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[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) [GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010)

11-13-2010 , 08:29 AM
Close positions on metalopolis, 90% win for foxer

Don't understand why they dont stop close position spawns on LT/metalopolis similar to shakuras because it's so ********.
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:30 AM
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:31 AM
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:31 AM
That was a clutch ****ing defense.
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:32 AM
gg guys foxer will lose
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:32 AM
gg, 2 zerg champions. nerf that **** imo.
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:33 AM
**** YES
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:33 AM
how do you counter marines?

[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:33 AM
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:34 AM
what an anti-climatic of an ending to a great tourney...
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by thac
foxer is so imba
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:34 AM
yeah, zerg hatch first is not a gay strategy at all...

god damn overpowered zerg

if you expand yourself then zerg will just outdrone you and hit 40 drones before you hit 25.
if you rush.. well you just saw what happens and that was close positions, it's far worse if it's far positions
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by dlorc
Close positions on metalopolis, 90% win for foxer

Don't understand why they dont stop close position spawns on LT/metalopolis similar to shakuras because it's so ********.
it's because people spend more time crying than they spend thinking about strategy/learning the game.
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:35 AM

i want to stick my thing inside her
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:35 AM
I enjoyed the series, but admittedly it is kind of ******ed how the current meta involves whether or not the zerg 14 hatches.
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:36 AM
nestea is getting a ludacrous amount of free promotion off of this guy
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:37 AM
the sickest thing about this is the fact that his parents support him playing SC2, ****ing asian parents need to be more like these koreans...
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:39 AM
note the body languages of each player, boxer feel so ashamed
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:40 AM
I'm also not buying nerf zerg. Why is the best strat against a standard zerg play an all in with mules allowing a stream of marines or rebuilt economy? I think blizzard needs to tweak the early game somehow. In general this tournament has had a ******** of early rushes and cheese.
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:40 AM
GG. Can't wait for season 3. Looking forward to more random brackets, prop bets, and hopefully a Protoss in the finals.
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:41 AM
the most epic thing thing of this whole broadcast is John's speech about e-sports/gaming, it's quite epic...
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:41 AM

now john tells us his lifestory

[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:42 AM
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by DreamMaster
I'm also not buying nerf zerg. Why is the best strat against a standard zerg play an all in with mules allowing a stream of marines or rebuilt economy? I think blizzard needs to tweak the early game somehow. In general this tournament has had a ******** of early rushes and cheese.
this is a much better response than the dlorc's let's-make-zerg-more-powerful attitude,

props from me

also the production value of this tournament is amazing. they were playing "animals" in the background during the final interview.
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
11-13-2010 , 08:45 AM
Where did I say zerg needs to be more powerful? Some maps are ********, news from god.

To clarify - maps should be balanced from all possible spawn positions, it's ridiculous for _any_ racial matchup that it can be 60% to win in P1, 50% in P2 and <20% in P3.
[GSL] GSL Season 2 (October-November 2010) Quote
