Originally Posted by Dr. Wily
nice one, your team absolutely sucks at clearing creep waves so I'm surprised you were able to defend just 1 rax. Were you just stuck in base for a while with void farming everything? And then successful defense and just beeline for their throne with 1 guy defending base?
Yeah, we just couldn't push lanes out at all, it was lina spamming with Undying dropping tomb to clear waves with Faceless pushing out a lane himself because the BH, despite sucking most of the game, solo killing me and enigma everytime we tried to push.
Pretty much they zerg'd the mid lane and tried to mega us, WK suicides both of his lives attacking the rax and we were able to push out the lanes a little bit when Luna and silencer got caught out in the middle of the map when I was glimmer caped, got those two kills with a blackhole/my disruptor ulti(our team fight was pretty crazy when we could get it done without the silencer ulti, disruptor works with so many lineups).
Originally Posted by jwax13
Sick. I came back from 2.5 racks down today also. Didn't skip racks and go throne like you, though.
After the pick-offs Lina stayed back, pushed out the lanes as best she could and I just made the call to skip rax and go for throne. Faceless actually used his bubble to zone out WK and just kept hitting the throne. Could tell it was a fairly low level game though as Silencer and Luna did not have immediate buybacks(silencer buys back when throne was at about 75% hp).
Honestly one of the most fun games I remember playing and in ~1500 games it may be the 1st or 2nd win where we didn't take a single barracks.