Originally Posted by Regret$
Idk how it is in higher leagues but axe is a very high risk low reward in the mmr ghetto. Relies too much on your team not being full moron and adapting their playstyle/picks to your plan (your semi-hardstop timer at 30 minutes, espesh vs agicarry heavy lineups). Mbe he is fine as a jungle on teams you can trust, but i really doubt jungle instead of duals is +ev below 3k mmr at least. Ofc he is reasonable as a tanker if it is needed, but generally there are a lot better imo (someone with a real stun and some late carry capability).
I played A LOT of jungle ursa, almost always getting a 8 minute aegis uncontested with smoke, and my rating stayed pretty much the same in mmrhell. Like, at least 50 games jungle ursa ranked solo. Eventually I realized that we literally lose everygame where the solo lane fails, no matter how well the jungle went. Noone rotates in, you almost always lose a tower early. Its just bad bad bad.
i'd say it's really more psychological than anything. people get really tilted if you jungle, even if it will be amazing and allow your team to have another heavily farmed hero. i guess saying nice things in chat might help, and of course ganking early is great. when i play jungle axe i usually get my blink around 10-12 min, and then i start ganking. usually it's not too late where people have given up.
also, this elder titan omnislash mechanic PogChamp :
pretty awesome and slight counter to jugg