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Fallout 4 Fallout 4

11-10-2015 , 01:10 PM
This is great news... in that case I'll be going:

S (3)
P (4)
E (3)
C (6)
I (7)
A (3)
L (2)
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Searix
i know a few of you are marathoning this, what advice would you give for people who could only play for an hour?
Quit your job?
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by esad
The Drake Collection which is just Uncharted 1- 3. 3 came out in 2011 so they aren't like very recent games. So you're getting 3 pretty old games repacked for PS4. The cost of it is nothing for the company.
It didn't cost nothing. PS4 isn't backwards compatible. It's a remastered collection. 1080p, 60fps, etc.

Digital Foundry

In fact, the quality threshold here is quite extraordinary. In a world where many remasters simply bump up resolution and frame-rate and leave it at that, Bluepoint has pushed further, almost blurring the line between remaster and remake. At a basic level, performance and image quality are absolutely on point, but the developer's enhancements go way beyond just that. On top of the improvements brought about by the move to a higher frame-rate, the studio has tweaked the control system so the experience there feels fresh and new. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune benefits the most here, its controls brought more into line with its siblings, but all games in the package feel so much more satisfying to play, thanks in no small part to the reduced input latency.

Assets-wise, each of the three games enjoys a large selection of new textures, models, and effects throughout. Once again, no game in this collection benefits more from these improvements than the original Drake's Fortune. With the limitations of the original PS3 version stripped away, it feels like a game reborn. Of course, Uncharted 2 and 3 have also received similar care and attention, with assets refined and enhanced throughout. Each game feels fresh and holds up remarkably well, even compared to 2015 releases.
Overall then, first impressions are highly positive. With the game in hand and hundreds of gigs of lossless PS3 footage banked in advance for comparison purposes, we're looking forward to putting more time into this title. We're planning to roll out detailed coverage on a per-game basis in order to truly understand the amount of work that has been poured into this project. It's clear that this project was a labour of love for those involved, and it's equally evident that Sony spared no expense in bringing this remarkable collection to life. We have so much more to share, but in the here and now, the initial takeaway is this: our expectations for this release were sky-high (perhaps unfeasibly so) but everything we've played to date suggests that Bluepoint has delivered - in spades.
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 03:58 PM
From time to time my walking speed just becomes an absolute crawl. Also it's "detection" of my video capabilities was off too it runs fine on high setting
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 04:21 PM
According to this, it's going to take me about 5 hours before I can even come up with a name:

Early Contenders:

Tit Tallahassee
Cummings Harden
Dick Nipple
Dick Hammer
Dick Tuck
Dick Toast
Cock Cockerham
Steve ****face
Bacon Boobies
Tit Richardson

Edit: changed Sex Richardson to Tit Richardson...this is hard work

Last edited by jimicornerstone; 11-10-2015 at 04:38 PM.
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 04:54 PM
Man, I really want to join in the fun, but I'm not spending $50-$60 on a game. Maybe I'll just re-install Fallout New Vegas, as I never finished it.
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 05:01 PM
This is such a small nit, but the voice actor for the first real character you meet phoned his line readings in so hard they should dock his pay.

This game moves fast and doesn't hold your hand, a big shfit from typical games these days which start with a 3 hour tutorial
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by jimicornerstone
According to this, it's going to take me about 5 hours before I can even come up with a name:

Early Contenders:

Tit Tallahassee
Cummings Harden
Dick Nipple
Dick Hammer
Dick Tuck
Dick Toast
Cock Cockerham
Steve ****face
Bacon Boobies
Tit Richardson

Edit: changed Sex Richardson to Tit Richardson...this is hard work
Preacher F****R is the way to go here
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 05:26 PM
There's really something about Dick Nipple that does it for me. Cock Cockerham has a good vibe too.
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 05:39 PM
I never think about my name and then I'm reminded by Codsworth's "Hello Mr. ****face."
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 06:05 PM
glad I didn't watch any of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. videos before hand because my PS4 is forcing me to watch them over and over again which the game installs
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 06:05 PM
Still haven't played. Lol work
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by Jackitos
Still haven't played. Lol work
lol same here...50 minutes and then the gym unless I am skipping today...not much longer.
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 06:15 PM
Is there anything to find in the vault before you leave?
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by 4 High
Is there anything to find in the vault before you leave?
Not really. The Red Menace Holotape in the recreational terminal. And the Cryolator, in the Overseer's Office, which you can't get yet.

How to get the Cryolator early:
Once you have the dog go back into the vault and command him to search near the Cryolator, it will appear in his mouth and he'll bring it to you.
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 06:23 PM
Not really, the intro sequence is super short.

This is much, much harder than I remember 3 or NV being, definitely in a good way tho.
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by spimp13
lol same here...50 minutes and then the gym unless I am skipping today...not much longer.
The question is, do I even bother with dinner?
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 07:47 PM
Installing now and the intro reminds me of Bioshock in terms of stats/powerups and the explanations lol.
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 08:08 PM
Am I the only one too stupid to figure out how to login to greenman gaming /playfire?
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf

This game moves fast and doesn't hold your hand, a big shfit from typical games these days which start with a 3 hour tutorial
That is one of my biggest beefs with GTA and Saints Row games. They tie those tutorials into missions, which sucks even more.
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by Jackitos
Still haven't played. Lol work
same probably wont be able to play till sat or even sunday.


Last edited by JulianAssange; 11-10-2015 at 08:52 PM.
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by DC11GTR
That is one of my biggest beefs with GTA and Saints Row games. They tie those tutorials into missions, which sucks even more.
Some games do it well enough that you don't notice, but yeah, a lot of those open world games(the AC games, too) are just so transparent that the only reason this mission is happening is to introduce a game mechanic.

FO4 has like a tiny, tiny bit of that with the stuff that dude with the goggles asks you to do, but you're allowed to tell him no, and you can do that stuff before the missions(that's the critical thing, the GTA games tutorialize something when they turn that feature on, as far as I can tell FO4 is unlocked all the way from the jump).
Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 08:54 PM
So I'm stuck in an elevator.

Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 09:43 PM
So, I started playing.

Still in Vault 111. I'm so sleepy @ 7:42 PM.

Fallout 4 Quote
11-10-2015 , 11:12 PM
Pretty fun so far, got a question for people who have played a half dozen hours.

Can I walk around in the power armor all the time or should I be using it only for special occasions.
Fallout 4 Quote
