, and although there is mention of the issues i adress it seems most are not making as much of it as i am at the moment. I'm gonna try and see if i can make it work for me down the line.......the game justifies putting the effort in When you try it though, please share the experiences......i'm curious
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-26-2010 , 05:31 AM
I tried the demo on xbox and it's just like you described. The graphics and environment are so amazing, but as soon as you get into a gunfight everything just feels wrong. I wish they had just copied GTA's controls and gameplay; it would've been great.
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-26-2010 , 08:50 AM
the controls are fine on consoles. The gunplay isnt perfect but that just means you have to play it differently to how you would normally play a 3rd person shooter. THe size of the world is crazy. First thing i did was take a speedboat to the airport, get a jumbo jet, fly the jumbo jet into an airship parachuting out at the last minute, lots of fun to be had.
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-26-2010 , 10:28 AM
playing this atm, so far missions are fun aswell.
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-26-2010 , 10:29 AM
i loved just cause 1 fwiw, think its one of the best games i ever played. so much fun to be had even when u were done with every mission
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-26-2010 , 10:30 AM
I'm undecided whether or not to get this for ps3...
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-26-2010 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by sharpyetblunt
the controls are fine on consoles. The gunplay isnt perfect but that just means you have to play it differently to how you would normally play a 3rd person shooter. THe size of the world is crazy. First thing i did was take a speedboat to the airport, get a jumbo jet, fly the jumbo jet into an airship parachuting out at the last minute, lots of fun to be had.
are the analogue paddles of an xbox controller much different than a playstation's one? Wich one are u using? I'm using a logitech rumblepad 2(good quality playstation-controller clone) for my game on the PC, and fiddling with the analogue paddles is just horrendous.

I hope i can get on board with your experience so far....time will tell
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-26-2010 , 12:56 PM
Lol, i just found the mile high club.
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-26-2010 , 02:08 PM
I've been playing on PC with kb+m and the controls are fine.
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-27-2010 , 07:12 PM
I was just watching some youtube vids on this game...looks like there are a lot of cool tricks you can do like with the grapples and stuff, looks kinda it a lot easier than it seems?
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-27-2010 , 07:28 PM
i think its really easy. i picked up the controls no problem after 5 mins of playing the demo.
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-27-2010 , 07:44 PM
is this game better for the pc or ps3?
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-27-2010 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
is this game better for the pc or ps3?
well probably more beautiful on PC, but that's a shallow side on the matter from a graphicswhore like me, and i have no experience playing the ps3 version, so there is my lousy 2 cts

@sharpyetblunt: i feel envious for your level of comfort with the controls. I'm powering through so far, but am only very slowly gaining some kind of ease...but still hardly any. When i play games, i mostly play 80's and 90's games (and some modern fps), so í have a hard time adjusting to 12 different action-buttons where the oldies always just have the magic 2 or just even 1 lol. I'd kick your ass in street fighter though.....i think it's important for my self-esteem that you should know that
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-28-2010 , 05:11 PM
I have this on the ps3 and it's a ton of fun. Yes, gun battles are pretty bad. It's not an FPS it's a 3rd person shooter and it's janky.... if you're into flight sims you won't like the controls of the helis or planes, but meh... you can do so much with your grappling hook and as the game goes on you find creative ways to kill dudes that rarely involve guns.

imo and for my taste there aren't too many games coming out in the next few months that will satisfy my gamer itch and I've noticed a lot of people on these boards generally share the same opinion, so fwiw, I think this is a great time killer. I'm guessing there's easily 80+ hours of content in this game. Yes it's repetitive, but sandbox games always give the player some license for creatively creating havoc which is always a gas.
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-28-2010 , 08:52 PM
Cool,will be getting this today for does look fun from the vids I've seen on YouTube.
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-29-2010 , 07:54 AM
Two critiques of the game:

It needs a garage like GTA. You can buy stuff from the black market, but you can't keep them. Seems kinda silly and pointless. If I buy something why not have where its dropped become a new spawn point for that vehicle? Or at the very least allow me to keep stuff in my stronghold.

Secondly, your grapple hook does not work well against civilians. I know this is evil, but a lot of the fun of the game is grappling people to things... attaching people to things and taking off, etc etc etc.... for some reason the developers decided to make your grappling hook line snap really quickly when attached to a civilian. It works many times better against the bad guys. Also, a lot of times I try to grapple in live combat I'm just getting absolutely owned. The quickest way to dispatch a guy is to just shoot him. Practicing on civilians would allow the player to hone their skills. I mean, I'm running them over, lighting them on fire, blowing them up anyway... why not let me have fun with the grappling hook?
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-29-2010 , 08:22 AM
This or Heavy Rain?
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-29-2010 , 09:26 AM
I haven't played Heavy Rain but it seems like apples and lug nuts man.

I'd say you get much more play for your buck with JC2 though. I hear Heavy Rain is like 12ish hours, could be wrong.
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-30-2010 , 02:11 AM
fwiw there is a JC2 demo on the 360 you can download
Just Cause 2 Quote
03-31-2010 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by Daer
I've been playing on PC with kb+m and the controls are fine.
Yeah. I'm doing the same. I played it on my brothers 360 and the controls were a real pain in the ass. I'm not having any problems on my PC.

The only button that annoys me is the hand brake. I can't find a good spot for it, and I usually use it all the time.
Just Cause 2 Quote
