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Dragon Age II Dragon Age II

03-15-2011 , 11:21 PM
Haven't played it yet but any game made by the same folks who brought you Neverwinter Nights, has to be a winner!
Dragon Age II Quote
03-15-2011 , 11:51 PM
Seems like Baldur Gate I/II>Neverwinter nights...
Dragon Age II Quote
03-16-2011 , 12:33 AM
Still not sure why this game got such low reviews. It is certainly on par with DA:O.
Dragon Age II Quote
03-16-2011 , 12:41 AM
I'm only halfway through but I liked Origins way better so far. This entire game is like the same 3 levels played back and forth. I mean I still think it's good but I thought DA:O was amazing.

Maybe it gets better, dunno.
Dragon Age II Quote
03-16-2011 , 12:59 AM
yeah i find it weird that they decided to do the whole game around one city

i really really like the ability lvling system but i think they coulda done a better job with the world
Dragon Age II Quote
03-16-2011 , 01:52 AM
Dislike: Different places look the same (ie city mansons). You can take me to the same place multiple times, but don't take me to two difference places with exactly the same setup.

Like: That places have significance beyond a single quest that took 30 minutes. It was always a pet peeve of mine that game devs would build a huge world and wouldn't fill it with more content. It just seems like we don't have a very big world, but that it is filled with a bunch of quality content. This is probably an artifact of the really really lame DLC system.
Dragon Age II Quote
03-16-2011 , 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
yeah i find it weird that they decided to do the whole game around one city

i really really like the ability lvling system but i think they coulda done a better job with the world
I wonder if the development for this game was affected by the fact that bioware is developing Mass Effect 3 and the Starwars MMO to both come out this year? I think its the same DA:O team but I wouldnt be surprised if they had some of their resources pulled to help out with the other projects. I'd imagine DA3 will be better, Bioware isnt one to take low metacritic scores lightly.
Dragon Age II Quote
03-16-2011 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by ianlippert
I wonder if the development for this game was affected by the fact that bioware is developing Mass Effect 3 and the Starwars MMO to both come out this year? I think its the same DA:O team but I wouldnt be surprised if they had some of their resources pulled to help out with the other projects. I'd imagine DA3 will be better, Bioware isnt one to take low metacritic scores lightly.
DA2 has come out only a year and a half after DA:O. Origins was in development for several years. Even though the engine's pretty much the same, that's still not a very long development time considering they're trying to make a 40hr+ game. I'm guessing that's what led to recycled areas. Who knows whether it's BW or EA who are to blame for the rush.
Dragon Age II Quote
03-16-2011 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Corpsebean
I'm only halfway through but I liked Origins way better so far. This entire game is like the same 3 levels played back and forth. I mean I still think it's good but I thought DA:O was amazing.
Did it assuage some of your concerns with the demo? Are the story/characters good? Is it a tactical RPG or more of an "action game with RPG elements" like ME2?
Dragon Age II Quote
03-16-2011 , 12:03 PM
i dont understand the people saying its an action game, at all.

seems like the same exact type of game to me without a total godview of the field.

also you cant just shoot stuff into a room while out of combat and kill everything when the fight starts... thank god -. -
Dragon Age II Quote
03-16-2011 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
i dont understand the people saying its an action game, at all.

seems like the same exact type of game to me without a total godview of the field.

also you cant just shoot stuff into a room while out of combat and kill everything when the fight starts... thank god -. -
Maybe it feels like an action game if you're playing on normal and on console due to the lack of auto-attack (which they somehow forgot to put in the game, lol). But otherwise it is definitely not an action-RPG despite the faster pace.
Dragon Age II Quote
03-16-2011 , 01:38 PM
Lack of auto attack for lolconsole version would tilt the hell out of me.
Dragon Age II Quote
03-16-2011 , 08:40 PM
Ok this game is stupid. I've done EVERY single side quest possible up before traveling to the deep roads. I'm playing on Hard and have had to redo a few battles here and there, but I CANNOT beat the Ancient Rock Wraith. I've spent hours trying and I'm not even close. Maybe if the damn HOLD command worked; it wouldn't be so bad, but it doesn't and the characters constantly move in front of his attacks. There's no way I could be a higher level right now (I'm 12 or 13) and there's no way I can try different teams. I really don't want to lower the difficulty, but this is ridiculous. Everything feels so much less tactical and more button mashing in general.
Dragon Age II Quote
03-16-2011 , 10:46 PM
yeah, i had to move down from hard to normal for that fight. it was way too tough
Dragon Age II Quote
03-16-2011 , 10:54 PM
For the rock guy, you need double healers, it's not optional. You just need it.

You probably should get arcane shield (group) too, it's a life saver and really cuts down on the AoE dmg.

It's okay though, I am wishing I didn't waste like 10 hours after beating the rock guy only to give up on beating the game on hard.
Dragon Age II Quote
03-16-2011 , 11:47 PM
I got to that rock mother****er on nightmare and had him down to like ten percent when my ranged guys bit it. I was furious and just said **** it, beat him on casual then switched back to nightmare...I hate that guy
Dragon Age II Quote
03-17-2011 , 12:00 AM
ive beaten the ancient rock wraith on my 2nd try on hard with only 1 healer.
Dragon Age II Quote
03-17-2011 , 12:42 AM
I guess it's possible... but we're starting to talk about masochism here.
Dragon Age II Quote
03-17-2011 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by madnak
Did it assuage some of your concerns with the demo? Are the story/characters good? Is it a tactical RPG or more of an "action game with RPG elements" like ME2?
No, not really. Story is alright, characters are a little better. I like most of the companions except Anders who is a whiney insufferable douche (annoying since I liked him a lot in Awakenings.) but it's definitely an action game with RPG elements.

I just got to the third chapter and Merrill's quest not only bugged, but it spoiled the ending of her quest line for me since it fast fowarded through a part I'd not done yet.

And yeah, rock guy was a jerk.
Dragon Age II Quote
03-17-2011 , 01:18 AM
Also I have to say, Merrill is a straight up G.

I used Maker's Sigh to reallocate all of her wisdom points to constitution and have 4 items that give extra points of mana per health. After that you can give her a ridiculous amount of sustainables which eats her unused manapool up while still having a ton of health and the deepest manapool of anyone.

So she's got Rock Armor, Elemental Weapons, Arcane Armor (Team Upgrades and Spell Resistance), Death Syphon, Blood of the First, and Wrath of the Elvhen going and still slinging out Spirit and Dalish Pariah damage no problem.
Dragon Age II Quote
03-17-2011 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
ive beaten the ancient rock wraith on my 2nd try on hard with only 1 healer.
Seriously what the **** are you guys doing? I beat it on hard with one healer I barely used. Run away from his stupid AOE and hide behind the pillars.

Not to be super negative, but sometimes you need to use strategies that don't involve engaging a big ass rock monster head on.
Dragon Age II Quote
03-17-2011 , 02:30 AM
heroism aura (upgraded) is so unbelievably strong, same for 20s haste.

I use anders with those and all the super fun spirit skills+petrify (and without any points in his specialization, I think his' really sucks unless you want him as a heal bot...)
Dragon Age II Quote
03-17-2011 , 02:50 AM
Yeah I have Anders on Heal/Haste/Heroism/Whine duty too.
Dragon Age II Quote
03-17-2011 , 03:23 AM
I'm finishing up Act 2 without pausing using the following:

Isabella - specced to nuke staggered opponents and deal max auto-attack damage (IE the passives)
Fen - Specced to Vanguard. Make sure you get the 2handed auto attack stagger.
Hawke - Spirit Healer/Force Mage. Gravity is super over powered. Haste/Heroism a must.

Other - Doesn't seem to matter. Most fights are over by the time the first Gravity/Haste ends. Someone who can nuke staggered and/or survive would be most useful.

If I were playing on Nightmare I'd probably take advantage of Walking Bomb (super overpowered), but the AI doesn't know how to use it with tactics or in real time.
Dragon Age II Quote
03-17-2011 , 03:25 AM
without pausing ? :0

am i the only one who doesnt use tactics?
Dragon Age II Quote
