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05-24-2013 , 06:08 AM
Originally Posted by printingmoney
Saying that someone can just TP mid and scout and get away safely is debatable. (The distance from Sent T1 tower compared to scourge fountain isn't even that large of a difference)
they don't even need to go into the pit though. if you tp right away you'll be able to see them going in. even if you're a bit late i believe you'll hear the ursa.

Nothing is stopping the Scourge team from baiting someone checking the rosh pit with disables actually skilled.
so they're gonna tp everyone mid and then just sit and wait for 1 person? even if they get the kill they'll have spent more money on tp's than they get for the first blood.

Also if the team is roshing at level 1 and you do TP and scout it out. I am not even sure if Sent can TP in time and contest rosh in a favorable position. The timing that Rosh died in game one was extremely early.
they killed rosh 41 seconds from the start of the game. you will scout it right as they are starting so probably ~10s in. from there it'll take 15-20s to tp mid and get to the pit? maybe 25? still at least 5s and rubick can telekenesis and drop on the ursa to delay. i think its doable.

its definitely a cool strategy and its also very hard to stop but i don't think its so imba that you need to patch it somehow.
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05-24-2013 , 07:52 PM
Wow the results of the games so far are absolutely mindblowing.
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05-25-2013 , 09:58 AM
loving the g-1 finals so far. lots of sick plays
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05-25-2013 , 02:08 PM

(top post of r/dota2 right now)
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05-25-2013 , 04:03 PM
I think xiao8 or someone from lgd said that they considered themselves about 50-50 against Alliance. In the same interview, he also said he thought they were 99% to win the eastern qualifiers for ti2, so hardly being humble.
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05-25-2013 , 07:12 PM

I guess Korok knew that Storm was the best hero for the Greeviling too. Amazing play. Liquid vs. Alliance G1 finals pl0x....

(nvm guess Liquid is eliminated. along with iG. Alliance is in finals, Dk vs Orange next match for elimination, winner of that face LGD. pretty interesting format)

Last edited by oldgrandma18k; 05-25-2013 at 07:30 PM.
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05-25-2013 , 07:41 PM
Yeah, I think the format is horrible actually. But it's not a big deal in this case, since it seems like the teams the played the best are advancing anyways. But really, this format gives way too much advantage to teams that succeed in bo1s??? Honestly, it's not a good idea.
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05-25-2013 , 07:53 PM
Btw, is iG just faking their level of play so they can take down TI3 with ease?
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05-25-2013 , 09:12 PM
They don't seem to be drafting like what they usually do. I think they may have tried too many pocket strats to hopefully win the bo1? I've never seen them play ck+wisp ever.

If the finals are bo3 I'm pretty sure will take it down. Their game vs alliance was pretty good up till mid-late game where they didn't capitalize on their stronger heroes at that point.
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05-25-2013 , 10:10 PM
I love Ohio and Mushi on Orange, great play styles.
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05-25-2013 , 11:54 PM
Has anyone noticed a slow ringing noise in the background of the BTS stream? It's like a slow buzz in the background, but it sounds a bit high pitched.

It's extremely annoying!!! It wasn't happening earlier when I was watching, but is now. I'm guessing maybe their audio equipment is generating this weird noise when it gets hot after prolonged usage...
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05-26-2013 , 02:08 AM
I haven't noticed, really there is so much lag in the g1 league games I can't notice details at all...
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05-26-2013 , 06:02 AM
GG Alliance. Amazing play all tournament... this sets up a pretty awesome TI3, gotta say. Dark horse NTH is now the final boss.

Also, I wonder if Admiral Bulldog will train up another hero very specialized for TI3, gotta think a lot of bans will come out for lone druid against Alliance. if he doesn't, it could be a good way to deal with Alliance...

bts casters predicting a lone druid nerf for next dota patch. really want to see what the changes are, come on ice frog!!

Last edited by oldgrandma18k; 05-26-2013 at 06:10 AM.
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05-26-2013 , 06:20 AM
the nerfs expected are naix, wisp, ld, bat

I wouldn't be surprised to see pl get rescaled (not exactly nerfed) either.
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05-26-2013 , 06:42 AM
^ i wonder what ice frog will do to wisp. he's one of my favorite supports to play, but yeah he's probably imba.

this is pretty hilarious, tho mean.


Last edited by oldgrandma18k; 05-26-2013 at 06:54 AM.
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05-26-2013 , 08:37 AM
After watching G1, what is everyone's prediction on the TI3 winners? I never expected IG to fail so hard.
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05-26-2013 , 10:39 AM
RP needs to get reworked that skill is just the most ridiculous spell in the game
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05-26-2013 , 06:45 PM
Rumor by XBOCT: In 6.78 bottle cannot be refilled with courier -/r/dota2
discuss! i think it's a brilliant change. think it will open up more interesting strategies than bottle courier, which is kind of turtley anyways.
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05-26-2013 , 08:23 PM
If that is true heroes like magnus and nightstalker mid are screwed.
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05-26-2013 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by IPlayDonkaments
RP needs to get reworked that skill is just the most ridiculous spell in the game
not really. as alliance showed you just stay spread out and magnus doesn't really do much. if you nerf rp the hero would be useless.
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05-27-2013 , 12:41 AM
getting really weird lag. not really spikes but every second the animation skips like .5s. absurdly annoying and totally unplayable. i played vs bots and it was fine. any ideas?
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05-27-2013 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by blah^3
not really. as alliance showed you just stay spread out and magnus doesn't really do much. if you nerf rp the hero would be useless.
Unfortunately me and my pub teammates are not quite on the level of Loda and friends, but even they ([A]) have trouble handling the hero. RP is just outright the best skill in the game right now, one proper RP will win you the game. Plus he he just eclipses other similar heroes like Enigma and Beastmaster sine he came on the scene, since he does what they do only 10x better
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05-28-2013 , 05:51 AM
I'm finding it very hard to gank opponents using a rubick. The problem is that if you're ganking a dual lane like warlock/naix or even a solo pl there is barely anything useful to steal from them and rubick's stun doesn't last that long.

I usually steal jakiro's ice wall, es fissure, torrent and stuff like that (since it is so easy to steal) but even then I find that a rubick's damage output is very low. Any tips from you guys? This is assuming I'm ganking with someone like a nyx or qop or whatever.

Last edited by blackchilli; 05-28-2013 at 06:02 AM.
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05-28-2013 , 02:20 PM
Why do you need dmg output if you're ganking with a nyx or qop? Especially pre lvl 6, all you need to do is initiate with lift, get a couple autoattacks off, and then ks with fade bolt if they're running out of range.

Later on, you're only 5 man ganking anyways (damn you deathball meta) and your job is only to initiate and provide some extra lockdown if you can. If you really need dmg, but I don't see why you would, you just go into a fight with a spell already stolen, after casting it you can steal another one and cast that too. This gives you up to 3 nukes, can't ask for more damage than that.

If you're doing well early, phase should be your boots of your choice. Arcane is a staple on support rubick, and since mid rubick is non-existent now you almost never see phase boots on him. But in a pub, supports tend to find an awful lot of gold early even on the losing team, so I'd shoot for phase boots which gives your right click a punch early and almost guarantees that you'll get the lift off on some of the trickier targets like AM.
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05-28-2013 , 03:55 PM
Yeah I posted that after being demoralized about playing a ****ty rubick game. I just had a good one where I was 3/2/16. In the ****ty game this damned solo mid krob kept asking everyone to gank and he couldn't do anything against the shadowblade alchemist.

Standard build for me is to do the imba hard creep pull at rad bot lane till level 5 if the bot carry can solo. Normally get wards, wand, wards, arcane, lots of wards, force staff and then a ton of bracers or dagger if its going super well.

Still I find his weakness is his burst damage. A lina, lion or zeus as a support have a lot more burst damage unless you manage to steal a godly ulti.

Thanks for the tip about the double steal. I always forget to do that in quick ganks. I'll try out phase boots in my next few games.
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