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09-30-2010 , 11:56 PM
thought that was the case

and when do badges from instances go bye bye? will it be patch 4, or not until cata?

I need to read up on what's coming out when
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10-01-2010 , 09:04 AM
It seems that badges will go bye bye as soon as patch 4.0.1 is released. All existing items will have their currency switched, so you can use the justice points to buy stuff that you would have to buy with frost badges now. Although, that would be a waste imo.
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10-01-2010 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by baumer
What's the deal. Is the levelling phase from 80-85 about the same as 70-80 was?
FWIW, it took me about 5 or 6 hours to get to level 82.5.

I completed every quest in Hyjal and dinged 82. Then I did one run of Blackrock Caverns and like 5 quests in Deepholm and I'm about halfway through 82.
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10-01-2010 , 09:31 AM
Hyjal is comparable to what zone?
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10-01-2010 , 09:33 AM
Howling Fjord or Hellfire if I understand it right.
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10-01-2010 , 09:34 AM
siiick, i'll be 85 in a few days on my main hopefully.
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10-01-2010 , 10:33 AM
You have two choices at level 80.

You can go to Vashj, or Hyjal.

I absolutely unequivocally REFUSE to go to Vashj because it's an underwater zone. I actually haven't even been there to judge it for myself, but I'm told it's an underwater zone, and I despise being submerged in WoW. Endless breathing or not, you move slow as hell and controls are clumsy. I have attempted to go check it out, but the boats don't seem to work in SW, and I think that's the only way to get there.

But yeah, they split people up between 2 zones to start.

Hyjal has some neat quests.
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10-01-2010 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by Spottswoode
It seems that badges will go bye bye as soon as patch 4.0.1 is released. All existing items will have their currency switched, so you can use the justice points to buy stuff that you would have to buy with frost badges now. Although, that would be a waste imo.
So I've got a tank and I want to get him some more ICC exposure before the expansion is up. He's got plenty of frost badges, and he's geared well enough, but I want to buy the 264 tanking chest. Are you saying that I would be wasting my frost badges on buying this thing because when they are converted to justice I will be spending my cata currency?

I would have to assume justice points or whatever won't really be worth anything come Cata, because why would you be able to accumulate points now for things that will help you when you're 85?
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10-01-2010 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Aceium
So I've got a tank and I want to get him some more ICC exposure before the expansion is up. He's got plenty of frost badges, and he's geared well enough, but I want to buy the 264 tanking chest. Are you saying that I would be wasting my frost badges on buying this thing because when they are converted to justice I will be spending my cata currency?
Pretty much, yes. As soon as patch 4.0.1 comes out, all of your current Frost and Triumph badges will be converted to Justice Points. Any level 80 raids or heroics that you do from then on will earn you Justice Points instead of badges. As soon as the patch drops, anything that you can currently purchase from Frost or Triumph badges will cost you Justice Points.

I'm not saying that you will be wasting frost badges, but you will essentially be spending your cata currency. Whether you consider it a waste or not is up to you. Personally I won't be spending anymore of my badges/currency until level 85.

Originally Posted by Aceium
I would have to assume justice points or whatever won't really be worth anything come Cata, because why would you be able to accumulate points now for things that will help you when you're 85?

There are going to be two levels of currency in cata; justice and Valor points. Justice points will be rewarded from badge change-overs at the start and running heroics. Valor Points will most be rewarded from running raids and higher level content and will purchase a different iLevel gear than hero points will.

This post on mmo-champ should help explain it if I was unclear:

It'll boil down to this:
Justice Points will be used to purchase the lower-tier gear at the time. When you first ding 85, this will most likely be the "dungeon" blue sets.

Valor points will be used to purchase the top-tier level of gear at the time. At 85, this will be T11 (probably costing a token + points) and the off-set pieces.

There will be a soft-cap on what you can earn during the initial conversion of 4000 points, which works out to be about 150 frost badges and 200 triumph badges. Anything that would put you over the soft-cap will be converted into gold.
Here's the calculator:
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10-01-2010 , 12:13 PM
I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but my paladin has great gear since I'm the only holy paladin in my 25 man raid (10/12 25HM) and 100% of my gear (except trinkets) were replaced by the time I hit level 82 in the beta.

My 25m Lich King weapon was replaced by a quest green about 15 quests into Deepholm.

The most I would pay for gear upgrades at this point is a stack of frostweave. But only because I can vendor the gear upgrade for 2 or 3 gold more than I can sell the stack of frostweave.

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10-01-2010 , 12:23 PM
Is Val'anyr going to be useful at all in the first few raids for Cata?
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10-01-2010 , 12:26 PM
This seems very backwards. Why give people a reason to not buy better gear in Wrath. I don't want to feel like I should hold out on upgrading because I'll be shooting myself in the foot for when I first ding 85 and can't buy a new item just because I bought an upgrade 5 levels ago.

They said that they are introducing some kind of cap on the amount of points that you can get. Maybe you should have enough time between 80 and 85 to reach this soft cap. Kind of like if you casually level from 70 to 80, you can hit 80 with enough triumph badges to immediately pick up a couple T9 pieces or 245s.

On a side note, I do like that it looks like getting an epic item will be a slightly more prestigious event. I have no problem with heroic rewards being blue and raid items being purple.
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10-01-2010 , 12:29 PM
I can see both sides of this. On the one hand, you're giving people a leg up by starting them off with some points so they can get better gear faster.

On the other hand, why would you not start everyone out at 0? That would make much more sense to me. I don't see them letting you gain pre-experience that's going to apply as soon as 4.1 comes out.
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10-01-2010 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by baumer
Is Val'anyr going to be useful at all in the first few raids for Cata?

Valanyr is 700ish spellpower in cata. My level 85 blue is like 1500.

The stat loss by using Valanyr is going to crush any usefulness the proc has.
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10-01-2010 , 12:48 PM
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10-01-2010 , 12:57 PM
This just in: 10/25 raid lockouts are being merged in 4.0.1 for ICC and Ruby Sanctum.

Prepare to be FLOOOOOOOOOOODED with nerd tears.

Almost six months ago we announced that Cataclysm raids were being redesigned to make both raid sizes the same difficulty, drop the same quality of loot, and exist in the same lockout. This evolution in raid philosophy is built on the belief that the size of your raiding group should be a choice based solely on what's more fun and enjoyable for you, and that you should not have to complete the same raiding content twice in a week to maximize your character's progression. These systems are the culmination of a great deal of design and player feedback from the last few years. With the release of the 4.0.1 patch, the new Flexible Raid Lock system will debut in Icecrown Citadel and The Ruby Sanctum.

With the Flexible Raid Lock system, instead of being locked to a specific raid size or raid group, each character will have the opportunity to defeat each raid encounter once a week. You could kill Lord Marrowgar and Lady Deathwhisper with a 10-player raid on Wednesday, join a 25-player raid to kill Festergut and Rotface on Thursday, and then lead a completely new 10-player raid to kill The Lich King on Friday. Every raid has a list of encounters associated with the zone. For example, Icecrown Citadel has twelve encounters. After you defeat Lord Marrowgar, you can open up your character's raid information dialog and see the list of encounters in Icecrown Citadel with Marrowgar marked as defeated. You may no longer fight Lord Marrowgar with any raid size or difficulty until the weekly raid reset for your region occurs.

Another key change is that if you join someone else's raid in progress, you are no longer locked to that raid after merely zoning in. Your raid status will only change when a boss is defeated, at which point it will be updated to reflect the state of the instance in which you are currently participating. So, let's say you have killed the first four bosses of Icecrown Citadel, and you then join a raid that has defeated the first four encounters, as well as Festergut and Rotface. The dialog that displays upon entering Icecrown Citadel will show that the raid has defeated 6 of 12 encounters. If you help them defeat Professor Putricide, then you would be marked as having defeated not only Professor Putricide for the week, but also Festergut and Rotface. If instead after joining the raid you then proceeded to wipe ten times to Professor Putricide, you could leave the raid with only the first four bosses marked as completed.

To help communicate to players which bosses are dead in the raid leader's raid, there is new functionality to link in chat a list of the encounters the raid has defeated. So before you join a raid, you can see what they've already defeated. If a raid leader advertises in chat that she needs another healer for an 8/12 Icecrown Citadel run, you can see precisely which bosses are still available to fight. If you were only looking for that one item from Queen Lana'thel that never drops for you and this raid already defeated her, you will know not to join that raid.

Let's look at another example of the Flexible Raid Lock system. A guild schedules three nights for 25-player Icecrown Citadel raiding on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. On Wednesday, the raid defeats Lord Marrowgar, Lady Deathwhisper, Icecrown Gunship Battle, and Saurfang. On Thursday, five people cancel their raid attendance due to real life emergencies. The raid leader knows that if he cancels Thursday raiding, there's little chance they'll have enough time on Saturday to defeat the other eight bosses in Icecrown Citadel. So he splits the remaining 20 Thursday raiders into two 10-player raids. Each new raid enters Icecrown Citadel and defeats Rotface, Festergut, Blood Council, and Valithria Dreamwalker. The next Saturday with all 25 players online, they reform as a 25-player raid and enter Icecrown Citadel once more. Only Professor Putricide, Queen Lana'thel, Sindragosa, and The Lich King remain. After a tough fight, the Lich King falls and everybody celebrates. Without the Flexible Raid Lock system the entire raid probably would have missed out on a night of raiding, and likely would not have reached the Lich King.

While players can freely move between raids of different sizes in normal difficulty, there are some additional rules for Heroic difficulty. If a 10- or 25-player raid defeats a boss on Heroic difficulty, then those players may now only raid additional Heroic encounters with that specific raid. If your Heroic 25-player raid defeats the first four bosses of Icecrown Citadel on Heroic, then they may not split up into two 10-player raids and continue to fight in Heroic difficulty. You may also not join someone else's raid if they have defeated a Heroic encounter.

But let's say you are a member of a Heroic raid in Icecrown Citadel, and after killing Lord Marrowgar on Heroic you have Internet connection issues that prevent you from raiding for two nights. During those two nights, the rest of the raid kills everything. Without the Flexible Raid Lock system, you would be done with raiding Icecrown Citadel for the week. Ouch. With the Flexible Raid Lock system, you can join someone else's raid as long as they are doing Normal difficulty. This would at least give you the opportunity to earn your Justice Points for the week. If this raid attempted to switch to Heroic difficulty for Icecrown Gunship Battle with you in the raid, the raid leader would receive an error message stating that she cannot change to Heroic, because someone in the raid (i.e., you) is already locked to a different Heroic instance.

All of the new Cataclysm raids will feature the Flexible Raid Lock and Dynamic Difficulty systems, and when the Cataclysm occurs the other Wrath of the Lich King raids will also have these features. It's important to note that this system doesn't affect Heroic dungeons, they will work as they always have. We look forward to feedback for this new system after 4.0.1 is released. As a reminder, Icecrown Citadel and The Ruby Sanctum are the only two raids that support the Flexible Raid Lock until the Cataclysm occurs.

I'm giggling inside at the amount of chaos this will cause if it works the way I think it will.

I'm also a tiny bit irritated, because I never finished my 10 man drake. And this would likely kill my 25 man where we're working on HM Sindy for our drakes. But in the end, I don't really care all that much because the one reason I'm doing it is to save the 5k gold.
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10-01-2010 , 02:40 PM
Let's look at another example of the Flexible Raid Lock system. A guild schedules three nights for 25-player Icecrown Citadel raiding on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. On Wednesday, the raid defeats Lord Marrowgar, Lady Deathwhisper, Icecrown Gunship Battle, and Saurfang. On Thursday, five people cancel their raid attendance due to real life emergencies. The raid leader knows that if he cancels Thursday raiding, there's little chance they'll have enough time on Saturday to defeat the other eight bosses in Icecrown Citadel. So he splits the remaining 20 Thursday raiders into two 10-player raids. Each new raid enters Icecrown Citadel and defeats Rotface, Festergut, Blood Council, and Valithria Dreamwalker. The next Saturday with all 25 players online, they reform as a 25-player raid and enter Icecrown Citadel once more. Only Professor Putricide, Queen Lana'thel, Sindragosa, and The Lich King remain. After a tough fight, the Lich King falls and everybody celebrates. Without the Flexible Raid Lock system the entire raid probably would have missed out on a night of raiding, and likely would not have reached the Lich King.
Sod anything else, this is ****ing siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiccccccccccccccccck kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!

I can't wait for this to be implemented, even though initially reading it I thought I would hate it
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10-01-2010 , 03:41 PM
Mr gimik you should check out the underwater zone. It's not like being underwater in previous WoW.
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10-01-2010 , 04:07 PM
Flex raid lockout is incredibl-awesome.
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10-01-2010 , 06:06 PM

I will be attending Blizzcon.

Re: Wow

Dec 7 is Cataclysm. When is the patch supposed to hit? And +1 for awesomeness of flexi-raid
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10-02-2010 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Lord Gimik
I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but my paladin has great gear since I'm the only holy paladin in my 25 man raid (10/12 25HM) and 100% of my gear (except trinkets) were replaced by the time I hit level 82 in the beta.

My 25m Lich King weapon was replaced by a quest green about 15 quests into Deepholm.

The most I would pay for gear upgrades at this point is a stack of frostweave. But only because I can vendor the gear upgrade for 2 or 3 gold more than I can sell the stack of frostweave.


Ok, I don't necessarily disagree with this, but what would a fledgling 80 do at this point? Say you get near the 4k softcap, buy gear, rebuild reserves? Does it matter if it's before the patch or after? (4.0.1 is to hit live servers this Tuesday or next, most likely this Tuesday though. FML I don't have an account to experience it on aorn!!!)


Anyone seen info on what t9.232 gear costs after the patch?

Oh, guess i found it.

Last edited by Anais; 10-02-2010 at 07:16 PM. Reason: Yay cheap tier10 for 2 months! (12 random heroic instances = 60 frost badges)
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10-02-2010 , 09:04 PM
Ok, I don't necessarily disagree with this, but what would a fledgling 80 do at this point?
gear up with out using resources?
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10-02-2010 , 09:40 PM
Honestly, I wouldn't even bother gearing up unless it's your only character

If you enjoy the game as is, then ok. But actively trying to gear up for the sole purpose of getting gear would be a waste of time imo.
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10-02-2010 , 09:52 PM
i agree completely with a main, but a lot of people are using this lull to level alts, and there will be a big difference between a green 80 and one who was able to get some end game epics. I'd still only do it though if I was having fun. I wouldnt waste any time stressing anything until cata comes out
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10-02-2010 , 10:12 PM
Assume it's a fresh, sole 80, not an alt. I would be very interested in getting Kingslayer before they remove it.

When you say gear up w/o using resources.. I assume you mean no gold or badges?

Aside from heroic gear and luckboxing into an overgeared toc or icc, what other options does that leave?
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