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04-22-2012 , 03:07 AM
please, anyone have a key? im a longtime player but just no key...really would appreciate it
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04-22-2012 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by oldgrandma18k
no, i guess there is none?
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04-22-2012 , 01:49 PM
would pay party money for a beta key, would also take one for freeeeeee

Wish they opened that beta up too!

Last edited by traz; 04-22-2012 at 01:58 PM.
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04-22-2012 , 07:35 PM
I really hope valve doesn't mess up the balances in the game with the f2p model. FYI to any Chinese Dota fans supposedly X and ZSMJ are joining the new Ehome. Not sure if it is true though.
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04-23-2012 , 04:58 AM
Anyone got a spare key to pass to me? I wanna play dota 2 badly. Hoping not to pay $ for it but if I must I'll send some stars $ over.
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04-23-2012 , 08:31 PM
got it, trazz23 on steam. Add it up and lets do it
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04-23-2012 , 08:42 PM
join the 2p2 channel i'll play with ya

sent a friend request as well
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04-23-2012 , 09:08 PM
who the hell is everyone in the 2p2 channel right now? is B** W**** any of you guys?
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04-23-2012 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by Bakes
who the hell is everyone in the 2p2 channel right now? is B** W**** any of you guys?
BUY WARDS is me. Usually just play really late after grinding. Like 1800ish in HoN, but never played original dota and only about 40 games of dota 2.
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04-24-2012 , 01:28 PM
come on guys, im super support player, pleeeeease i need a key????
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05-12-2012 , 04:56 AM

for the love of god stop building bracers before treads on carries
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05-12-2012 , 11:31 PM
I played 2 games this past week. I've been getting the urge to play. Other than the time commitment, I've always been afraid that I'm going to end up getting stomped since I barely know how to play. The great thing is that I get matched up with people near my skill level. It's pretty funny how some people rage so hard.

In one of my games I think I was Venomancer and there was a Drow on the other team. She was at level 25 super fast and ended up having like 30 kills. The one guy on my team was raging for awhile about how Drow was hacking and OP. But the fact was that she was left alone in the mid lane for awhile.

But anyways, so are there any standard build guides out there? When I randomly played LoL I would alt-tab to solomid or whatever the other site was.

I really have no interest in reading super long guides on how to play, I just want to pick up a different character each game and have an idea of which items to work towards.
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05-12-2012 , 11:43 PM
I have a key
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05-14-2012 , 02:21 AM
The international 2 has been confirmed for August 31st - September 2nd in Seattle. The first invited team was DK followed by Na'vi , AL, and Orange. All of those have been stable so it seems like Icefrog is supporting stable rosters that are good.

If you want to read a guide just google the hero name + playdota guide. That should work. I know that my friend used the playdota guides when he first started playing.
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05-14-2012 , 10:54 AM
Did a little experiment last night.

I played three games as clinkz with the goal of getting a divine rapier as my first item. (Even before boots)

I have no idea what I was thinking the first game. Enemy team had OD, Rhasta, Sven, Earthshaker and Mirana. Naked rapier vs that team is a TERRRRRRIBLE idea. I of course manage to lose the rapier almost immediately while trying to kill Rhasta in the jungle. Unfortunately, while I was farming bottom lane for 20 minutes acquiring said rapier, my team was busy feeding. So Rhasta had a bloodstone with 20 charges, blink, and a nearly finished Agh scepter by that time.

Game two isn't even worth mentioning because my team was mostly afk. I need bodies to distract people while I murder them with my rapier, and I didn't have that. So I lost rapier and we lose to Bounty Hunter who can now insta-gib the entire team.

Game 3 was glorious.

In the first two games, my team bitched and moaned and cried about the fact that I went straight rapier. "OMG WE LOSE. NOOB CLINKZ. CLINKZ SUX. [allchat] GG OUR CLINKZ IS NOOB" etc.

But game 3, I managed to get the rapier by about 14 minutes and my team embraced the awesomeness that is the Divine Rapier. They cheered and rallied behind the rapier and basically used themselves as sacrificial lambs. They rushed to kill Rosh to give me the added security, and were just generally useful the entire time. Our Skeleton King managed to snag most of the kills somehow, but it was an absolute slaughter.

Now, game 1 and 2 were bad, and I lost. However, both of them were easily winnable if my team had even an ounce of coordination. We should have won the first game if my Morphling wasn't such a goddamned pussy when it came to counterpushing after he 1v5 wiped their team with the rapier that we got back from Rhasta.

Moral of the story: Divine Rapier makes games fun and interesting.
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05-14-2012 , 10:57 AM
Last week I was spectating a random game and one of the guys on the Dire side went 2 Rapiers. He was wandering the jungle and being very apprehensive about being caught in a huge team fight because he knew he was going to be targeted first. He was also roaming the jungle trying to catch people alone.

They also killed Roshan for him, he died in a team fight, but then was insta-targeted again and lost both of his Rapiers, where 2 people on the Radiant took 1 each.

It was interesting to watch.
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05-14-2012 , 01:59 PM
Rushing divine as the first item will cause you to receive complaints for numerous reasons.

As an inexperienced player it is probably best for you not to rush a 6200g item. The fact that you were able to farm that in 14 mins is impressive. I assume a lot of towers were pushed for you to be able to achieve that. Generally if you are going to get a rapier you should try to have a bkb. In that first game you were basically giving away the rapier to the other team due to the amount of stuns. It also doesn't help that OD could probably 1 or 2 shot you depending on his items.

Rapier in terms of pubs has definitely cost my team as well as the opposing team multiple games that should have been won easily. It is simply because the individuals who purchased it were overconfident and cocky.

I only buy it as a hell mary attempt since my team is getting destroyed or when I know for sure that I will win.
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05-14-2012 , 02:23 PM
I have thousands of dota games under my belt. We didn't have any towers down, I just riced like a champion in a soft lane and also had 2 kills due to Sven gank support. I was solo against a Mirana. She can't compete with flame arrows for last hitting.

Rapier used to be core on Clinkz back in the golden days.

And yeah, I acknowledged that a naked rapier vs the first team lineup was a terrible idea in my first post. But I specifically loaded up dota to do naked rapiers on Clinkz. I can't allow things like counterpicking to ruin my fun.

In the second game, the enemy had BH and Slardar. A lesser man would have changed tactics given all that anti-invis. Both of these team lineups had something to do with the loss, but the first game was actually ours for the taking if Morphling hadn't had so much sand in his vagina. Second game was never going to happen. Team was afk half the game.

I bought a BKB in all three games after getting the rapier (BKB wasn't quite finished when I died to Rhasta in game 1). But this isn't 5.84c anymore. One person cannot carry an entire team of terrible people.
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05-14-2012 , 03:17 PM
hey, does anyone want to sell me a beta key or an invitation for a reasonable price for stars $$?
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05-14-2012 , 03:59 PM
Oh I thought ItalianFX was the clinks player. That is why I said "inexperienced player" because I know he asked about guides and I did talk to him briefly in the past.

I never tried doing a naked rapier rush on clinks but I can definitely see how it will completely pub stomp some games. BKB + Rapier wins most games.
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05-14-2012 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by bereziNLX3
hey, does anyone want to sell me a beta key or an invitation for a reasonable price for stars $$?
I got one for ya what is ur info
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05-15-2012 , 12:38 AM
iG and complexity have both been invited to the international 2. Once again going with the stable rosters.
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05-15-2012 , 01:22 AM
Got a buddy who wants to play but I haven't got any invites yet, if anyone has an extra I'd appreciate it!
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05-15-2012 , 05:12 AM
Originally Posted by imjoshsizemore
Got a buddy who wants to play but I haven't got any invites yet, if anyone has an extra I'd appreciate it!
same here pm me please
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05-15-2012 , 05:45 PM
This is so awesome:

I hope I'm not the only one who knows what this is.
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