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Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread

09-30-2010 , 03:23 AM
There seems to be some interest for this in the other thread so ill start it up. Some things i think are important:

Reticle bloom:
Im starting to out-DMR some ppl simply by waiting for my reticle to shrink, rather than spamming the right trigger. I do however shoot the 4th and 5th bullet as fast as i can. (pop...pop...pop...pop pop).

Strafing is an art form, what more can i say, its something that just comes with experience. You should be doing it everytime battle someone though. This sums up how to do it pretty well:

Power Weapons:
Having rockets in halo is the key to victory in any match. Find out where they spawn and rush them instantly. Also, they respawn every 3 mins. So if they were picked up at the start of the game, look to pick up the new ones when the clock is around 8:55 or so. Sniper is another power weapon you want in your teams hands. I think it respawns every two and a half minutes, but im not sure.

When calling out, use absolute locations and not relative ones. "Two guys right here" doesnt tell me ****. A great addition to this game is that they added your location on the map right next to the radar, so learn those locations. And even if you dont, saying things like "shotgun spawn" is usually good enough.

All of the loadouts that arent sprint seem to have their own unique situations where theyre super +EV to have. However, these situations come up maybe once or twice a game. I use sprint once or twice per life though, so its all ive ever equipped. Because of that I cant really comment on how to use anything else effectively, but i have been raped by ppl using other loadouts so i wont say theyre terrible.

Thats all i can think of right now, I encourage you all to add your own pointers
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
09-30-2010 , 09:12 AM
No matter how good you are you can't win 4v1, team shot is essential in halo, don't get pissed off if you feel like everyone else is taking your kills this way because more than likely you would have died more if it wasn't for them.

I said this in the other thread but you should find some people you like playing with, and hopefully win with.

Don't discourage team mates that are doing bad, it's not going to help them, similarly initiating trash talk post game is for 5 year olds.

Stay in high places, this is very important, position position position

loadouts: basically my opinion on them is that they're all useful in diff situations except jetpack. I prefer sprint/armor lock
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
09-30-2010 , 12:48 PM
Cool thread bro.
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
09-30-2010 , 01:08 PM
Snipe spawns every 2 mins on most maps. Also power weapons are on a drop spawns. E.x Rockets spawn every 3 mins. So if a player picks them up at 11:45 they would respawn at 8:45 assuming you have dropped them. If you have not, they will not respawn until you do, then they will come up instantly.

Load outs are situational imo. If you are a beast with the snipe then taking active camo is going to be massively plus EV. Jet pack can be good if you are a pro noob. Armor Lock, I think, is best used in groups. Kinda like bate and switch, if you have capable teammates. Running and drawing fire from your opponents then going into Armor Lock and having your teammates wreck their overcommiting asses can be a solid strat. Sprint is my standard, I find it to be the overall best. Hologram only works like 15% imo of the time, thing is when it does its funny as hell.

Please call out, and when you do tell the team where you think they are going, use your death screen to see whats going on around out and call out based on that.

And yeah get the rockets other wise I will...
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
09-30-2010 , 02:23 PM
i always take sprint, makes it easier to run away when i start losing a dmr battle which happens a lot
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
09-30-2010 , 07:31 PM
Nice, we need a thread like this.

Agree with GGI, staying high is a must. I hate getting stuck in a low point on the map.

Another helpful thing with callouts, if you die. Call out how many people are at your X.

I've been messing around with the various load outs, but I agree that sprint is the best overall on just about any map. Active camo is pretty good on some maps, especially enclosed maps or somewhat small ones. Countdown comes to mind immediately. Jetpacks are really useful on some maps and pointless on others. Any map where you would want to change levels quickly such as power station, asylum, countdown.

I've seen one person absolutely own with the armor lock. I think if you mess around with it and really figure it out it can be useful.
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
10-01-2010 , 06:15 AM
oh another halo reach thread?
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
10-01-2010 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Gary Stevenson
oh another halo reach thread?
We don't like yer kind round here.
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
10-01-2010 , 01:16 PM
sprint seems to be the best armor ability all around, but armor lock is the stone nuts for 1-2 people using it and being directly backed up by teammates. its pretty much unbeatable when AL charges forward and draws aggro, locks, just sits and waits while their shield recharges then just pick up where they left off. i've seen a team of 4 all using armor lock and basically just leapfrogging themselves shielding
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
10-01-2010 , 02:09 PM
wow thats kind of sick. Maybe if we get four 2p2ers on we should try it for a few games and see what happens
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
10-01-2010 , 02:11 PM
Deezy and I were doing that last night, salty
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
10-01-2010 , 03:39 PM
im in
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
10-01-2010 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Blue Celery
Deezy and I were doing that last night, salty
You were? I never noticed unless it was the last game or so

Originally Posted by costanza_g
im in
Yeah lets def do it, or have a game where everyone is in the active camo. Or Jetpacks
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
10-01-2010 , 04:38 PM
This is the tips thread so here are my two cents:

when you have the advantage in a battle, like 2 of your team and 1 enemy, don't throw nades. I have done this a few times and see ppl injure teammates constantly when they would be much better off teamshotting him to death.

don't waste your info from the deathcam. The camera has a free range of motion so look around and call everything out.

Stay on the edge of the map if you don't kno them yet. Go to the site and look at the heatmaps.
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
10-08-2010 , 10:53 AM
alright played this first time last nite.

was playing juss team slayer did not encounter rockets anywhere...

didn't do all that hot. seems most ppl use low sensitivity on halo ? only gunsfights i were winning was when i had high ground n would juss jump by then spin around and get quite a few shots in before they would realign their sights on me.

few questions, is there a weapons chart that tells me the damage of every gun?

a shotgun isn't a 1HK?

what's with all these slayer variants? i.e. difference in elite slayer and team slayer.

how do i know when someone's sheild is down?
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
10-08-2010 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Sh@i'tan
alright played this first time last nite.

was playing juss team slayer did not encounter rockets anywhere...

didn't do all that hot. seems most ppl use low sensitivity on halo ? only gunsfights i were winning was when i had high ground n would juss jump by then spin around and get quite a few shots in before they would realign their sights on me.

few questions, is there a weapons chart that tells me the damage of every gun?

a shotgun isn't a 1HK?

what's with all these slayer variants? i.e. difference in elite slayer and team slayer.

how do i know when someone's sheild is down?
that's one of the problems i've found with reach compared to halo 3, the beatdown system and close range weapons/combat seems very sloppy. i feel like in H3 if you were the better player in close range you were going to win 90%+, but in reach everything is a coinflip unless you're up against a ****** who just stands still spinning around looking for you

p.s. halo 3 is better
abhoring like the true dissenter i am since the day reach dropped
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
10-08-2010 , 11:26 AM
it is a ohk if you are within like 3 feet of them. that is one of the few inconsistencies in this game that bother me.
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
10-08-2010 , 12:01 PM
i have some tips i wanted to add after the last few days of playing and watching youtube videos.

the main one is that you can reload cancel by using melee, or double tapping y to switch weapons. this is helpful when you are caught in the reload by an enemy obviously, but it helps in general to reduce "downtime". usually what i see ppl do is zoom in to the 5x scope, fire, melee to come out of sniper scope, then you don't have to ever go into the 10x zoom scope at all.

as i typed that i forgot my other tips so ill come back later
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
10-08-2010 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Sh@i'tan
alright played this first time last nite.

was playing juss team slayer did not encounter rockets anywhere...

didn't do all that hot. seems most ppl use low sensitivity on halo ? only gunsfights i were winning was when i had high ground n would juss jump by then spin around and get quite a few shots in before they would realign their sights on me.

few questions, is there a weapons chart that tells me the damage of every gun?

Yes, search your name.

a shotgun isn't a 1HK?

No, but it can be if you are close enough to your opponent

what's with all these slayer variants? i.e. difference in elite slayer and team slayer.

You are an elite in one and a spartan in the other

how do i know when someone's sheild is down?

You will hear a "clang" noise and should be able to see the shields break.
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
10-08-2010 , 12:22 PM
i use turtle beaches and have never noticed a sound when the shield drops wtf
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
10-08-2010 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Gary Stevenson
that's one of the problems i've found with reach compared to halo 3, the beatdown system and close range weapons/combat seems very sloppy. i feel like in H3 if you were the better player in close range you were going to win 90%+, but in reach everything is a coinflip unless you're up against a ****** who just stands still spinning around looking for you

p.s. halo 3 is better
abhoring like the true dissenter i am since the day reach dropped
Just need to learn how it works imo. You have to drop their shields first or you do basically no damage.
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
10-08-2010 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by LetMeLive
i use turtle beaches and have never noticed a sound when the shield drops wtf
There is no way this is true. Get in a custom game with me and I'll show you when this happens.
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
10-08-2010 , 12:45 PM
ok switching from cod to reach now
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
10-08-2010 , 01:33 PM
yea i know about the shields and all, the thing i hate is when i have ~ same shields as opponents, we both beat down and take away shields, at this point it feels (unless you're playing someone bad where they just stand there) that it's not very consistent with where you bounce off (like in halo 3) before you go for the second beat down
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
10-08-2010 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Gary Stevenson
yea i know about the shields and all, the thing i hate is when i have ~ same shields as opponents, we both beat down and take away shields, at this point it feels (unless you're playing someone bad where they just stand there) that it's not very consistent with where you bounce off (like in halo 3) before you go for the second beat down
Yeah it can be frustrating. Maybe this will help, 3/4 down the page.
Halo Reach: Strategy/Tips Thread Quote
