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04-17-2010 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by animal_chin
Holo improves auto aim. PC players don't have auto aim. Thus PC players don't get auto aim improvements with the holo. Don't see where you get spawn points out of that equation.
where was it ever tested or confirmed that holo improves aim-assist?

I was under the impression that people made that up before determining the functional benefits on the FAL/M16 and it stuck for whatever reason.
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04-17-2010 , 01:21 PM
people should also consider the reload times for the FAM16s imo
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04-17-2010 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by hasugopher
where was it ever tested or confirmed that holo improves aim-assist?

I was under the impression that people made that up before determining the functional benefits on the FAL/M16 and it stuck for whatever reason.
I know WoR says it in one of his videos. I can get the link for you if you want, but other than that I don't know who else said it. It's hard to confirm because it is a console only thing. With the PC you can sort of hack into the code and get the numbers out somehow (that's where all the damage charts came from), but that is not as easy to do on the consoles, so it is sorta of a "it feels like it has more auto aim" type of thing from what I hear.
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04-17-2010 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by animal_chin
I know WoR says it in one of his videos. I can get the link for you if you want, but other than that I don't know who else said it. It's hard to confirm because it is a console only thing. With the PC you can sort of hack into the code and get the numbers out somehow (that's where all the damage charts came from), but that is not as easy to do on the consoles, so it is sorta of a "it feels like it has more auto aim" type of thing from what I hear.
Someone did a test with both of them a put it on video.. The difference s there.. Forget whos video it was..
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04-17-2010 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by FightRight
um RPD is just as much an instant kill as a m16 burst is (it kills faster BTW), you just have to burst it and not spray. Your forgetting other benefits such as wayyyy larger clip size and with FMJ I can spam a room of campers and murder all of them. In Afghan I absolutely slaughter people at medium to long range to the point where people think I'm aimbotting esp with FMJ. I use sleight of hand pro so I can ADS fast and BAM one 2 shot burst there down, its also very beneficial when there are multiple targets rushing and I'm trying to hold a choke point because I can put more rounds down range if I have to VS being limited to 3 shot bursts.

I'm not on console I'm on PC and I can control long range shots VERY WELL which is something I know would be harder on a controller. So if you aim at me and I aim at you with my accurate 2 shot RPD + fast ADS with SOH pro = YOU die and MY health regenerates.

Obviously limited mobility is a beat but I'm not going to try and be mobile as much as I'm holding down points on the map and hanging back when using a LMG (each class has its perks and disadvantages, if I was gonna rush Ill get a SMG/AR). Any burst weapon in a CQB situation is terribad so it's not like M16 pwns all as your trying to make it seem.
+1 for rpd being insane. i use both guns extensively and the rpd pretty much beats the m16 straight up except for mobility. m16 has trouble against moving targets while the rpd just mows everyone down no matter how fast they are sprinting.
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04-17-2010 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by FightRight
um RPD is just as much an instant kill as a m16 burst is (it kills faster BTW), you just have to burst it and not spray. Your forgetting other benefits such as wayyyy larger clip size and with FMJ I can spam a room of campers and murder all of them. In Afghan I absolutely slaughter people at medium to long range to the point where people think I'm aimbotting esp with FMJ. I use sleight of hand pro so I can ADS fast and BAM one 2 shot burst there down, its also very beneficial when there are multiple targets rushing and I'm trying to hold a choke point because I can put more rounds down range if I have to VS being limited to 3 shot bursts.

I'm not on console I'm on PC and I can control long range shots VERY WELL which is something I know would be harder on a controller. So if you aim at me and I aim at you with my accurate 2 shot RPD + fast ADS with SOH pro = YOU die and MY health regenerates.

Obviously limited mobility is a beat but I'm not going to try and be mobile as much as I'm holding down points on the map and hanging back when using a LMG (each class has its perks and disadvantages, if I was gonna rush Ill get a SMG/AR). Any burst weapon in a CQB situation is terribad so it's not like M16 pwns all as your trying to make it seem.
It's not an instant kill. You can be killed by someone in between rpd shots, you cannot with an m16. I don't think the m16 is better than every gun in every situation. It is a better medium to long range weapon than every other gun in the game if you have HD, good aim, and a good connection. It is also a pretty beast CQB weapon 1v1 because it insta-kills, but I'd rather have AA-12 extended mags or something.

The RPD is better at nothing relative to the m16 w/ holo other than clip size if you're running SP.
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04-17-2010 , 02:58 PM
Alright this is getting silly and turning into the "Mittens tries to convince everyone that the m16 w/holo is the best gun thread". If anyone wants to know my thoughts on the gun beyond what I've written, PM me.
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04-17-2010 , 04:43 PM
Ive been using rpd again lately, I used this a lot on cod 4. And I cant decide between bling (silencer + grip) and sleight of hand.

How hard is it to get used to the rpd without grip? I feel too uncomfortable not using a silencer, so Im not taking that off. Most of the time Im hanging back with the rpd so maybe I dont really need soh? And if I get too close to someone shooting from the hip with it works pretty well.

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04-17-2010 , 04:52 PM
Silencer and sleight of hand on the RPD are both pretty significant fails, man. Never silence an LMG, it makes it a 30-30 instead of a 40-40. Unless you're playing hardcore, I guess.
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04-17-2010 , 04:52 PM
get rid of the silencer it makes all the lmgs weak

my fave so far is

steady aim

but I like to run around like a crazy man

for demo though I love
with ti
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04-17-2010 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Silencer and sleight of hand on the RPD are both pretty significant fails, man. Never silence an LMG, it makes it a 30-30 instead of a 40-40. Unless you're playing hardcore, I guess.
this pretty much.
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04-17-2010 , 05:00 PM
i like using the AUG+grip with SoH pro

it reloads faster than every AR w/o SoH and the ADS bonus is niiiiiiiiiice

not sure what other blue perk i'd use TBH
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04-17-2010 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by kkcountry
i like using the AUG+grip with SoH pro

it reloads faster than every AR w/o SoH and the ADS bonus is niiiiiiiiiice

not sure what other blue perk i'd use TBH
Yeah, but AUG has reload issues that the RPD doesn't. I used to use OMA on my AUG class to handle the ammo situation (you're probably taking out guys from beyond a range where you can grab their scav bags), plus sometimes I need to swap into a more versatile class if my team needs flag caps.

To be fair though, I usually need a good reason not to use OMA before I'll consider another blue perk.
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04-17-2010 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by kkcountry
i like using the AUG+grip with SoH pro

it reloads faster than every AR w/o SoH and the ADS bonus is niiiiiiiiiice

not sure what other blue perk i'd use TBH
AUG is more like an AR than a LMG, obviously SoH is a lot more useful on it.

Bling to RDS+grip is pretty nice on the AUG, OMA so you can OMA to a danger close class, etc.
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04-17-2010 , 05:43 PM
I never got bling for RDS+grip. For some reason with the RDS I natually tap the trigger instead of hold it down like I do with the iron sights. Anyone else like that? Its also easier for me to get accurate shots at medium to long range that way too.
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04-17-2010 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Silencer and sleight of hand on the RPD are both pretty significant fails, man. Never silence an LMG, it makes it a 30-30 instead of a 40-40. Unless you're playing hardcore, I guess.
I use silencer for everything except when I snipe, I just die so much more often when I don't use a silencer. I guess soh on the rpd feels much nicer but it doesn't actually help you that much.

and what do you mean by 30-30 and 40-40?
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04-17-2010 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by Green_29
and what do you mean by 30-30 and 40-40?
30 damage with a silencer - so 4 shot kill. and 40 damage non-silencer, so a 3 shot kill. thats how i interpreted it
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04-17-2010 , 06:25 PM
30-30, the first number is the damage it does at close distance and the 2nd number is what it does a long distance.
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04-17-2010 , 08:46 PM
just tested the m16 holo/unattached rumor on PC. the holo makes a pretty clear diffference;
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04-17-2010 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by Green_29
and what do you mean by 30-30 and 40-40?
yeah, as everyone explained it's short range damage per bullet - long range damage per bullet. The major advantage of the LMGs is that they do more damage than ARs with similar recoil characteristics at long range. Eg, the LMGs that need to be burst fired kill with 2 Stopping Power shots at any range, whereas their AR "equivalents" (the TAR, SCAR, AK) need 3 shots with SP at long range. The Laser (no recoil w/grip) LMG, aka the MG4, kills with 3 SP bullets at any range, whereas closest AR equivalents, the M4a1 and the ACR both need 4 SP bullets at long range. When you silence the LMGs you make them take the same number of shots to kill as their silenced AR equivalents at long range, and the LMGs are actually weaker at close range, plus the LMG slows you down. The point is, if you want to be silenced use a different type of gun. I'd mention a great gun for if you want across-the-map killing power while silenced, but I promised I wouldn't.

Originally Posted by bdiddy12
just tested the m16 holo/unattached rumor on PC. the holo makes a pretty clear diffference;
A 2+2 regs thread shout out is a key ingredient in any awesome YouTube Video.

Last edited by Mittens; 04-17-2010 at 10:14 PM. Reason: Clarity
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04-17-2010 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by Mittens
Alright this is getting silly and turning into the "Mittens tries to convince everyone that the m16 w/holo is the best gun thread". If anyone wants to know my thoughts on the gun beyond what I've written, PM me.
i know this feeling all too well. i dont think it is coming off like that at all, but i can see how you might feel that way. i think this happens to most posters who increase their posting frequency in a popular thread.
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04-17-2010 , 10:59 PM
Awesome now maybe everyone can stop blathering about whether the famas or the m16 is better.

Nice vid bdiddy.
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04-18-2010 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by demon102
Awesome now maybe everyone can stop blathering about whether the famas or the m16 is better.

Nice vid bdiddy.
Not yet - i tested the Famas the same way and the Famas w Holo doesnt make any difference than without, so this tighter spread w M16+Holo seems to be specific for this weapon.

Famas w Holo has about the same spread than M16 without.
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04-18-2010 , 12:48 AM
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