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Does anyone play WoW? Does anyone play WoW?

06-23-2010 , 04:28 PM
AFAIK I have 3 80s a dk, a lock and a shaman and till this point the dk and lock have been almost useless at lvl 80, shaman just is my thing don't see any point in leveling another class :P
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06-23-2010 , 04:40 PM
Shaman was the first class I rolled in vanilla and it was my favourite class for a long time. Personally, the hunter class edges it out by a tiny margin, but it's still such a good class. It will probably be tough for me to decide in cata which one will be my 'main', although I know for 100% sure that I will be levelling my hunter first.
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06-23-2010 , 05:04 PM
The mage is an interesting class, but most of the "fun" of it come from figuring out how to squeeze the most DPS out of your relatively rotation. Your job is to hang out at the top of the damage meters and collect better loot. There isn't much itemization to take in to account. That's why I respecced to Fire. There's more to think about (both in gear and rotation). But I wouldn't say there's anything challenging. Once you have the rotation down, your DPS scales directly with your gear.

Warriors on the other hand have much more you can do with them. First and most obviously, you can perform 2 roles, tanking and DPS. DPS-ing with a warrior is more complicated because you have a couple different ways you can go, you can go for armor penetration or you can stack strength. There's a ton of different gear out there, and all of it will fit together in to a nice puzzle. I'm armpen softcapped, so I'm stacking STR right now. If I got a big upgrade that gave passive Armpen, I would regem more for strength, or swap out some gear to re-balance myself. I liked maintaining this balance and that's why I dualspecced my mage in to fire, to have a couple different gearsets and something to balance (hit).

I switch back and forth every week between the Mage and the Warrior pretty much. One gets a lot of attention, and then when I've maxed out their current gear and optimized what they can do (I don't get to raid much) I just let them sit until they can raid and hopefully get another upgrade.

I'll be leveling a Druid in cata for 2 reasons. I want to see what the leveling process will be like, and I want to have a class that I can try the most styles with and figure out what I like best.
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06-23-2010 , 05:50 PM
Druids are nice cuz there are a total of 5 specs, essentially.

Still curious about warrior dps. Mines only up to 29.

Lots of alts is great for getting massive primordials.
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06-23-2010 , 05:58 PM
Fury Warriors can have awesome DPS. I really like having 2 2-handed weapons. But that also means that your main damage source is twice as hard to come by compared to another class. For example, if you have 2 Beheaders and a DK in your group has a Beheader as well, and Bryntroll drops, it's not going to pump up your DPS as much as it is the DK's. We'll not worry about whether or not that's the best weapon for a Warrior for the example (I think it's actually a Pally weapon).

But yeah, there's 2 paths to follow for warrior DPS, STR or Armor Penetration. Armor Penetration basically depends on if you get good trinket drops. If you do, then you go armpen and do LOTS of damage. If you have bad trinkets, you stack STR and do decent damage. You also have access to the coolest loot in the game (i.e. Deathbringer's Will, Shadowmourne, etc). I would much rather be walking around with something like Bryntroll on my Warrior than Nieblung on my Mage. More asthetically pleasing, imo.

On World of Logs, the highest DPS for 25man Heroic ICC content is 98% Fury Warriors and Fire Mages, like almost an even split between the two. The other 2% is Shadow priests on Dreamwalker.
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06-24-2010 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by Sock puppet
Druids are nice cuz there are a total of 5 specs, essentially.

Still curious about warrior dps. Mines only up to 29.

Lots of alts is great for getting massive primordials.
true dat i don't even buy t10 for my dk tank and lock, haha
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06-24-2010 , 05:34 AM
Fortunately this thread is enough to keep my wow addiction in check. 3 years clean. Had 4 60s in vanilla.
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06-24-2010 , 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by johnny 187
Fortunately this thread is enough to keep my wow addiction in check. 3 years clean. Had 4 60s in vanilla.
Haha, I'm totally using this thread to curb my addiction. I'm pretty certain I'm joining for Cata tho.

Four 60's in Vanilla is intense.
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06-24-2010 , 04:30 PM
droods pwnzor everything!
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06-24-2010 , 04:41 PM
If you're into that sort of thing. 20k starfire crits are not without their charm in icc.

Is the buff really up to 25%? Someone said so the other day but I haven't been in yet.
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06-24-2010 , 05:01 PM
No ICC pug is complete without wiping on Marrowgar trash because a Moonkind uses starfire and pulls 3 groups of adds.
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06-24-2010 , 05:06 PM
i heard elkyy and some others was involved with cheating in wow is this true
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06-24-2010 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Aceium
No ICC pug is complete without wiping on Marrowgar trash because a Moonkind uses starfire and pulls 3 groups of adds.
haha so true. ****in starfall!
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06-24-2010 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Sock puppet
Is the buff really up to 25%? Someone said so the other day but I haven't been in yet.
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06-25-2010 , 02:35 AM
Ah, well 24k crits then.
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06-25-2010 , 02:42 AM
wtf is an authenticatr code? i haven't logged in for weeks and now i suddenly need an 8 digit code to get in?

Last edited by spoonfox; 06-25-2010 at 02:49 AM. Reason: account expired
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06-25-2010 , 04:14 AM
Originally Posted by spoonfox
wtf is an authenticatr code? i haven't logged in for weeks and now i suddenly need an 8 digit code to get in?
someone hijacked your account. They place an authenticator on it so you can't modify anything. Contact Blizzard ASAP.
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06-25-2010 , 04:43 AM
Yeah call Blizzard. They can fix it.

Assuming you're not one of those donkeys who either bought an account or is using one a friend gave you, in which case, you're F'ed.
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06-25-2010 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
Yeah call Blizzard. They can fix it.

Assuming you're not one of those donkeys who either bought an account or is using one a friend gave you, in which case, you're F'ed.
I was lucky to have this happen to me while my account was expired too. Shooting Blizzard a mail is more than enough, and they will promply fix it. Those hackers won't fund your account anyway, so you should be pretty safe
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06-25-2010 , 07:04 PM
Is anyone here on Lightbringer US Alliance? I think I'm going to bring all my toons there
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06-26-2010 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by LFO
Is anyone here on Lightbringer US Alliance? I think I'm going to bring all my toons there
What made you choose Lightbringer? How geared are your toons?
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
06-26-2010 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by johnny 187
Fortunately this thread is enough to keep my wow addiction in check. 3 years clean. Had 4 60s in vanilla.
Never got anywhere near that far, or else I mighta never got out. Still tempted once in a while.
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06-26-2010 , 04:53 AM
Blarg, did you play on an RP server by chance? A tauren shaman iirc.
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06-26-2010 , 07:24 PM
just started playing again and damn do I miss BC
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06-27-2010 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
Blarg, did you play on an RP server by chance? A tauren shaman iirc.
I was on Silvermoon. But only played for I think a little less than half a year, at the very start. I think they were just starting to talk about RP servers back then.

I did have a Tauren shaman on Silvermoon. I can't recall if his name was Blarg or not, but it probably was, because that was my ogre shaman's name in EQ on Drinal server.
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