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01-11-2009 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by g-bebe
will probably be doing mostly pvp by endgame, not too much raiding. starting on a new server so want some decent income, and want something that i can level until 80 and will have its uses at that point for me. i've been told alchemy/herbalism is a good mix for rogues but just wanted to see what the consensus was.
Those two are the worst professions ingame. They give some random heal (not useful for raiding) and a bonus that doesnt work in pvp (no consumables).

Jewelcrafting and blacksmithing are hands down THE best professions atm, for (I think) any class. However, both are very expensive. I would recommend leveling with mining/herbalism and then powerleveling both those professions when you are 80 for the bonus. Blacksmithing adds 2 sockets (32 agi or 64 ap for a rogue) and jewelcrafting adds a lot as well. (harder to measure because you do not need to socket blue gems you would otherwise need for metagem reqs). Blacksmithing will scale even better when the new epic gems are released.
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01-11-2009 , 07:54 PM
the jc-specific trink is badass for any clkass
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01-11-2009 , 08:20 PM
yeah, if I thought I could level JC'ing easily, I would probably respec as that.
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01-11-2009 , 08:31 PM
Argh the 10-man version of Sartharion with 3 drakes is hard.
Just spent all night trying to get it but couldn't quite keep it under control...

Agree with JC/BS as professions by the way, really imba if you can afford to level them both.
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01-11-2009 , 09:15 PM
Alchemy is good if you're using flasks. Not so much if you aren't. Jewelcrafting is great in that it's easy to level, relatively cheap, bop gems rule, and can actually make you money. BS is also good but a pain and expensive to level.
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01-11-2009 , 09:50 PM
what's the next best option to complement JC if BS is too expensive?
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01-11-2009 , 10:59 PM
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01-12-2009 , 12:37 AM
inscription is decent and cheap, also then you dont have to grind sons of hodir rep
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01-12-2009 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by Pyromantha
Argh the 10-man version of Sartharion with 3 drakes is hard.
Just spent all night trying to get it but couldn't quite keep it under control...
no ****? really? i mean.. you think that the hardest achievement in wow atm, would be hard.

srsly qq more.
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01-12-2009 , 02:51 AM
and JC/Enchanting best money making profession but you're gonna spend a lot to level up, but you'll make a ****ton of gold.
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01-12-2009 , 05:03 AM
Enchanting IMO isn't a big money maker unless you simply DE greens and AH them but you're spending thousands of gold before you even start to be able to generate sales. I suppose you can make money whoring your skills out but if you want to be a carnival barker then by all means..

With that said I am an enchanter/tailor and regret being an enchanter as it's an unprofitable profession to me. As for tailoring I make most of my gold selling Azure, Shining and Golden Spellthread. I also sell Moonshroud and Ebon Weave Robes occassionally and can make 22 slot bags from Sons of Hodir, but those are tough to sell for 1050g when a 20 slot bag goes for 110g.

I think the best profession for pure gold making is mining/herbalism or go mining/jewelcraft if you want to make a finished product.
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01-12-2009 , 06:15 AM
Originally Posted by clay141
inscription is decent and cheap, also then you dont have to grind sons of hodir rep
Inscriptioning is decent too. I actually picked it up so I can craft my own nobles decks, but I really like the extra heartstones. Too bad I can't enchant my bind to account item.

On my server inscriptioning isn't cheap btw. My rogue has ench/JC and my pala insc/JC. enchanting was cheap to lvl if you start with it at lvl 1. Powerlvling enchanting probably isnt a great idea. However, it only gives you 64AP as a rogue. JC is strictly better atm. Also, inscriptioning is strictly better imo; same bonus, except you need to do sons dailies for a month if you dont have it.

NEVER stick with gathering professions at 80. The bonuses are more or less useless. Mining will get changed in .8 btw - 50 stamina instead. Much better, but useless for a rogue.
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01-12-2009 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by Bakes
the jc-specific trink is badass for any clkass
The trinkets aren't that good. Sure, they are amazing at lvl 75. But by no means good enough in the endgame.
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01-12-2009 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Sykes
no ****? really? i mean.. you think that the hardest achievement in wow atm, would be hard.

srsly qq more.
Hehe, you're right of course. That said there isn't much hard in WotlK which makes this kinda stand out more

btw are you by any chance Sykeasaurus who made a bunch on PVP videos as Undead Priest?
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01-12-2009 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Randiek
The trinkets aren't that good. Sure, they are amazing at lvl 75. But by no means good enough in the endgame.
Yeah, they need to make an epic version like there was in TBC. At the minute they are all worthless afaik compared to 25-man gear, or whatever else like Darkmoon cards.
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01-12-2009 , 03:47 PM
Inscriptioning? Is that supposed to be funny?

Dumb horde may know how to play but **** me if they aren't the meatheads of WoW.
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01-12-2009 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by Randiek
The trinkets aren't that good. Sure, they are amazing at lvl 75. But by no means good enough in the endgame.
well i can't speak for the other ****, but the monarch crab is best in slot for prot warriors.
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01-12-2009 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Bakes
well i can't speak for the other ****, but the monarch crab is best in slot for prot warriors.
The mana regen one is pretty great for healers too. The DPS ones suck.
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01-12-2009 , 05:56 PM
meh. prolly going to end up going mining/skinning and just try to make some quick bucks.
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01-12-2009 , 06:41 PM
I don't think skinning is very profitable.
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01-12-2009 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by g-bebe
meh. prolly going to end up going mining/skinning and just try to make some quick bucks.
mining/herbalism or mining/jewelcrafting would be better.
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01-12-2009 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by Pyromantha
Hehe, you're right of course. That said there isn't much hard in WotlK which makes this kinda stand out more

btw are you by any chance Sykeasaurus who made a bunch on PVP videos as Undead Priest?
nope sorry to say I am not, although ironically, I did play an undead priest for a decent while (~1.5 yrs).
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01-12-2009 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by g-bebe
meh. prolly going to end up going mining/skinning and just try to make some quick bucks.
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01-12-2009 , 11:10 PM
Skinning is worthless? I make 500g an hour skinning with my hunter. It was closer to 800-900 before prices leveled out.
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01-12-2009 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by baumer
When LK first shipped I leveled my hunter alt to 77 as fast as I could. He is mining/herbing and I cashed in massively on the initial surge. I must have made 5k from questing alone and another 10k from selling ore and herbs. Titansteel bars were a huge cashcow too. 500g/bar was so nice everyday.

Between my 3 characters I have mining, blacksmithing and enchanting. The best way to make money I've found is buying cobalt ore around 40-45g/stack and making it into Reinforced Cobalt Chestpiece. After I've made like 100 of those I send them to my enchanter and Disenchant for Infinite Dust and Greater Cosmic Essence.

Apparently the 3.0.8 patch is changing all the enchanting recipes to use less dust/essence and more dream shards to even out the market. This could put an end to this scheme. At the moment I just about double my initial investment every time.
Funny/weird thing is, I read a blue note where the GM stated their original intent was to not have the market as overflooded with infinite dust in LK as it was with arcane dust in BC... so by making the infinite "rarer" and enchant-mat costs higher they made it harder/way more expensive then they wanted to for people to get enchants done... thus allowing enterprising enchanters like you to profit.

Me, I've shipped every single LK BoE green and **** blue I've picked up to a friended enchanter to grind into mats for me and held onto them. Have a bag full of infinite dust/greater cosmics/dream shards in my bank.

Re: Hacked accounts, to everyone who's had theirs hacked and got their items back but not the gold... don't hold your breath. My friend had his account hacked early last month and got the items back immediately but never got his 4k in gold back from Blizz.

Re: JC trinkets, they are a blessing to tank DKs starving for Defense. The 4 extra gem slots goes a long way. Help is coming in the next patch on that front. I was all ready to embrace the OP blood tank spec and just read they already nerfed the new Vampiric Blood. ::snap fingers:: Damn QQing pvpers.
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