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games you've sunk the most time into games you've sunk the most time into

10-17-2008 , 03:27 PM
WOW...totally forgot about DAoC...first game I ever put in a 48 hour session on...WOW @ me forgetting
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-17-2008 , 04:05 PM
Counterstrike, Arkanoid and Raiden II.
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-17-2008 , 07:14 PM
EQ2.... about 87 days worth of playtime. Not days played. Like 87x24 hours.... Don't play anymore, will when I'm a woman of leisure again

**** I wish I played that much poker
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-17-2008 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Corpsebean

Over one year played time.

I'm not sure how many of my 300-ish days /played were spent sitting in the bazaar unattended tho.
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-17-2008 , 07:58 PM
Yeah I had two toons in the bazaar whenever not playing. That racked up huge hours fast. But it's not like I needed the bazaar to rack up hours.

If WOW had anything remotely as good as the bazaar, I might have continued playing it more than a few months.
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-17-2008 , 08:08 PM
Mario 1 and 3
Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2
Megaman X
Zelda OoT

Counter-Strike 1.3-1.6
WarcraftIII Frozen Throne (****load of ladder, **** DOTA)
Ragnarok Online (too much time spent... ahh the MMO life)
Minesweeper (best time 105. i really dont know why i play so much goddamn minesweeper but it's probably because i open it when i go on folding streaks)

and currently, Street Fighter III: Third Strike. Started playing in January and have not been able to stop playing. If I'm not playing poker, I'm playing Street Fighter.

games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-17-2008 , 08:51 PM
Street Fighter ftw indeed. I have been playing Street Fighter 2 since its release when I was about 5. You know a game is great when its still fun after 16 years.

In no particular order, the games I have sunk the most time into:

Street Fighter 2/SF2 Turbo
DDR- Lost 70 pounds on my quest to do 10 footers
Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1 and 2
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Call of Duty: United Offense (multiplayer)
Doom 2
Super Mario World
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-18-2008 , 12:47 AM
everquest and it's not even close (unless you count online poker), it was so good back when everything was sold in EC and Gfay instead of the that game was amazing
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-18-2008 , 01:09 AM
The original Metal Gear Solid
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-18-2008 , 06:43 AM
Originally Posted by Wesker1982
Street Fighter ftw indeed. I have been playing Street Fighter 2 since its release when I was about 5. You know a game is great when its still fun after 16 years.
Yup. SF2 is a classic. I still play it, just not as much as 3rd strike. SF4 will be awesome. where the hell is HDremix ?
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-18-2008 , 09:08 AM
It took me an entire year to complete "The Godfather" game on PS2. I recovered every film canister, robbed every bank and completed every mission. I got the most value from that game.

I sunk time into God of War and God of War II for PS2 as well, however not nearly as long as "The Godfather".

When I finally get Grand Theft Auto IV for PS3, I can see that taking a long time to complete as well.
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-18-2008 , 10:11 AM
1. The Championship Manager Series (no football manager).

Spent so much time on these its a joke. Every single year since 1999 or so.

2. Age Of Empires 2/AOK/AOC expansion

Was rated 1850 on the zone. Specialized in 2v2 and 3v3 on non arabia maps. Was weakest at 1v1 Arabia. Would probably only be in the 1750 or so standard if I played strictly that at the time.

3. Counter-Strike

Was in clans played organized matches. Played 2-3 hours a day for about 2 years.

4. GTA series.

Every single one. From the very first, through GTA 2 and GTA London, right to the modern 3d versions. Sick series.

5. GH.

So addictive its cruel. New one is coming out omg.
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-18-2008 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy

2. Age Of Empires 2/AOK/AOC expansion

Was rated 1850 on the zone. Specialized in 2v2 and 3v3 on non arabia maps. Was weakest at 1v1 Arabia. Would probably only be in the 1750 or so standard if I played strictly that at the time.
Gamertag? Clans?
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-18-2008 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Gallo
It took me an entire year to complete "The Godfather" game on PS2. I recovered every film canister, robbed every bank and completed every mission. I got the most value from that game.
this is a sweet game, i've done everything except for collecting the film canisters...can't even imagine finding all of them, i've only seen ~10 even after completing everything else
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-18-2008 , 04:08 PM
CounterStrike - Played this game wayyy 2 much

WOW - like 80ish days in game

Warcraft - Alot aswell

UO - Fun times

Random FPS and MMORPGS ftw
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-18-2008 , 04:37 PM
One game I'm somewhat suprised to see missing from everyone's lists is the Tony Hawk Pro Skater franchise. I beat each one of these games many times over to unlock all the goodies (Rodney Mullen skateclip ftw) and had most of all the courses mastered for all the big trick combos.

I remember the first time I scored 1,000,000 points in one trick chain in TH2 on Dreamcast on the 'Marsaille' level. I have the whole route committed to memory, I bet if you loaded that up and gave me a controller I could do the trick again.
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-18-2008 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by CheckRaise
this is a sweet game, i've done everything except for collecting the film canisters...can't even imagine finding all of them, i've only seen ~10 even after completing everything else
I needed the Prima guide to find them all.

I consider The Godfather the best non-sports game I have ever played.
NHL 09 from EA Sports is the best sports game I have ever played, followed very closed by 2008 Road to the Show MLB from Sony.
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-18-2008 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by HaloMeister
My questions:
*Did you play this game online on 'the Zone' and if so, did you join a clan/what was your highest rating/what type of game did you play?
I played in KoTR clan myself, maybe I might know you under your AoE nickname..
I played a ton on the Zone and then later a little on Gamepark. I rarely played the rated games because it seemed kind of pointless after all the good players stopped playing. My highest rating was like 1700 or so. My favorite types of games were large team games (3v3 and 4v4) on varied maps and the Michi maps that evolved later in the game's lifespan. My zone nick was usually a variant on "greenandgold" but I had a couple other ones that I used. I used to be pretty active in the community, especially on MFO. I don't recognize your clan name, but I never really did any significant clans, so I wouldn't know.
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-18-2008 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
4. GTA series.

Every single one. From the very first, through GTA 2 and GTA London, right to the modern 3d versions. Sick series.
Hah, I did this (sort of). I insisted on playing 1 & 2 before 3 (I do that with every series, whether the games are related or not). The first I actually beat without using cheats or anything. Fairly big accomplishment. Then London, which was a cakewalk compared to 1. Then the London: 1969 mission which was a free download and impossible. Used a code I believe.

For 2 I used codes, I just couldn't put myself through that. Since the codes are in-game I can live with myself. If I had been using a Game Genie device or something like that it wouldn't be acceptable.

Of course goes without saying that I've played the two Stories games as well. Not the GBA game though.
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-19-2008 , 01:18 AM
- Ultima Online, started one year after it was released. Played for a good 2 years or so, then quit, came back a few years later and played another 6 months before I realized it would never ever be as good as those early years. Maybe it's just the fact that it was my first MMO and I was in 6-8 grade, but I doubt any other game will be as fun as those years.

- Gunbound, if any of you have played this (and if you haven't, try it out, best free online game imo), I was a dragon at one point and I basically owned every item/clothing you could have.

- FFVII ldo.

- GT4, had to do those 1-2 hour long races and get 100% obv.

- Diablo II.

- Mario Cart 64. Wii sucks imo.

Sadly, as I've grown older (20 lol), I don't have the same level of interest or commitment to video games. Somewhere along the line women and poker became more important. Alas.
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-19-2008 , 01:31 AM
My 2 main characters in WoW...

games you've sunk the most time into Quote
10-20-2008 , 08:42 AM
When I was growing up it was:
Super Smash Bros(1st one)

I played a bunch of other games as well, but not anywhere close to the time I spent into those two, of which most of the time was spent on the first one.

Since college I haven't put countless hours/days into any one game until recently, when Warhammer came out, and I don't have college to deal with anymore and all my friends play it. Now my problem is worrying about putting in enough poker hands.
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
08-25-2009 , 10:50 AM

I think I eventually got about 150 hours into Oblivion, but since I've started playing WoW it is creeping up the list.

SSB is still #1 though. Don't have an N64 though so I think it's (sadly) going to get 0 more play time unless it comes out on VC.
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
08-25-2009 , 12:46 PM
1) Civ ****ing 4

2) NCAA Football / Madden
3) RPGs I started playing when I was a kid that took forever because I sucked and it was pre-Internet and I got stuck and wandered around over and over. Phantasy Star I (I got it when I was five and didn't beat it until I was probably 12-13, OMFG STUCK ON TOP OF THE AIR CASTLE THERE GOES THREE YEARS OF MY LIFE), Ultimas 7 and 7.5, etc.
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
08-25-2009 , 04:00 PM
Super Mario World
Legend of Zelda (original+)
Megaman X (all)
GTA (all)
Tekken (all)
Final Fantasy 7
Mortal Kombat (all)
Mario Kart 64
Super Smash Bros
Call of Duty 4
Red Faction, RF II, and RF Guerrilla

Last edited by blingATL; 08-25-2009 at 04:12 PM. Reason: sp
games you've sunk the most time into Quote
