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Dragon Age: Origins Dragon Age: Origins

11-14-2009 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
if you have the patch this is an awful, awful plan. If you dont thats not enough cunning to open all lockboxes
I don't have the patch and could u explain y its bad and waht would be better. I clearly want to get all the DEX DW tree, STR is the tree that affects my attack modifier cuz I dont have the patch (using sword Main Hand), and Cunning doesnt seem very good when its not gonna be better than ur STR for lethality anyways. Well that was my line of thinking but could def use ur advise.
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-14-2009 , 01:04 PM
so what's a good build for a duelist rogue? which talents should i pick asap?
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-14-2009 , 02:49 PM
Thinking about picking this game up. I like to not spend too much time on games, so I'm wondering if you guys have any advice on stuff like group selection that help me avoid playing halfway through and then realizing I've made a big mistake.

Stuff like whether lockpicking is worth it, whether a certain char is nerfed, whether a certain specialty is a lot more useful than others.

From what I read the order of how strong classes are is mage > rogue > warrior, with the healer being very useful when you can get her.

Does planning one playthrough with a 2-mage party on nightmare seem reasonable?
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-14-2009 , 02:51 PM
doubt its a good idea to play your first game as nightmare.

Hard is very doable though.
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-14-2009 , 04:17 PM
Quick tip: You can buy TWO backpacks from the Quartermaster in Ostagar. Buy one before you complete the wilds, and another one after you talk to Duncan after completion.

And for only 57 silver each!
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-14-2009 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
just bought lifegiver ring for 86g...

+10 constitution, +3 regeneration in combat, +3 armor and +20% healing received.

And to say my warrior didnt even have a second ring... Is there a hotfix for the healing received bug? :/
not that I've seen and I've been looking for it. Its an awesome ring for a tank to have, and still good even with the bug just for the +50 HP
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-14-2009 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by BillNye
I don't have the patch and could u explain y its bad and waht would be better. I clearly want to get all the DEX DW tree, STR is the tree that affects my attack modifier cuz I dont have the patch (using sword Main Hand), and Cunning doesnt seem very good when its not gonna be better than ur STR for lethality anyways. Well that was my line of thinking but could def use ur advise.
If you dont have the patch its not that big a deal, but I'd get the patch. With the patch Cunning is a lot better than Str because it also effects Armor Pen and there are several other talents that add damage based on cunning. The Highest DPS stabby rogue is a Dual-Weilding assassin
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-14-2009 , 04:51 PM
Nice, I got to the Ogre on nightmare with my mage exactly 13xp short of my next level, where I'd get Crushing Prison =/

This should be fun....

Edit: Beat it on the second attempt. Force Field 4tw.

Last edited by Lord Gimik; 11-14-2009 at 05:09 PM.
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-14-2009 , 04:53 PM
you still have CoC
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-14-2009 , 07:42 PM

Went down to fireball first, then took a point in Winter's grasp for a needed additional nuke, and then 3 points into the crushing prison tree.

Oh well. I was able to take him down by using forcefield as CC. I got him down to about 20% and he was beating on my only remaining warrior. Force Fielded said warrior and the Ogre beat on him for the full 30 seconds of invulnerability, but those 30 seconds were all I needed to take him down from afar.
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-14-2009 , 08:05 PM
yeah, he's really pretty easy. It still boggles my mind how many people complained that this game is too hard
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-14-2009 , 08:28 PM
The only thing keeping me playing is the challenge and story, I don't really like this kind of game that much usually. I play on hard with a terrible rogue but don't see how the game is "too hard" even though I regularly die...old school rpgs this was a common thing. Once I switched to a two mage party the game has been getting kind of easy but I think I will stay with it as it was really getting brutal right before.
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-14-2009 , 08:34 PM
If they ever made a diablo game where I could control a party of 5 then I might die of starvation.

If you did any reading of the official forums there is/was tons of complaining that this game is too hard. My favorite threads were the one from the guy who couldnt beat Easy and the one from a guy claiming Nightmare was impossible because he couldnt get past the Ogre in the Tower
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-14-2009 , 09:59 PM
When you hold down TAB, does it highlight EVERYTHING? or are there some "hidden/secretive" things that it still doesn't reveal?
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-14-2009 , 10:23 PM
it highlights all interact-able items
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-14-2009 , 11:02 PM
And you must click EVERYTHING

A: Free experience
B: Sometimes plot-related items are found inside seemingly innocuous piles of rubble or whatever.
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-14-2009 , 11:13 PM

reading books and finding codex entries are worth 50xp
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-15-2009 , 12:10 AM
oh for sure, i click everythinggg. i was just wondering if i was missing anything that doesn't show up via TAB.
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-15-2009 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by zyrrth
so what's a good build for a duelist rogue? which talents should i pick asap?
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-15-2009 , 12:18 AM
Seems like with the bonuses to attack and armor you'd want even less Dex. I'd aim for 20 str, 36 dex, and then putting most points into Cunning, with some in willpower. Get lethality and then what ever you want in dual wielding. I'd go with the DW sweep branch first. I'd also team it up with Assassin
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-15-2009 , 12:28 AM
isnt lethality supposed to be garbage?
some people on the bioware forums seem to think so
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-15-2009 , 12:30 AM
it is if you're running an unpatched game and need to rely on strength
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-15-2009 , 02:48 AM
i took lethality cause i'm playing on 360 as a human rogue

def get momentum/riposte asap

the rest doesn't matter that much, rogue is super easy I just micro him most the time and go for mages/archers in the back lines, make sure you auto attack before using specials, is it just me or does NOTHING land if you open with a special...
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-15-2009 , 07:03 AM
Picked this game up tonight and played through the end of the tower level in about 6 hours or so (playing on hard difficulty). Pretty cool game with a nice story so far.
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
11-15-2009 , 07:08 AM
Great game so far 20 hours in.

Way to few awesome weapon and armor drops however. Enemies and bosses in general drop ****. Am I the only one that think this?
Dragon Age: Origins Quote
