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Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs)

02-23-2013 , 05:28 PM
I'll take Denmark and stomp or be stomped. Please do some editing, the current situation is probably no big deal for the HAL-like paradox AI, but with my meager human brain the status quo seems overwhelmingly challenging. Whatever is deemed fair, and I want military drill as NI. What time is it?
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-23-2013 , 05:41 PM
11am EST to 3pm?
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-23-2013 , 06:12 PM
Is it kosher to leave for 30 mins? I understand if not, but I'm having dinner in that time frame.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-23-2013 , 06:25 PM
can we do at least noon instead of 11? I'm on pacific time here.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-23-2013 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by TheJubilantMale
I'll take Denmark and stomp or be stomped. Please do some editing, the current situation is probably no big deal for the HAL-like paradox AI, but with my meager human brain the status quo seems overwhelmingly challenging. Whatever is deemed fair, and I want military drill as NI. What time is it?
I don't know if I'd recommend Denmark. Pretty far behind the curve on most things. Although Portugal's the only other option really.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-23-2013 , 07:17 PM
Hanseatic league trembling with fear imo.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-23-2013 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by TheJubilantMale
Hanseatic league trembling with fear imo.
Actually I was thinking of annexing the straits, that'd probably not go well for denmark
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-23-2013 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by cassander
can we do at least noon instead of 11? I'm on pacific time here.
noon is best for me too at least this weekend, so maybe 12-4? Or later if people want.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-23-2013 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction
noon is best for me too at least this weekend, so maybe 12-4? Or later if people want.
I'd rather end as early as possible, so 3 or 4 at the very latest.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-23-2013 , 08:01 PM
I would definitely say go Portugal over Denmark, Portugal has like 4-5 provinces better than any province Denmark has, and scandinavia is relatively garbage as well so its not like denmark is going to get much stronger. Hansa already has N Germany locked up and Denmark cant look to grab those megarich german provinces. With only Hansa and England colonizing the new world so far (and hansa also going for asia), combined with Portugal's advantages, means you can easily get say brazil or all of south america. Plus portugal gets a few awesome unique decisions its already enacted like free +10% production efficiency and free +5% trade efficiency/+25 colonization range.

Just could use a few edits.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-23-2013 , 08:36 PM
Portugal it is then.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-23-2013 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction
I would definitely say go Portugal over Denmark, Portugal has like 4-5 provinces better than any province Denmark has, and scandinavia is relatively garbage as well so its not like denmark is going to get much stronger. Hansa already has N Germany locked up and Denmark cant look to grab those megarich german provinces. With only Hansa and England colonizing the new world so far (and hansa also going for asia), combined with Portugal's advantages, means you can easily get say brazil or all of south america. Plus portugal gets a few awesome unique decisions its already enacted like free +10% production efficiency and free +5% trade efficiency/+25 colonization range.

Just could use a few edits.
Uhh I can colonize brazil immediately... so yeah.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-23-2013 , 10:32 PM
I honestly don't see portugal being very fun. You have no edge on colonization, I can colonize immediately and have a much larger economy than you, and you have zero areas for expansion.

Honestly you probably would have more fun with some of the asia majors. We could edit them to make them more competitive and ready to modernize. At least there you will have meaningful diplomacy and areas to expand
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-24-2013 , 12:44 AM
I'm sure someone won't show up and you can take a real country

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Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-24-2013 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by lycosid
Yes, join this. Especially if you're joining the game for the first time
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-24-2013 , 12:04 PM
We starting at 12?
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-24-2013 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction
We starting at 12?
Most of us are here now...
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-24-2013 , 04:58 PM
I didn't have fun at all this time...
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-24-2013 , 05:00 PM
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-24-2013 , 05:05 PM
good session imo.

I may or may not make it next week, work again. TJM has agreed to sub for me if I can't make it and he can.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-24-2013 , 06:36 PM
Dangit, let my inflation get too high that round.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-24-2013 , 06:55 PM
A+ would co-op again. MVP caliber play by me getting us -3 stab by selecting NI while stu already was selecting, effectively switching NI from NTP to NTP.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-24-2013 , 08:00 PM
Ottoman AAR - 1467 to 1493

This session dawned with the Ottomans in a period of transition. The closing stages of the prior session saw the death of Mehmet I. His 3 eldest heirs had all preceeded him to their graves. As a result, the throne fell to Ibrahim I, just a boy, ushering in 12 years of Regency.

The French seized an advantage with an Ottoman Empire in flux, immediately declaring a Crusade. They caught the Empire unaware, and made immediate gains in the Middle East. Our troops rallied around General Ishak Demak, and fought a great battle in Beirut - 37,000 Ottomans against 40,000 Frenchmen. In the end, each of those Catholics perished.

The Regency was fighting a war against the Golden Empire at the same time, and while we likely could have held off the French for a bit longer, we decided that a favorable peace to the French would allow more gains in Georgia and Astrakhan. France was allowed to keep Judea, and we ceded Rhodes. It may not be the best deal in hindsight, but it felt like the right play at the time. It allowed us to avoid paying tribute to the Golden Horde, and bring the CoT Astrakhan to our Empire in a timely fashion.

Once peace was struck with France, Milan may have assumed Ottoman weakness and declared war, looking to take lands from our Vassals in Serbia. Our troops were pulled out of the Middle East and moved quickly to the front. It appears that Milan, when faced with our screaming legions, thought better of their plan and they quickly asked for peace. They may have benefitted in some way that I'm not aware of. During this time, the Timurids also invaded - I was quickly overwhelmed and had little choice but to offer to pay them tribute and leave them in control of a reasonably valuable province in Negev. It could have been much worse.

Two wars with Western Powers, lasting a total of 2.5 years or so, while fighting a simultaneous wars in the East against two Horde Nations. Could the Empire get a little rest?

Time was then taken to give birth to some more sons, and send settlers east to take lands from the Golden Horde and armies South to finish off the Mameluk menace. 80 years of off and on wars finally brought Cairo to it's knees.

Our long-time vassalization with Syria was ended when they chose to join our empire formally. The manpower of Damascus is a valuable prize.

In an effort to stop paying Tribute to the Timurids, we declared war on Haasa (not Hansa), and the Timurids gladly joined in. We fought them to a draw, which was really a win as we no longer paid them 10g a month.

We also conquered the Jalayarids, taking Baghdad (and we baghedmom for good measure). Around that time, Trebizon (who was in control of Crimea and Kaffa) declared a Holy War on us. We responded by seizing their homes, their women, and the Strait of Kerch. We had previously considered declaring war for those provinces, but I wasn't certain if the Cascading Alliances were going to bring a larger power into play, so I decided to pursue the Jalayarids instead. It was nice of Trebizon to declare war for me.

Due to the unending wars and perhaps spending a bit too much on infrastructure improvements, the Empire has seen a great deal of inflation, which we had successfully avoided in the prior years. We'll have to watch that going forward.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
