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06-26-2015 , 05:07 PM
4ASC vs HR game 2 in esportal today was crazy, go watch it if you can find it.
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06-26-2015 , 05:17 PM
06-26-2015 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
we get it wily, you think your low 5k account is accurate.

its not

I know it's not accurate. I'm really more like 5.5 than 5.2, that's why #roadto6k etc.
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06-27-2015 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
buying wards vs not buying wards even as a carry probably boosts a low mmr by almost 1000
I buy wards for myself all the time in solo queue. If I need a ward mid I'll ask supports first, if they don't buy it within 10s I buy and place it myself.

Originally Posted by imjosh
i guess i just imagined that at 1k mmr everyone is in their lane, jungling, or at the fountain. why do you need wards if no one is roaming the map and you can easily infer where they are
Not all wards are defensive. And even defensive wards will net you kills.
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06-27-2015 , 12:05 AM
what makes me go bonkers are my friends that always ward on the same spots 40 minutes straight and get dewarded and we're ****ed.

like i believe you should never get dewarded unless they have a gem.

There are a few spots that are ~80% as good as the obvious spots but will NEVER get dewarded and will last soooooo long.

Think ill start buying my own wards just so I can ward properly.

Obviously ive watched thousands of games and know very good warding spots while my friend have none of that "experience", which I completely waste when I always offlane or safelane core without ever buying wards.
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06-27-2015 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
like i believe you should never get dewarded unless they have a gem.
A better rule is that you shouldn't get dewarded until you make use of the ward first. Sometimes you'll use a ward to get a kill, and that kill makes it very obvious you have a ward in that area regardless of whether you placed it in a common location or not.
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06-27-2015 , 12:23 AM
I agree wards aren't really that useful in low mmr after ~20 minutes when you are winning. The thing is very early noone calls miss 1/2 the time and the vision is the difference between winning and losing your lanes. Later in the game if you are losing, gotta have wards or game ends in a hurry.

Time to squeue some spirit breaker. Imma try urn into drums into whatever in the **** I feel like and see how it goes. Basically, what I'm saying is I will build silveredge every game.
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06-27-2015 , 12:36 AM
i think wards are huuuuge in any game at any time
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06-27-2015 , 08:26 AM
If we are measured by the streamers we play against, I'm apparently right in the meat of the WEEDMAN level.
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06-27-2015 , 12:25 PM
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06-27-2015 , 06:55 PM
Won this game today: Dotabuff link
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06-28-2015 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by Needle77
Won this game today: Dotabuff link
Sick. I came back from 2.5 racks down today also. Didn't skip racks and go throne like you, though.
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06-28-2015 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by Needle77
Won this game today: Dotabuff link
nice one, your team absolutely sucks at clearing creep waves so I'm surprised you were able to defend just 1 rax. Were you just stuck in base for a while with void farming everything? And then successful defense and just beeline for their throne with 1 guy defending base?
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06-28-2015 , 07:20 AM
4v5. EZ game.

SF was dominating his lane (3-0 and a ton of farm). Would of been even more lopsided if he stayed.
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06-28-2015 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by Dr. Wily
nice one, your team absolutely sucks at clearing creep waves so I'm surprised you were able to defend just 1 rax. Were you just stuck in base for a while with void farming everything? And then successful defense and just beeline for their throne with 1 guy defending base?
Yeah, we just couldn't push lanes out at all, it was lina spamming with Undying dropping tomb to clear waves with Faceless pushing out a lane himself because the BH, despite sucking most of the game, solo killing me and enigma everytime we tried to push.

Pretty much they zerg'd the mid lane and tried to mega us, WK suicides both of his lives attacking the rax and we were able to push out the lanes a little bit when Luna and silencer got caught out in the middle of the map when I was glimmer caped, got those two kills with a blackhole/my disruptor ulti(our team fight was pretty crazy when we could get it done without the silencer ulti, disruptor works with so many lineups).

Originally Posted by jwax13
Sick. I came back from 2.5 racks down today also. Didn't skip racks and go throne like you, though.
After the pick-offs Lina stayed back, pushed out the lanes as best she could and I just made the call to skip rax and go for throne. Faceless actually used his bubble to zone out WK and just kept hitting the throne. Could tell it was a fairly low level game though as Silencer and Luna did not have immediate buybacks(silencer buys back when throne was at about 75% hp).

Honestly one of the most fun games I remember playing and in ~1500 games it may be the 1st or 2nd win where we didn't take a single barracks.
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06-29-2015 , 07:41 AM
Should be under 3.3k now after this loss Kappa

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06-29-2015 , 07:46 AM
we ****ing won i fed 4 rapiers then the other team died, **** this game
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06-29-2015 , 09:29 PM
Pretty sure there's a direct correlation between picking a jungler (that isn't Enigma) and losing the game of DOTA. Remember kids, strong lanes win games.
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06-29-2015 , 11:16 PM
I'm just wondering how the hell he got 4 rapiers before he lost the first 3 I prob would die on DR#1
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06-30-2015 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by PoppaTMan
Pretty sure there's a direct correlation between picking a jungler (that isn't Enigma) and losing the game of DOTA. Remember kids, strong lanes win games.
I would probably edit this along the lines of correlation of junglers that AFK farm midas and losing at DOTA, at least ime.
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06-30-2015 , 03:16 AM
Yeah, there's probably some exception if you're able to come out of the jungle and actually do something before 6 minutes. But that never seems to be the case in my games. It's always some LC or LS that goes in there for 10 minutes and comes out with **** farm and a **** skill build that's tailored to jungling, meanwhile we've lost at least two lanes unless the enemy is running their own garbage jungler.
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06-30-2015 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Wily
There are more good games at 5k+ than mid 4k for sure, but you will always get cancer players no matter what your mmr is, and having a team full of 4ks also happens no matter how high your mmr gets.

If you game search at really bad hours (very early or very late) it's almost guaranteed that your game will be filled with 4k players regardless of your mmr. There aren't enough high mmr players at those times. It can actually be a good way to grind mmr though, you just need to specialize in playing with and against players much worse than you.

I'm not sure if I'd want to be on the same team as rtz's smurf, or the opposite team. If i'm on the same team, it's an easy win if he actually tries to win. But then he seems much more likely to just **** around and abandon the second something goes wrong instead.

I made an argument before about people playing at their mmr, regardless of whether they're smurfing or not. If your main account is 5k and your smurf is 4k, then you play at a 4k level when you smurf and at a 5k level on your main.

Same is true for solo & party mmr.
I would say that it depends on the number of games. If Smurf still has low number of games then it is not necessarily true. I am not sure how accurate placement is though. I am assuming, not necessarily that accurate.
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06-30-2015 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by PoppaTMan
Pretty sure there's a direct correlation between picking a jungler (that isn't Enigma) and losing the game of DOTA. Remember kids, strong lanes win games.
I jungle Furion, DON'T rush midas, and will often place offensive wards by porting in and TP back to base. In and out before they know I'm there.

I snipe probably 6+ couriers in my average Furion game. I typically go Treads Mael Desolator into Daedalus. Daedalus changes to Orchid, Sheep, or MKB depending on enemy heroes.

My job is sniping couriers and killing buildings. Crit doesn't help against buildings, obviously, but the hero DPS is sick for late engagements.

But you're right, jungle is typically no good.
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06-30-2015 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
I would say that it depends on the number of games. If Smurf still has low number of games then it is not necessarily true. I am not sure how accurate placement is though. I am assuming, not necessarily that accurate.
Calibration is pretty awful even now, so there is definitely a sample size requirement when judging the accuracy of your mmr.
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07-01-2015 , 04:43 PM
Gotta love VP not calling GG when down 35k+ in net worth.
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